In the extremely cold environment, there are cold air currents everywhere. These things transform into a ferocious dragon-like scene, which makes the people standing in this space bear the death-like freezing blow all the time.

If the warriors are not strong enough, they will have a hard time surviving here, let alone take risks here.

"It's really a scary place." Chen Xuan pursed his lips and said.

Although he could still resist the impact of these ruthless cold currents, he could also clearly feel that the spiritual energy reserves in his body were disappearing at an incredible speed.

I believe that within two or three hours, all the spiritual energy in his body will be exhausted!

"It seems that we need to speed up our actions." Chen Xuan pursed his lips and smiled lightly. There was a sense of scrutiny in the tiger's eyes. At this time, he looked in all directions and felt the cold air flowing around him. His eyes narrowed into a line.

Although there was a cold atmosphere everywhere in this place at this time, which gave people the illusion that everything was similar, Chen Xuan arrived at this place according to the direction recorded in the ancient map.

But he knew clearly that this place was not ordinary. After a few seconds of silence, the moment Chen Xuan opened his eyes again, a bright and dazzling light suddenly appeared in his palm.

Then you can see that his extremely sharp fingers suddenly shot out, phew! The strength of Jingrao's fingers suddenly fell into the space in front of him, and this Jingrao's powerful burst of fire immediately caused the air to split.

The layers of spiritual energy storms rushed out like waves, and combined with the cold frost fragments, they formed a force like a knife, which immediately destroyed everything hundreds of meters away.

Quan Zhan was frightened by such shocking and destructive power. However, in this cold and cruel destruction, countless mysterious cold lines can be seen miraculously emerging in the space in front of them.

Inside the extremely mysterious lines, countless icy cold currents rose up with great intensity, and they transformed into ice characters at an astonishing speed.

The Jingrao Ice characters are shining with light inside. They slowly rise to hundreds of meters in the sky, and the star-like brilliance flickers slowly, giving people a mysterious and dazzling strange feeling.

"This is... the cold cave seal!" Looking at the mysterious characters in front of him, Chen Xuan's eyes became slightly solemn. After pondering for a while, his eyes began to become brighter.

"As long as you send the ancient map into it, it can be opened. Otherwise, it is really impossible to destroy it simply through your own strength." Chen Xuan was a little frightened.

If he hadn't saved Zheng Long by accident and gotten hold of the seal scroll of this cold cave, he would have been able to find this place with his strong sense of perception.

But if you want to tear apart such a powerful and terrifying seal and venture into it to hunt for treasure... I'm afraid it won't be that easy.

After flexing his muscles, Chen Xuan's face was filled with a deep smile. Now he didn't have any hesitation in his mind and was just about to step into it.

There was a strong wave of flames around him, and it suddenly became extremely hot! …

In the space in front of us that is filled with cold currents, there are extremely dazzling air waves rising up at this time. There is an extremely hot temperature in the deepest part of the air flow. They quickly converge into the shape of lines, among which The dazzling waves are extremely terrifying.

From the depths of the terrifying flames, a young warrior slowly walked out, with a sinister and terrifying smile on his face.

A frightening scar showed a dark red color, starting from his forehead and spreading to the lower part of his neck.

A ferocious light flashed in the depths of his extremely cold eyes. He locked Chen Xuan firmly, and then he let out a harsh sneer.

"I have been searching nearby for about half a year, but I still haven't been able to find the treasure hidden in this cold cave. You are so powerful that you found it like this. I just start to admire you. "

The young man clenched his fists, curled his lips and laughed mockingly, which contained extremely hot flame fluctuations, which slowly impacted the air in front of him, making a large area of ​​the air seem to be ignited.

Chen Xuan was severely shocked by the astonishing waves of energy. Even though he had to fight against the naturally flowing cold frost before, he was still very confident and confident.

But when these sparkling hot waves came around him, he still looked a little pale and took several steps back. There was deep surprise in the depths of his eyes. out.

Looking at the guy in front of him indifferently, his eyes narrowed at this time: "A warrior who has reached the five-year realm in the early stages of integration."

Even with Chen Xuan's character, he couldn't help but be surprised when he clenched his fists.

The surprise in his heart disappeared quickly. He glanced at the extremely powerful seal fluctuations behind him without leaving any trace. Chen Xuan immediately knew it. He looked at the guy in front of him calmly, and there was a deep feeling in the depths of his eyes. Deep energy fluctuations emerged.

"You want to enter this place? Feel free! I have no interest in this place." Chen Xuan retreated automatically and found a safer place. He looked at the young man in front of him like a harmless animal.

"You really think I'm a fool for letting me in so easily."

The young man pouted and laughed. He walked slowly towards the outline of the big sentence, and the bright light like stars fell on the young man's face, which made his somewhat ferocious face more domineering and arrogant.

However, at this time, he was full of some terrifying fighting spirit. Ignoring Chen Xuan who had retreated, he said arrogantly again: "Even if you have some tricks, any conspiracy is just a joke in the face of real strength."

"Today I will show you what is the real powerful force." The young man stretched his muscles and bones, and his whole body made a sound like popping beans.

When he got the seal wave, the strong and thick flame light began to gather rapidly, and there was no delay in his mind. He pointed out with one finger and instantly tore the space in front of him.

The extremely cold piercing force instantly tore the space in front of him, and then he could clearly see the characters in front of him, which were fluctuating with cold air currents, and he was immediately hit!

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