Facing the young man who suddenly erupted in front of him, Chen Xuan smiled lightly. From the ice cave scroll, an extremely cruel and cold aura began to emanate.

The freezing breath of astonishing intensity froze the air at this moment. It had to be that not everyone could easily resist such terrifying freezing.

The blue Ice Spirit Fairy Flower was now filled with cold waves. It can be seen that this shocking intensity makes people feel extremely terrifying.

He waved his hand and blasted it away. In almost an instant, this extremely powerful force came to his eyes very quickly and violently. The thrilling killing intent made it impossible for anyone to resist easily.

On the battlefield in front of them, the two sides collided powerfully in an instant.

Boom... The moment the Ice Spirit Immortal was hit, indescribably powerful air-conditioning and frost flowed out. The death-like frost froze the young man in front of him and the large area of ​​air around him.

The huge lump of ice made people feel scared. This piece of extremely cold frost was completely frozen. The young man's originally extremely powerful movement and pressure came to an end as the ground was completely frozen.


The extremely hard ice suddenly fell to the ground while descending. It can be seen that it presents an extremely clear texture under the sunlight. In the space in front of you, you can clearly feel it at this time.

The guy who seemed powerful before had almost completely lost his ability to resist in the ice.

"He's really an interesting guy." Chen Xuan looked at the young man in front of him indifferently. He walked around the huge ice block in front of him several times. It could be seen that his face was really sarcastic at this time...

The entire body of the Ice Spirit Immortal Flower is glowing. The blue light contains an indescribable cold aura. It is believed that as long as it can touch people, it will freeze them in a short period of time.

The death-like freezing power makes people feel unable to resist easily. At this time, it can be clearly felt that this thing is continuously exerting force, so the young man in the ice mass is now facing a life-and-death test.

A pair of dark eyes moved back and forth in the ice, and it was clear that the young man who was now frozen seemed to be begging for mercy.

"Keep it cold."

Chen Xuan looked at the young man in the ice indifferently. He crossed his arms as if he was watching the excitement.

It's just that... the young man in the ice is too powerful and terrifying. Although he has been completely frozen at this time, it is a pity that he is still able to resist cruelly.

With his fists clenched, he could clearly feel that the strong young man in front of him clenched his fists fiercely.

call! He punched the space in front of him with a punch! The death-like blow comes, making it difficult for people to resist easily. Boom... the icy air current surrounding him began to collapse rapidly.

Countless fine cracks were torn apart by his punches! With one spray, the entire huge ice cube exploded!

Whoosh! The cold light burst into the distance. The young man's whole body was filled with an extremely cold aura. It could be seen that he was trembling all over now. The freezing effect that had just been brought to him was really too serious.

The young man's whole body was braving the biting cold breath, and now his combat effectiveness had dropped to the extreme.

He retreated dozens of steps in embarrassment, and it was obvious that his face was extremely pale at this time!

There were deep waves of energy in the depths of his eyes, and he could see them almost instantly as he stepped forward.

"You're looking for death!" The young man was angered! There were deep cold fluctuations in the depths of his eyes at this time, and the moment he reached Chen Xuan's side without any intention of stopping, the power in his hands was almost to the extreme.

The whistling fist immediately cracked the space! It can be seen that the extremely rich purple energy in his hand is now beginning to become stronger, with mysterious lines shining in it.

Although this line is only as long as hair, the power within it is terrifying.

The moment he reached Chen Xuan's side, he smashed him out with great ferocity. This powerful attack immediately dealt a cruel blow to Chen Xuan.

The depths of the young man's eyes were filled with deep energy, and it could be seen that he seemed to be using this extremely powerful method to tear them to pieces...

"Tao Fist." Faced with the ability of the guy in front of him, Chen Xuan immediately clenched his fists, and without any intention of stopping, he punched away ruthlessly.

This astonishing piercing force cannot be easily resisted. An extremely vicious blow landed on the palm of the young man in front of him, and boom...layers of ripples burst out, and his body suddenly flew backwards in a state of embarrassment.

call out! Suddenly, his body flew upside down for tens of meters. At this moment, he could be seen falling to the ground in a state of disgrace. The extremely hard bluestone ground suddenly shook with countless cracks under his heavy impact.

The power of such a death-like blow makes it difficult for people to resist and bear it easily. The young man crawled out from the ruins. At this time, the depths of his eyes were filled with deep embarrassment and panic.

Turn around and leave!

It can be seen that he is really embarrassed at this time!

"Suppress the power of my Ice Spirit Immortal to the point where it can be refined by me. Haha... How can I not thank you properly?"

Chen Xuan looked indifferently at the young man in front of him who was doing well. He curled his lips and bared his teeth and sneered. Without any intention of stopping, he stepped forward and penetrated an area of ​​tens of meters almost instantly.

The moment he reached his side, an astonishing and powerful light of spiritual energy began to emanate from the depths of his palm. Such an astonishing intensity of blow made people feel panic and terror.

The airflow of frost quickly spread out, and then hit it. The body of the young man who seemed to be running at full speed was immediately covered by the cruel frost.

The astonishing lethality makes it difficult for people to resist and endure easily... The young man's body was frozen. When he faced the Ice Spirit Immortal in his heyday, he couldn't resist at all.

The blow his body suffered at this time was naturally more violent, so he was naturally unable to resist it at this time.

The huge ice cube resurfaced again, and it was obvious that he had become really weak at this time.

After waiting for tens of seconds, he looked at the young man in front of him, consuming part of the power inside the hard frozen ice cube again, and saw that the young man's face was ashen and his whole body was shaking.

Only then did Chen Xuan realize that this person couldn't hold on, so he pursed his lips and smiled, taking back the Ice Spirit Immortal Flower.

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