Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1229 Entering the Cold Cave Barrier

"Things looking for death!"

The fire cultivator young man sneered. A deadly cold light and murderous intent surged deep in his eyes, and when he shook his big hand, a cruel and murderous intent burst into his eyes.

The frightening piercing power tore apart the air, especially the flame burning wave contained in it, which caused a large space to burn into a vacuum, leaving behind a large black trace.

The power of the big hand is too heavy for Chen Xuan to easily resist!

"Too Fist."

Facing the opponent's extremely powerful flame strike, a torrent of powerful moves suddenly exploded under Chen Xuan's swing.

The fist with astonishing strength suddenly shot out in front of his eyes with extremely fierce force. The death-like killing intent made it difficult for people to easily resist and bear it, and it suddenly shot up in front of his eyes with tearing power.

The extremely cold smashing force suddenly reached his side. The fists of both sides contained considerable power. At this time, the two sides collided fiercely, and the terrifying force that shook the ground suddenly swept towards the distance.

The death-like power made people feel terrifying, and now both of their bodies were in a shaky state.

Chen Xuan groaned and stepped back, hot blood gushing out. But at this time, he looked very proud. After all, the level gap between the two sides was huge, but he was able to resist the opponent's blow. This was very powerful.

After taking dozens of steps back, it was clearly visible that Chen Xuan's back hit several mysterious characters.

Suddenly, the extremely cold characters behind him were shaken by the impact. The faint cold air currents swayed, and bursts of cold light radiated from the inside of those characters.

This cold brilliance is solid and thin, dozens of times more powerful than ordinary ice. Chen Xuan's body was immediately covered. Paradoxically, this powerful ice attribute should have surrounded Chen Xuan instantly and frozen it.

At this time, it seemed as if it had turned into pure power that nourished his body. It whirred into his body, and was then refined by Chen Xuan in an incredible way.

"It seems that if you continue to absorb it a few times, the level will become loose... Do you still want to raise the level here? Haha, I am really looking forward to it!" Chen Xuan clenched his fists, and a deep brilliance emerged from the depths of his eyes. .

It can be seen that he is really getting excited at this time...

In this explosion of flames, a terrifying power like a river swept through the body of the fire cultivator young man. His body was pushed back continuously by the impact, and his face turned slightly pale at this time.

The fire cultivator young man retreated continuously. At this time, deep disbelief appeared in the depths of his eyes.

Obviously he didn't expect that Chen Xuan could suddenly burst out with such powerful combat power and even be able to resist his attacks. Is this still the strength that he can possess in the early stage of half-step integration?

But this is just one aspect of the shock! Previously, under the impact of the power of frost, the body of the young fire cultivator suffered a huge and cruel impact.

Even now, there is still a lot of frost on his body in very subtle places. These forces have caused his body to suffer quite severe freezing damage. I believe that it will take a long time for him to recover after this battle. Return to normal.

But when the boy in front of him was enduring these destructive freezing impacts, not only did he not suffer any damage, but he seemed to be able to absorb these violent and powerful forces!

This really refreshed the understanding of the fire cultivator young people.

"Haozi, it seems like you really have a lot of secrets." A look of excitement suddenly surged in the depths of the Huo Xiu young man's eyes.

It's like discovering a new world! At this time, he stepped forward without any intention of stopping.

Countless pure flames quickly condensed into the shape of lines. These extremely pure things increased the ability and confidence of the fire cultivator young man.

When he got to Chen Xuan's side, the terrifying flame pressure turned into a cloud, fiercely covering a large area of ​​​​the nearby space. It could be seen that he began to become powerful and violent at this time.

At the core of this oppressive cloud, the Huo Xiu young man had a deeply cruel expression on his face.

He swept down with an extremely cruel slap, and the space along the way suddenly collapsed.

"Explosive Sky Elemental Palm!"

Phew...the palms filled with astonishing explosive power could not resist reaching his eyes, and Chen Xuan's breathing became constricted at this moment. He clenched the strength he had mobilized with both fists, and was suppressed forcefully.

This made Chen Xuan at this time seem like a weak man without any cultivation. He had no way to resist the powerful attack, and at this time he could only shake his head helplessly.

Looking at the extremely cold barrier behind him and feeling the astonishingly powerful cold light surging inside, a faint wave of sharp energy emerged from the depths of Chen Xuan's eyes.

It seems that I can't fight this fire cultivator for the time being... But it doesn't matter. I believe that there will be quite a lot of good things in this inner space, and as long as you can enter it and search carefully, you will definitely be able to find it in a short time. Just a good thing to improve your strength.

At that time, the kid around you won’t be a problem! Chen Xuan had no intention of stopping and resisted the heavy pressure from around him.

He immediately sent his spiritual energy into the ancient scroll of the cold cave. When the ancient scroll, which was originally very calm, approached the cold barrier in front of him, it suddenly became powerful and dazzling.

At this time, it can be seen very clearly that in the space in front of him, an illusory giant door emerged, and then it can be seen very clearly that Chen Xuan jumped into it.

Then the mysterious ancient giant door quickly closed.

Boom! The dull blow suddenly fell on the giant door that was about to close. The terrifying cold characters began to flash with a shockingly powerful light. In less than half a second, it had a cold power like a tsunami.

"Not good!" Huo Xiu's eyes suddenly became solemn! He cursed: "How can the damn beast have the ability to enter this barrier!"

He roared with hatred, but at this time, Huo Xiu knew in his heart that if he couldn't find a way to leave quickly now, he would probably pay a painful price under the impact of this frost tsunami!

Try to mobilize all the power you can mobilize at this time. It can be seen that at this moment he whooshed and shot towards the distance!

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