Boom... Chen Xuan stepped out of the layers of spiritual energy. He looked back and saw that the illusory giant door had been closed.

call. Chen Xuan took a deep breath and wiped the illusion from his forehead. At this time, there was a deep sense of disbelief in his eyes.

"Fortunately, the Cold Cave Ancient Scroll can really open this barrier. Otherwise, when we face Zi today, there will probably be only a dead end."

Deep hatred emerged in the depths of Chen Xuan's eyes. This man was so terrifying and domineering, with no intention of leaving him a way out.

These abominable things are looking for death! Chen Xuan clenched his fists tightly, and an extremely ruthless look moved deep in his eyes. He said extremely ruthlessly: "Just wait for me!"

Looking carefully at his surroundings, Chen Xuan was surprised to find that there were countless ice crystals in the surrounding space.

This thing is a special material produced from extremely pure ice aura, which has been accumulated for countless years.

Outside, parts as big as fingernails can be sold for high prices. Who would have thought that they are everywhere here?

"I'm afraid no one has come to this place for many years!" Chen Xuan looked at so many sparkling ice crystals, shining with dazzling brilliance. He couldn't help but licked his lips, feeling a little emotional and excited. road!

After all, the quantity of this thing is too astonishing. If he can really get his hands on it, I believe it will be an amount of wealth for him.

However, although Chen Xuan was very attracted by the spiritual crystals around him, his focus was not here at this time.

Looking through the extremely cold environment in front of him, he saw that at the core hundreds of meters away, frost fluctuations of indescribable concentration were slowly flowing.

The power inside the entire cold cave flows from the core place, although the surrounding ice crystals are very powerful and valuable.

It's a pity that if you compare it with the deepest spiritual crystal, I believe there will be a considerable gap, which can be clearly felt on the battlefield in front of you.

The flowing ice continuously impacted Chen Xuan's body. Chen Xuan was really frightened at this time. He could clearly feel the extremely powerful power in front of him, which was extremely terrifying.

If this thing didn't have the Cold Cave Scroll to absorb and resist it, even a small amount could freeze him to death!

"It looks like we have to speed up!" Chen Xuan said with lingering fear. Although most of the extremely powerful ice fluctuations flowing around him were absorbed by the Cold Cave Scroll, Chen Xuan was still very uneasy at this time.

After all, this is only relying on external force to absorb it, rather than his own strength to resist it. He can still tell the difference clearly...

Soon Chen Xuan reached the deepest point.

In this place where there was a terrifying cold current, Chen Xuan saw a baby-like blue flower that was blooming with a strange light.

The blue is the strongest at the core, like a brilliant color showing perfect color.

Chen Xuan almost immediately fell in love with the plant in front of him just by looking at it. Licking his lips with salivation, Chen Xuan's eyes showed deep waves of energy.

"Han Cave Scroll! Absorb!"

Chen Xuan smiled.

Mysterious absorption waves emitted from the Cold Cave Scroll... The whirring attraction power caused the mysterious medicinal materials in front of me to be gradually extracted.

Although the medicinal materials are full of frozen flavor, when faced with the Cold Cave Scroll, it has no intention of resisting at all.

After two or three seconds, the extremely powerful cold medicine was completely absorbed by it.

Chen Xuan looked at the fluctuating brilliance of the Cold Cave Ancient Scroll. At this time, he was really frightened. He really didn't know what kind of material this ancient scroll was made of.

And if this thing explodes, let alone him. I believe that even those strong men who have reached the peak of fusion will die completely!

He shook his head helplessly. No matter what, this extremely powerful medicinal material was taken away by him. Judging from its power, it was hundreds of times more powerful than medicinal materials of the same level and attributes.

With this thing, I believe that in the future, with only a few materials, a very powerful and extreme ice-type elixir can be made.

And if its body could be refined, the value of the elixir would be almost beyond imagination!

Chen Xuan was extremely excited and ready to leave at this time. At this time, as the medicinal materials disappeared, the temperature inside the ice cave in front of him began to rise.

The ice crystals that had been accumulated for countless years began to melt uncontrollably. After a few seconds, you could see that the originally precious ice crystals had all disappeared.

"What a pity!" Looking at the rapidly disappearing spiritual crystals in front of him, Chen Xuan shook his head helplessly. He originally wanted to take away the medicinal materials from this most core place after absorbing them.

But now it seems that this is just an idea. Looking at the current situation, it is basically impossible to become a reality.

But just when Chen Xuan was about to leave, he suddenly discovered that the awe-inspiring ice spear suddenly appeared with a dazzling light above his head.

It was hidden in the deepest part of the glacier, and Chen Xuan didn't find it even when he was absorbing it just now.

Now it seems that this big gun is really powerful!

The whirring frozen light emitted. However, the big gun seemed to feel something at this time. It turned around suddenly and condensed a terrifying cold air current.

After these powers quickly reached the extreme level, they suddenly shot towards Chen Xuan.

The frightened gun and chain were left sharp and torn in the cold depths. It immediately reached Chen Xuan's side, and this cold power caused Chen Xuan to suffer huge damage!

Chen Xuan clenched his fists. He didn't mean to forcefully compete, so he waved the Cold Cave Ancient Scroll in his hand. Even though the Cold Cave Ancient Scroll was just a picture scroll, it was also a very good treasure in itself.

Facing the powerful stabbing force in front of her, Chunxuan immediately hit it away with her wave of hands. A pounding sound emerged from the space in front of him, and then layers of ripples began to appear.

The huge force of the impact caused Chen Xuan to retreat seven or eight meters, but he could still withstand the force that seemed impossible to resist before.

"It's really a terrifying big gun." Wiping the hot blood from the corner of his mouth, Chen Xuan's eyes showed a sharp look!

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