"Gather your energy and concentrate your energy."

Chen Xuan took a deep breath, and the brush in his hand kept shaking.

If you want Chen Xuan to kill people, you can do it without blinking an eye, but if you want Chen Xuan to draw, it will be difficult for Chen Xuan. But after all, he is a king-level mental powerhouse and his learning ability is still very strong. Waving the brush in his hand, he quickly drew the crooked symbols on the yellow paper with cinnabar.

Soon, a piece of talisman paper about a palm wide was filled with symbols. These symbols looked crooked, but in fact they contained quite a lot of mystery. Each stroke was infused with formations.

When the last stroke was lifted, Chen Xuan also breathed a sigh of relief.

But the next moment, there was a click, and the charm in his hand turned into pieces!


Chen Xuan immediately dropped his pen.

"Damn it, stop drawing! What kind of bullshit!"

After meditating for five minutes, Chen Xuan stood up again, picked up the brush again, and repeated the same painting method stroke by stroke.

The theory of the talisman is to put the power of the formation into the talisman paper as a sign.

Not only must the formation be constructed on a piece of paper, but it must also form a complete whole. Only in this way can it not be easily destroyed, but only after being pulled by a special method can the power be released.

This is a very complicated and difficult matter.

After trying it, Chen Xuan calmed down again and picked up the pen in his hand again, but this time, he did not hold it with his hands, but with his mental power.

When the mental power bound the pen, it seemed that everything was under control. He could draw whatever he wanted. After finding a way, Chen Xuan also beamed.

"Come again!"

The room was filled with torn yellow paper.

After drawing it countless times, Chen Xuan was already familiar with the formation. Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt that the pen in his hand started to move on its own, brushing and brushing——

Writing is like a spirit.

The contents on the talisman paper were messy, but they followed a certain pattern. When the last stroke was written, what was originally just a simple talisman paper suddenly made a bang, as if a powerful energy was released. Chen Xuan's room was filled with shocking power, as if a thousand drums were singing in unison, shocking people's hearts.

The sound echoed endlessly, and finally there was a whoosh, and all the energy returned to the talisman paper in his hand. At this moment, the originally dull yellow paper exuded a luster, lighting up the room. Like a bright light!

"It's done!"

Chen Xuan didn't expect that he could succeed.

This is just the simplest amulet.

In that talisman, there is a mountain-protecting formation. If necessary, even if it releases its power, it can even cover the entire mountain peak in an instant. After Chen Xuan studied it, he was also ecstatic. He actually It worked.

"I succeeded!"

The yellow paper in his hand has become a charm.

There are no spell masters in Qifeng Empire.

Even if there are any, they are just some partial spell masters and are not orthodox.

All the charms are imported from the Ice and Snow Empire.

A first-level spell costs 50 million gold coins.

The defensive ones are more expensive, costing at least 60 million or even 70 million gold coins to buy.

These are clearly priced. This first-level spell is comparable to that fifth-level or even sixth-level elixir.

In other words, Chen Xuan had already created a price of 50 million gold coins in this afternoon, and it was an amulet. The price was at least 60 million or more.

There are many types of talismans, some are unorthodox, some are simple, unstable and defective talismans are also sold, and some are squibs. In short, it depends on your own ability whether you can recognize them.

However, Chen Xuan took the charm in his hand and attached it to a tree in the yard.

Then he used his mental power and attacked the big tree.

boom! !

Chen Xuan didn't have any room for this move, but used it with all his strength. How much could a first-grade king level person be able to withstand.

The big tree was motionless, but the ground was shaking several times.

There was a faint light shrouding the surface of the big tree. When Chen Xuan's attack came, this light appeared, but the attack was blocked by the flicker.

Then the spell broke into pieces.

With Chen Xuan's strength, this blow was enough to destroy the big tree without leaving any leaves, but it was still intact.

"The effect of this spell is indeed good, but it is a one-time use. No matter how powerful the attack is, it will be triggered as long as it reaches the basic limit."

Chen Xuan thought that when he attacked the bespectacled killer, his power had already exploded before he reached this level. There was still a gap between the talisman of that level and his own.

"It's almost there. Although it's only a one-time use, it's still good for mass production."

If this spell could be mass-produced, the effect would be very impressive. However, Chen Xuan also found that after finishing the painting, he could not draw the second one in a short period of time because he could not concentrate. This was a sign of disgust and fatigue. .

"Now that the first-level talisman can be refined, let's try the second-level talisman."

Chen Xuan also thought that the time spell could be drawn earlier, so that he could have more time to practice. Even if Chen Xuan had god-level power in his previous life, he still could not reverse time and even make time pass longer. Slowly, but in this life, I have mastered the power of the spell and opened up a new path.

So Chen Xuan also studied it with great interest.

Just when Chen Xuan was about to get involved, he smelled a fragrance coming from outside the yard.

"Hey, what smells so good!"

Chen Xuan immediately walked out impatiently. Because he had spent too much energy, he felt tired now.

When they arrived in the yard, Bai Cen and others were having a barbecue!

"You are having a barbecue!"

Chen Xuan suddenly became furious, while Bai Cen and others waved their hands quickly.

"It wasn't our idea, it was his."

Then, they all pointed at the last person.

When Chen Xuan saw Na Rao, he was also surprised: "Why are you here?"

The person who came was none other than Lanshan.

"Hey, you came just in time. You were in retreat while they were there, so I didn't bother you. I didn't expect you'd been here only a short while before it was so lively."

Lanshan also laughed.

Many people gathered in the yard. Sun Tao was still lying in the room, but there was nothing serious. Sun Tao's legs needed some time to recover.

In addition, Bai Cen, Xiang Shaoyang, Wei Ruoxue, and You are all here.

"Hmph, you guys were having barbecue and you didn't even call me!"

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