Alchemist Guild

Qin Yuanshan was angry in his office all morning.

"Three months? You want to beat me in three months?"

"After all, I have been studying the art of alchemy for thirty years before I have reached this level. It took only three months to dream!"

If it weren't for Chen Xuan's illustrious reputation and the support of Vice President Lanshan, how could he be so humiliated? Qin Yuanshan was angry, irritable, and manic!


Just then there was a knock on the door.


There was a sound of branches, and an old man wearing a black gold robe walked in. Qin Yuanshan, who was originally angry, immediately stood up from his seat when he saw this.

"Liu...Elder Liu!"

Qin Yuanshan was particularly surprised by the arrival of Liu Maosheng. This was a high-ranking elder, the patriarch of the Liu family, one of the five major medicine refining families.

He is also a fourth-grade senior alchemist. Such a noble existence would actually come to his office.

"If something happens to Elder Liu, you just need to say hello and I can come to your office... Look, I don't even have a cup of tea..." Qin Yuanshan, who was in a hurry because of nervousness, was also stammering at this moment. , but Liu Maosheng waved his hand and motioned Qin Yuanshan to sit down.

"Old Qin, you must have been in our Alchemist Guild for twenty years."

Liu Maosheng sighed and Qin Yuanshan immediately nodded and said: "Yes, elder, it has been twenty-four years. He has joined the Alchemist Guild since he was an apprentice and has been cultivated by the guild."

"Yes, the guild was booming back then, but now, it is just a fat piece of meat. People with some skills just want to take a bite of it. These people are greedy and even though they are in high positions, they still want to support their own power. , come to split our guild, you know who mine is, right?" Liu Maosheng said lightly.

When Qin Yuanshan heard this, he also felt a thump in his heart. He was just an ordinary teacher. How could he tell himself about the game between these high-level officials? However, the person Liu Maosheng was referring to was also quite obvious, that is, the vice president. Arashiyama.

However, Lanshan's actions were indeed a bit excessive. This time, he actually let those wild alchemists come to the Alchemist Guild, and he was not afraid of gossip from others.

"I know, I know."

Qinyuan Mountain Road.

"This time you have a conflict with that Chen Xuan. Don't worry. As long as I, the Liu family, are here, I won't let anyone in the guild be bullied by that wild faction! Even if he is Lanshan!"

Liu Maosheng's righteous words moved Qin Yuanshan's heart so much that he almost shed tears.

"Thank you, elder...thank you, elder..."

Seeing the extremely moved Qin Yuanshan, Liu Maosheng also smiled slightly, then took out a pill from his arms and gently placed it on Qin Yuanshan's table.

"It's impossible to become a third-grade alchemist within three months. You and I both know that, but we must be on guard against others. This elixir can be regarded as a helping hand to my Liu family. If you have any needs in the future, you can come to me. , but I must win in the competition three months later! Only in this way can I defeat the powerful."

Liu Maosheng said lightly.

Pill! ?

Qin Yuanshan was a little surprised when he saw this. As an alchemist, he was very keen on the elixir itself. Looking at the elixir placed on the table, he could feel the strong medicine coming from it even through the box. From the fragrance, it is obvious that this elixir is of great value and of high grade, at least a fifth-grade elixir.

Such a pill worth millions appears in front of you!

And give it to yourself?

Qin Yuanshan opened the box and saw the pill inside, his face turned bad.

"This is... a life-long pill!?"

Liu Maosheng sneered, and then stood up.

"Old Qin, this is just for emergencies. Anyway, you must win the competition in three months' time to give our Alchemist Guild a good reputation."

After that, Liu Maosheng left.

Qin Yuanshan finally understood. From the time he came in until now, there are two people who must win. If they win and there is no talk, then even if Chen Xuan doesn't kill him, Liu Maosheng will not let him go.

And the effect of Bishengdan.

It is used as the final guarantee.

After taking the Lifelong Pill, you can forcibly upgrade your cultivation level by one level, which also includes the level of alchemy, that is, the alchemist's mysterious fire, but it is only limited to those below the fifth level and below the first level.

The most important thing is that after taking this life-long pill, there will be no progress in your life, and your life span may be shortened by five to ten years.

This is basically a lifetime of potential spent, for this game, and finally ended up like this.

"Chen Xuan, it's you who caused me to end up in this difficult situation. To advance is to die, and to retreat is death. Even if you die, I will drag you into the water!"

