There was a deep cold wave in the depths of Chen Xuan's eyes. The powerful and solid mental power wave made him strong and tall at this time.

An extremely fierce punch was thrown away, and it immediately fell into the ball of light in front of him. The powerful and rich punch immediately cracked the space in front of him.

Chen Xuan stepped up to his eyes with extremely cold killing intent, and once again pulled apart a line in his core that was used to stabilize the phantom of mental power.

The fist, surging with astonishing strength, smashed away with great ferocity, and immediately landed on the line. You could faintly hear panic and wailing sounds erupting from deep within the line.

Obviously at this time, the body that had a considerable connection with the main body was injured by his punch.

"Useless thing." Chen Xuan looked at the smashed chat line and sneered. Although the guy in front of him was quite sharp and scary when he was sarcastic.

But when it comes to actual combat, he becomes nothing. Chen Xuan had seen this kind of person a lot, so he didn't really pay any attention to it at this time. He stepped forward and left the library quickly...

Ziji Mountain.

Astonishingly powerful spiritual energy began to emerge rapidly from every corner of the mountains and rivers. These extremely powerful forces gathered into a liquid-like form, which could be seen on the battlefield in front of them.

At this time, a deep wave of sharp energy appeared in the depths of his eyes, and he had to wait for this shocking wave to be extremely terrifying.

On the battlefield in front of him, the powerful power as rich as water waves turned into a trickling stream of purple energy, and then they flowed into his body.

Chen Xuan's physical strength and cultivation strength are growing rapidly. It doesn't seem that it will take too long for his level to grow.

It's just that at this time, Chen Xuan did not continue to absorb. He absorbed and refined all the quite weak purple energy accumulated in his body, so he could clearly see the void in front of him. On the battlefield, Chen Xuan's ability and strength reached a certain peak.

Huh... Chen Xuan took a deep breath. At this moment, a faint wave of sharp energy appeared in the depths of his eyes.

"The purple energy in this place is really powerful, especially for warriors in the realm of fusion, it is of great benefit."

"As long as you give me two or three more months, I can complete the cultivation process ahead of schedule that would even take others decades to complete!"

Having a premonition of this shocking reality, Chen Xuan couldn't help but have a look of ecstasy in the depths of his eyes. At this time, he looked really excited.

Chen Xuan did not continue to practice on Ziji Mountain. The ancient icy scroll emerged from the depths of his palm, and the whistling frost began to spread, making a large area nearby seem to be frozen away.

It can be seen that in this terrifying frozen state, his ability and strength have reached a certain level. Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed into a line, feeling the extremely cold aura shrouding him, Now his expression is really pale and weak.

"What a powerful frost! It doesn't look like it's that easy to refine it."

"What should I do?" There were deep doubts and worries deep in Chen Xuan's eyes... After all, according to his current ability, if he wants to successfully refine medicinal materials of this level, he will have to bear the risks. And the price is quite high.

After pondering for a while, he shook his head. This matter really should be considered carefully...

Whoosh... There was a sudden and terrifying gathering of powerful spiritual energy in the air. These spiritual energy of astonishing intensity gathered into a cloud-like state, inside which there were countless powerful figures like angry dragons, flashing with astonishing and dazzling gorgeous light. .

These extremely powerful forces and fluctuations really make people feel powerful. On the battlefield in front of them, it quickly gathered in the sky above Ziji Mountain.

The obscure and cold suppressed fluctuations caused a large area of ​​space to appear in a distorted state, and it was impossible to suppress the fluctuations in such a frightening manner. At this time, it can be said to be terrifying and extreme.

Chen Xuan is in the preparation stage of refining medicine. Unexpectedly, there was such a frightening aura emerging from the surroundings. After pondering for a while, he couldn't help clenching his fists.

The cold breath burst out from his body at this time. After he pondered for a while, he could clearly see that there was some pride on the young man's expression: "Haha, it looks like my elixir is good." Landed!"

Young warriors slowly emerged from the extremely thick clouds. At this time, he scanned the space under his feet with a critical eye. When he saw Chen Xuan, anger appeared in his eyes.

"You're such a good boy, senior brother, I kindly gave you a warning before, but you shattered my mental power, just destroyed it! You even exploded the mental power crystal for me! Aren't you a little too arrogant? "

The young man looked at Chen Xuan coldly and arrogantly. Shocking spiritual energy surged out of his body. The powerful force of the blanket covered a large space. The death-like pressure made people feel helpless. Bear it.

Chen Xuan said calmly: "You started this matter, and you deserve to be beaten up. What do you mean by taking action now?"

"You are such a tough talker. It seems that if I didn't put my powerful and cruel strength on you, you would have no idea what the cruelty of reality is!"

"If you say so, then die!" He clenched his fists with death-like murderous intent and began to rise rapidly. With a thrilling forward movement, he quickly reached Chen Xuan's side. .

It can be seen that the power all over his body began to become fast and violent at this time, and even the air showed a slight boiling atmosphere and state while moving.

Obviously under such amazing strength and fluctuations, his power reaches its extreme level.

Chen Xuan felt a death-like threat coming to him, and at this time, a deep sense of chilling appeared in the depths of his eyes.

His whole body was a little stiff and he couldn't help but wonder in his mind. If there wasn't such an astonishing wave of ice in his hand, it wouldn't be that easy to resist it.

"Since you're here to talk, okay, then you can taste my blow!" Chen Xuan looked at the young man in front of him indifferently. He bared his teeth and sneered, and it was obvious that he was really joking now.

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