Chen Xuan used strong methods to defeat the girl in front of him. He originally planned to humiliate her, but when he saw the girl completely subdued, his thoughts disappeared naturally.

After all, bullying the weak can indeed bring some pleasure, but this kind of pathological revenge is not something Chen Xuan is willing to do.

Seeing that Chen Xuan was not interested in her, deep disappointment appeared in the girl's eyes, but she had no intention of giving up at this time.

"My name is Dong Qingshuang. I hope we have another chance to meet in the future!" She glanced at Chen Xuan reluctantly. Dong Qingshuang no longer paused at all. She stepped forward and turned into a series of afterimages, leaping into the void quickly. disappeared.

He shook his head helplessly, this man was really boring...

"It's really surprising that there is such a sea of ​​​​fire in this land of ice."

Chen Xuan stood in the frightening flames in front of him, and there was a deep aura in the depths of his eyes.

You must know that Chu is the Hanling Ancient Cave, and there should be icy frost everywhere. Such frightening flame fluctuations should only appear in the extremely hot volcanic area!

Chen Xuan was really surprised, but after he calmed down, insightful waves began to emerge from the depths of his deep eyes: "It seems that there should be a powerful fire cultivator nearby."

"You should be more careful."

Half a day later.

In the terrifying sea of ​​​​fire in front of you, you can clearly see that there is a strong warrior in his prime. He has a powerful tiger aura flowing throughout his body. This aura is intimidating to people.

It's just that he looked very embarrassed at this time. He stepped forward and tried to pierce out from the depths of the flames three times in a row, but failed!

At this time, his whole body was extremely stiff, and waves of despair emerged from the depths of his eyes.

He roared with great sorrow: "It seems that I am going to die here!"

But it was also at this time that the indescribable flame light suddenly shuttled through the void in front of him, and it suddenly fell into the sea of ​​fire in front of him.

Even though the fluctuations of the ocean of flames in front of him were very solid and terrifying, it was a pity that this terrifying power did not bring him any harm.

The powerful impact and piercing force caused the ocean to be completely torn apart. The young warrior was stunned and a look of ecstasy appeared in the depths of his eyes!

"I never thought that such an opportunity would come up again!" He roared angrily, with a fanatical smile and no intention of delaying at this time. He stepped forward and transformed into lightning-like light and shadow, piercing the space almost instantly. Pass through and disappear quickly...

"Brother, wait a moment!"

The wasteland in front of you has lost the scorching concentration of the flames. The surrounding cold wind is blowing, and there is a lot of cold light inside. This thing gives people a terrifying feeling.

It seems that as long as it can invade people, it will cause extremely cruel effects and harm to people in an instant.

The strong man in his prime, with the breath of a tiger flowing all over his body, quickly shuttled away. When he got to Chen Xuan's side, he was panting and looked very embarrassed.

"What's the matter?" Chen Xuan looked at the man next to him curiously, and he could tell that he was extremely enthusiastic at this time. It's just that Chen Xuan seems to have never seen this person before, and he doesn't know where he has seen him before.

He was not indifferent to avoid hurting this person's self-esteem, so at this time he seemed neither humble nor arrogant.

"Brother, you don't know that you just saved me." The mature warrior became embarrassed.

He muttered and then quickly returned to his normal state. He looked at Chen Xuan in front of him and cupped his hands and said: "My name is Zheng Longnai, the leader of the Tiger Sect. I came to the Cold Cave this time to find an opportunity, but unexpectedly I was struck by the scorching flames. Being devoured, all my previous preparations were turned into water, if my brother hadn’t suddenly torn apart the sea of ​​​​fire when I was about to die, I wouldn’t have been able to leave at all. I must repay this favor!”

"Oh. It's just an accident, don't take it to heart." Chen Xuan nodded lightly, a smile appeared on his lips, obviously he didn't take it to heart.

"This can't be done. This favor must be repaid!" Zheng Long looked extremely solemn. He waved his hand and took out an ancient and mysterious map, and then ejected it and landed in front of Chen Xuan's eyes.

Zheng Long said: "I came here all because of this ancient map...Brother, please don't mind, this is the best thing I can come up with. I hope you can use it to take a good risk here."

"What about you?" Looking at the ancient map in his hand, a deep wave of energy suddenly emerged from the depths of Chen Xuan's eyes. He could clearly see the value of this ancient picture, so there were some unexpected emotions in his heart at this time.

After all, the value of similar things is very high. If it weren't for this guy's gift, I believe that even if it turns into a huge price, I may not be able to get this picture.

"I've been hit hard, and now I can't continue to take risks here... So, I can only quit with regret." Zheng Long sighed.

Chen Xuan had nothing to do about it. He thought for a while and could only nod awkwardly...

The ancient map contains extremely mysterious fluctuations. Chen Xuan sent spiritual energy into the ancient scroll, which then resonated with the content of the scroll.

Not much time has passed, and you can see that Chen Xuan's expression begins to become more exciting... Haha, I didn't expect that there is indeed a record of that thing in this picture scroll!

It just looks like this place is very scary, and it is equipped with a powerful spiritual energy seal. Not everyone can easily break this seal, haha... This picture is a mysterious key!

I believe that as long as we get to that place, we can easily open the seal, and then the mysterious things inside will be at our fingertips. It's really magical!

Chen Xuan was really excited at this time. He was still worried about how to find that thing, but now it seems that there is nothing to worry about.

Without further ado, Chen Xuan took action immediately. He quickly disappeared into this space, and when he appeared again, he was already in the deepest part of this cold cave.

In the area in front of you, the whistling cold current flows freely, which makes the void at this time seem to be completely frozen. The death-like cold smell makes people feel shocked.

Chen Xuan stood here. His body continued to emit weak spiritual energy, forming a strong expulsion force, causing the breaths that tried to freeze him to dissipate invisibly.

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