There is an extremely mysterious aura emerging from the Jingrao cold characters. These powers make people feel terrified. The degree of coldness and solidity is hundreds of times stronger than the normal cold current.

If the warrior's strength is not strong enough, he will be frozen to death the moment he touches such a terrifying power.

Even though the young man in front of him is very powerful, especially with the Jingrao flame flowing all over his body, it is a pity that when facing the attack of Ci Jingrao, he still seems to be unable to resist it.

The extremely cold killing intent burst out at this time, and a blue ice wave of indescribable strength burst out.

The cold waves of tens of meters in height suddenly rose up with a roar, and it almost arrived in front of him in an instant.

The young man's face suddenly became ugly! He didn't expect that such a powerful counterattack wave would be generated in this seemingly ordinary character in front of him. At this time, he clenched his fists, screamed in embarrassment, and retreated in a panic!

Unfortunately, his speed was much slower than the fluctuations inside the character, so he had no chance to dodge and was completely submerged by the shockingly strong cold wave in front of him.

The terrifyingly thick cold current was so thick that it submerged the young man in an instant, and then the space within hundreds of meters was completely frozen.

This thrilling cold airflow was really terrifying to the extreme.

The extremely cold temperature in the space in front of him made any object completely frozen, even the breath was frozen.

Chen Xuan felt that his body was invaded by the indescribably strong cold airflow, and this death-like taste made him unbearable.

He clenched his fists immediately and mobilized the greatest strength he could mobilize.

The whirring spiritual energy circulated rapidly in his body! But even though he had been so concerned and worked hard, it was a pity that the powerful cold current from his side still froze him ruthlessly!

It seemed that at this moment, every part of his body was completely frozen! A death-like breath was generated in Chen Xuan's heart, and he was powerless to resist at this time.

But at this time, a mysterious light slowly emerged from the ancient scroll, and these lights turned into waves like flowing water.

They naturally flowed freely in Chen Xuan's body. It seemed that there was a mysterious breath inside to resist the ice flow, so after Chen Xuan's body had flowed for almost a week, it could be seen that the body that had been frozen was gradually restored to normal.


The snow-white cold air flow came out of Chen Xuan's mouth, and he looked at the space in front of him in disbelief, and his doubtful eyes narrowed into a line.

"It seems that the power in this mysterious ancient map gave me the necessary help at the critical moment."

Chen Xuan's eyes fell on the mysterious ancient map in his hand, and a faint surprise appeared in the depths of his eyes.

He remained calm immediately... Now that he had this ancient map, the extremely powerful cold air around him would have no effect or meaning on him! Chen Xuan immediately bared his teeth and sneered.

Although the fire cultivator in front of him was dozens of times more capable and confident than he was now, even if he made a move, he could bring him a crushing blow and damage.

Unfortunately, in the harsh environment of Ci Jingrao, the ability of the fire cultivator was suppressed to the extreme.

He wanted to fight Chen Xuan, who had the powerful ancient scroll of the cold cave, but it was almost impossible!

Looking at the dazzling flame flashing in the ice again, but at this time, the fire cultivator was completely frozen, and there was a little sharp fluctuation in the depths of his eyes...

The brightness that was originally just like a candle began to become dazzling and powerful in the ice. Then the water waves flowed out of the ice, and it seemed that it would not take too long for the ice around to completely turn into water waves.

The weak flame began to become stronger at this time! It rose to a height of ten meters, and then a layer of hot flames suddenly burst out!

Even though the cold breath in the air was still very strong at this time, it was a pity that it was meaningless.

The Jingrao flame rushed out like a huge wave. When it was hundreds of meters away, the cold cave environment in front of it had already become a vacuum.

The only thing was the cold and cold characters that appeared in the air before, which seemed to exist like hundreds of stars. At this time, they were still rotating and emitting a faint cold light!

The young man who cultivated fire walked out from the deepest part of the Jingrao flame. He spit out the flame residue and cursed: "What a weird barrier that really made me suffer."

He shook his head coldly and said that the eyes of the fire cultivator began to become deep. He then saw that Chen Xuan was safe and sound, and he immediately asked in surprise: "You beast, you are fine?"

"It seems that you have special means to deal with the freezing of ice in this place. And you can find this place in advance, and you also know a lot about this place."

"Now you should, what secrets have you mastered?" The young man of the fire cultivation stared at Chen Xuan, and there was a deep threat and emotion in the depths of his eyes.

Obviously his attitude and words at this time did not allow for confrontation. Otherwise, he might have to use powerful means to kill Chen Xuan.

"You don't seem worthy of talking to me like this." Chen Xuan looked at the guy in front of him with a faint smile, and he pursed his lips and sneered in mockery.

Obviously, relying on his ability to withstand the strong cold environment around him, Chen Xuan already had a huge advantage at this time. As long as he could persist for a period of time, the fire cultivator would definitely be exhausted due to his own resistance to the environment.

At that time, even if he is a strong man five years away from the initial stage of integration, he may not be able to confront Chen Xuan arrogantly.

"Beast, I want to see if I have the ability and qualifications." The young fire cultivator flexed his muscles indifferently. He stared at Chen Xuan without any nonsense, and walked towards him step by step. At this time, it was like a mountain. move.

A frightening coercion began to emerge, which caused the surrounding air to be squeezed and distorted. The moment it reached the surroundings, the whirring flames began to become brighter and dazzling.

The indescribable and astonishing intensity exploded in front of his eyes. At this time, without any hesitation, he punched Chen Xuan with a fierce punch.

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