Qin Yuanshan has incomparable resentment in his heart. Even if he makes no progress throughout his life, he can still reach the level of a fourth-level alchemist.

As for life span, the only way to make up for it is to find some life-prolonging elixirs.

Five to ten years is a long time, but if Liu Maosheng does not follow Liu Maosheng's words, his life span will only be three months later. Thinking of this, Qin Yuanshan put away the elixir with a heavy expression.

Xiang Zheng

Sun Tao and Lei Suo were already bruised, but their determined eyes told them that they must not reveal Chen Xuan's information. These people were all here to seek revenge, so they must not tell them, otherwise Chen Xuan and Bai Cen would be in danger.


The two big men grabbed the two men like two chickens, head down, blood was constantly flowing out of their noses and mouths.

Shangguan Ninghun was watching from the side. The torture of these men was obviously quite cruel, but there was no intention to stop them.

"Bah, if you have the guts, let the horse come over. You want me to tell you, no way!?"

"Want a horse? Bring it here."

Shangguan Ninghun laughed immediately, and one of his men immediately brought a black horse over. The burly figure and strong muscles made people amazed. This is a good horse, definitely a thousand-mile horse level.

"Damn, there is really a horse!"

Sun Tao was immediately frightened and struggled wildly.

"It's all your fault."

Lei Suo was also desperate. He brought a horse over. He knew exactly what it was for. Was it for food? It must be for torture.

"Press them to the ground and see how many hits they can take."

Shangguan Ninghun's mouth curled up a sneer.

Chen Xuan's home.

Chen Xuan had been studying for an afternoon. When he was about to refine the spell, he found that the person who went out to find materials had not returned yet. Instead, Bai Cen came to Chen Xuan in high spirits.

"I have condensed it! Look!"

With a bang, a flame rose from Bai Cen's hand.

The most important thing is that he was holding a stone in his other hand.

It was the fire-suppressing stone that Chen Xuan had taken out before.


The water that Chen Xuan had just drunk sprayed out.

"What the hell! You have condensed it!"

Chen Xuan was horrified. This was the first time he was so shocked since he came to Fengyun Continent. He was even more shocked than seeing the mysterious corpse of the spirit crystal.

"You... you succeeded too?" Chen Xuan looked at Xiang Shaoyang. Xiang Shaoyang snapped his fingers triumphantly, and a flame danced on his fingertips. Although it was not as strong as Bai Cen's, it was the real black fire. These two guys only took half the time to condense the black fire under the difficulty of nearly a hundred times. If there was no fire-suppressing stone, they could condense it in minutes. This is definitely a talent among talents. I was right. "Although it's a bit slow, we completed the course today." Bai Cen said seriously. "Ahem, it's just so-so. By the way, that fat guy didn't run away with my money, right? He hasn't come back yet." Chen Xuan said. "Impossible, although Sun Tao looks unreliable, he is still very loyal. Something must have happened."

"Did he get caught by Liu Hanfeng?"

The two speculated, and there was indeed such a possibility. Liu Hanfeng did not dare to catch Chen Xuan, but it did not mean that he did not dare to catch Fatty and Huangmao. When they were alone, it was easy for the other party to take advantage of them. Although both of them had the earth-level Xuanqi cultivation, this cultivation was not worth mentioning in front of the real masters.

The Liu family has many masters, and sending two of them can solve personal grudges.

"Let's go out and look for them. If I know who dares to make trouble on my territory, I will beat him to death."

Chen Xuan said lightly. Since he came to the Pharmacist City, it means that the Pharmacist City is his territory. If he dares to make trouble, it means that he is not giving him face. Thinking of this, a murderous look flashed in his eyes.

Bai Cen and Xiang Shaoyang followed closely.

Go out and look for Sun Tao on the street.

Chen Xuan closed his eyes, and then an invisible wave was slowly released from his body, like a spring breeze blowing across the earth, sweeping away little by little, and the situation in the Medicine Master City also appeared in his mind. Zheng

"Huh!? Found it."

Chen Xuan opened his eyes and flew in one direction.

Bai Cen and Xiang Shaoyang looked at each other. How did Master Chen Xuan find it? It was really magical. He only needed to close his eyes. It was amazing.

"Is this the legendary spiritual power..."

Bai Cen had a slight guess in his heart.

On the street, one of the two girls who were walking suddenly stopped.

"Sister, I sensed it."

You said in surprise. He was very familiar with this spiritual power. Now this spiritual power appeared again, and it was in this Medicine Master City!

"Really? Then let's find him quickly!"


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