In the alley.

Shangguan Ninghun watched the scene in front of him with great interest. At this moment, the fat Sun Tao was severely pressed to the ground, and his hands and feet were even tied up. He was beaten to the point of losing his strength, and Huang Mao Lei Suo also He could only kneel beside him and watch the black horse keep stepping over the latter.


Sun Tao spurted out a mouthful of blood, splashing all over himself.

After being tortured until now, Sun Tao was no longer conscious.

"You still refuse? Do you want to watch your companions be trampled to death?"

Shangguan Ninghun is cruel. What he likes most is watching these people who are unable to control life and death being manipulated. Only in this way can his identity be brought to its fullest. Why should Shangguan give me a noble birth? It's because I'm different, I'm the one to do evil.

Otherwise, where would there be so many heroes in the world?

"You're going to die ugly."

Lei Suo said coldly, looking at Shangguan Ninghun, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

"Fat man, hold on, don't die!"

At this time, Sun Tao seemed motionless, and even his breathing became weak, but Lei Suo saw Sun Tao's blood-stained hands and slowly gave a thumbs up.

Lei Suo was shocked and moved after seeing this scene.

"Fat man, don't die. You still owe me six gold coins, so don't forget it!"

Leisuo shouted, but the next moment, the black horse descended again, snap!

A thunderclap sound came directly from Sun Tao's legs.

The joints of his legs were crushed.

Sun Tao's hand dropped weakly, his neck tilted, leaving only a weak breath.

It is even possible to be dragged into the hell gate at any time.

"Damn it!"

Lei Suo clenched his fists, but was suppressed tightly, and fell to his knees on the ground. At this moment, Lei Suo kowtowed directly to Sun Tao.

"Fat man, wait for me!"

Lei Suo wanted to die together with Shangguan Ninghun, but now he was restricted and could not move at all. The six strong men around him were all super strong and extremely powerful, and they could easily defeat him.

Even among super powerful people, these people are definitely at the pinnacle.

Lei Suo knew that he was dead. He just hoped that Bai Cen could know the news here soon and escape quickly. Master Chen Xuan himself was powerful, but the enemies he provoked were also very powerful.

"Haha, dead? This is boring. Whose turn will it be next?" Shangguan Ninghun glanced at Sun Tao's gradually stiffening body and couldn't help but shake his head. He was already dead before he even had fun.

"Of course you are next!"

A strange voice sounded, but it came quickly!

In an instant, the six beast-like strong men rushed towards Shangguan Ninghun as if facing a formidable enemy.

A big man next to Shangguan Ninghun turned his head slightly and saw a fist coming toward his face.


Blood and flesh splattered, and his head was blown open by Chen Xuan's fist!

The six strong men roared angrily and burst out with super-peak auras, but in front of Chen Xuan, they were as fragile as tissue paper.

"Psychic kill!"

The mental power was released instantly, and it was extremely surging. With just a sound of Wen, the six people fell to the ground one after another. Although their hearts were still beating, their breath was gone now. Their mental power had been wiped out by Chen Xuan and completely disappeared. In this world.

"Who are you!"

When Shangguan Ninghun saw that his men were dead, he didn't panic and looked at the person calmly.

Such a young man killed six mentally strong men in an instant?

Chen Xuan landed on the ground, grabbed Shangguan Ninghun's throat, and then smashed Shangguan Ninghun's body into the wall with a bang.

"Spirit level?"

Chen Xuan said coldly. At this moment, Shangguan Ninghun was completely shocked. Facing Chen Xuan's attack, he had no power to resist and was easily controlled.

Moreover, the profound energy in the body is also restricted and cannot be released at all!

"How can it be!"

Shangguan Ninghun's eyes were filled with shock.

It seemed that the spirit level was just like a strong ant in front of the young man in front of him. Chen Xuan's hand gently exerted force. Shangguan Ninghun also felt the real death. He didn't even have time to tell his name and name. The family must be killed.

"Damn... son..."

Shangguan Ninghun kept struggling, but to no avail, and suddenly Chen Xuan let go of his hand.

Shangguan Ninghun fell weakly onto Lin and got a chance to breathe, just like a dog, constantly sticking out its tongue to breathe.

At this moment, Shangguan Ninghun finally knew how precious this air was.


Chen Xuan checked Sun Tao's condition and found that he was just seriously injured, which is the easiest to treat. At first, Nayou's internal organs were shattered, but Chen Xuan finally recovered him, not to mention the injuries to his torso.

Putting a spiritual elixir into Sun Tao's mouth, the injury gradually healed.

"How is it, Master Chen Xuan, how is Sun Tao?"

Lei Suo almost crawled over and looked at the unconscious Sun Tao and Chen Xuan who had descended.

Chen Xuan's arrival really made Lei Suo unable to react. This guy was too powerful. He killed so many people with just a few gestures. It was really surprising. These were all super powerful men. .

But what Leisuo was most concerned about was the situation of Sun Tao, who was tortured to death in front of his eyes. Watching his brother slowly die, he was powerless. This feeling of powerlessness and guilt deeply affected Leisuo, his follower. .

Even Lei Suo had a slight hesitation at that time, but he also understood that even if the location was revealed, these people would not let him go.

At this time, I longed for Master Chen Xuan to say that he was fine.

At that moment, Lei Suo lay on Sun Tao's body and cried, not caring about the pain caused by the twitching of his body.

"He's fine."

Chen Xuandao.

Hearing these words, Na Leisuo cried even louder.

"Woo, Sun Tao, you damn fat guy... you... you... aren't... okay!?"

Lei Suo originally thought that Chen Xuan's person was Sun Tao who was hopeless, but after thinking about it carefully, he found that Chen Xuan's person was fine. This immediately made Lei Suo unable to react. He was stunned for a second, and then laughed out loud. He stood up and kept shaking Sun Tao's body.

"Haha, your son has a great destiny..."

Under Lei Suo's induction, Sun Tian's condition was indeed gradually improving.

"Sun Tao, Leisuo!"

Finally, Bai Cen and the others rushed over.

Just as he was about to run over, Chen Xuan suddenly realized something, but it was too late.

Shangguan Ninghun, who was panting at the side, suddenly burst into flames.

He grabbed the two of them.

He grabbed the two throats with ease.

Bai Cen and Xiang Shaoyang were only at Xuan level, so how could they be the opponents of Shangguan Ninghun at the spirit level.

"Jiejie, son, who the hell are you!"

Shangguan Ninghun controlled the two of them, and Lei Suo stood up from the ground and roared: "You bastard, let them go!"

Chen Xuan glanced at Bai Cen and Bai Cen who were struggling to breathe, and there was only calm calm in his eyes.

"Let them go and you can die a happy death."

Chen Xuan said, Immortal Alchemist will not be threatened by anyone, and Chen Xuan will not do the same stupid thing as last time. The same scene appears again, but Chen Xuan will not make the same choice. Being soft-hearted can only bring more pain.

"You don't seem to understand, who is in charge now?"

Shangguan Ninghun grinned, and the hand that held Xiang Shaoyang was also slightly harder. Xiang Shaoyang suddenly struggled more violently. Just now, he was just maintaining a barely breathing balance line, but at this moment, he crossed over directly and persisted for three seconds. Zhong, Xiang Shaoyang will be strangled to death!

"you wanna die!"

Chen Xuan directly released his mental power. However, before Chen Xuan's mental power was released, he saw Shangguan Ninghun's body suddenly softening.


Shangguan Ninghun fell to Lin and fell into a coma. Chen Xuan was stunned for a moment, but the next moment he became vigilant. There was a powerful spiritual force surrounding him, belonging to another familiar spiritual force.

"who is it!"

Chen Xuan shouted.

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