The most outrageous thing is that Bai Cen and Xiang Shaoyang actually used the mysterious fire they had just learned to barbecue there!

This technology used to make alchemy is actually used for barbecue!

It's simply too insulting to Xuan Huo.

"We, we are learning from Lord Arashiyama."

Bai Cen and Xiang Shaoyang stood aside feeling a little uneasy as if they had been caught doing something bad.

"Oh, you, the dignified vice president of the Alchemist Guild, teach these potential alchemists to barbecue with mysterious fire here!?" Chen Xuan sneered.

"No wonder your alchemy skills haven't improved at all in decades!"

"Ahem, it can't be like this. Whether it's refining medicine or barbecue, the principle is the same. As long as it is used properly, nothing can be refined. We must know how to be flexible. Refining alchemy is not a rigid way to death... "

Lanshan also smiled awkwardly. Chen Xuan's alchemy skills were stronger than the latter's. His defense here was just to save a little face, but he didn't know that Chen Xuan didn't give the latter any face at all.

"Really? It seems that your alchemy skills are better than mine. Why don't we show off?"

Chen Xuan said calmly, and at the same time he raised his hand, as if he wanted to fight with Lanshan. Lanshan's expression was also a little embarrassed. Apparently, under the pressure of Chen Xuan, he did not dare to act recklessly.

The people on the side were shocked beyond words when they saw this scene, as if they saw an ant challenging an elephant.

After all, the reputation of the vice-president of the Lanshan Alchemist Guild is well known. Bai Cen and others have been here for more than ten years. He is almost the highest-ranking person in the pharmacist city. But Lanshan can't cover it up with just one hand. After all,

While the Medicine Sect Mansion is protecting the Alchemist Guild, it is also supervising every move of the Alchemist Guild, and no behavior is allowed. Some alchemists want to resell the elixir, but if they are caught by the Medicine Sect Mansion, they will definitely It is impossible to escape death, or even the confiscation of the family and the annihilation of the clan.

Chen Xuan is just a mysterious young man. No one knows the latter's origin, identity, or even some specific information. Everyone knows that his name is Chen Xuan. In addition, he knows how to make alchemy.

"Hey, you are a specially appointed teacher of my Alchemist Guild. To be honest, you can't challenge me. I refuse. If you want to challenge me, you must first join our Alchemist Guild. How about you join? I will accept your challenge.”

Na Lanshan looked at Chen Xuan with a sly smile and felt unhappy.

"If you act like this, I'll beat you up."

Chen Xuandao.

The only one who dares to speak so rudely to the vice president of the Alchemist Guild is Chen Xuan.

"Ahem, that's it. I won't fight with you anymore. Let's eat some chicken wings first. I have something to ask you."

As Na Lanshan handed over a grilled chicken wing that was charred on the outside and tender on the inside, Chen Xuan took it without ceremony and took a bite. It tasted pretty good.

"If you have any questions, just ask. You can continue to eat. After you finish eating, you can go and practice."

Chen Xuandao.

"Let me ask you, is the Shangguan Ninghun of the Shangguan family here with you?"

Lanshan looked around curiously before, but could not find the whereabouts of Shangguan Ninghun. He must have been imprisoned.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions became tense.

Wei Ruoxue couldn't help but bury her head lower, for fear that Lanshan would find her, but Lanshan's eyes turned towards Wei Ruoxue.

"Yes, I caught him."

Chen Xuan said nonchalantly.

Hearing Chen Xuan's words, Bai Cen felt that his body was about to collapse. What kind of person was this Chen Xuan? Originally, kidnapping Shangguan Ninghun was a very dangerous matter. Now, if it happens like this, Then the situation becomes more complicated.

Not only did he beat others and kill so many guards of the Shangguan family, but now he also kidnapped Shangguan Ninghun. If the Shangguan family knew about it, everyone present would be dead.

After repeated thinking, Wei Ruoxue also knew that this matter seemed to go too far, but with her own identity, as long as Shangguan Ninghun was fine, there was basically room for negotiation.

"You, you want to trick me to death, right? If the Shangguan family knows that it was my people from Medicine Master City who captured Shangguan Ninghun, do you know what the consequences will be?"

Lanshan slapped his thigh with an expression on his face that I knew was definitely your son's doing. Who else besides you has the courage to kidnap Shangguan Ninghun.

"What's the consequence? Give me another chicken drumstick and sprinkle some cumin on it."

Chen Xuandao drew the charm for too long and made himself a little hungry.

Chen Xuan was more concerned about whether his chicken legs were delicious, rather than caring about Shangguan Ninghun's condition and what the consequences would be for Yaoshi City.

"You, my eldest young master, I have already tried my best to delay the Chen family. Now if we add the Shangguan family, even my Pharmacist Guild will not be able to bear it. That's two people. A big super family.”

Lanshan also spoke earnestly, wanting to let Chen Xuan know how serious the consequences would be.

"What's more, the Shangguan family has something to do with a spell master in the Ice and Snow Empire. If the spell master knows about this, it will be difficult for me to protect you even in Medicine Master City."

Lan Shandao said that it was fine in the Qifeng Empire, but the spell masters of the Ice and Snow Empire were the truly terrifying existences. If they really waited until they arrived, the situation would not be that simple.

"Oh? You are still afraid of the Ice and Snow Empire."

Chen Xuan was stunned for a moment.

"Although the three major empires of Fengyun Continent are now powerful, the Ice and Snow Empire occupies the largest glacier, has the most vast territory, and has been inherited for more than ten thousand years. The Qifeng Empire was founded less than 500 years ago. How can it be compared to the Ice and Snow Empire? There are countless masters there, and that is the holy place where the powerful gather. Although our Qifeng Empire is powerful, it will still take some time to catch up with the Ice and Snow Empire." Lan Shan said.

Obviously, the national power of the Ice and Snow Empire is much stronger than that of the Qifeng Empire. Judging from the level above the spell master, the Ice and Snow Empire must have alchemists, and their level may even be more powerful than that of the Qifeng Empire.

Coupled with the powerful specialty of Talisman Master, it makes the other two empires fear him like a tiger.

If the spell master of the Ice and Snow Empire knew that his prospective apprentice had been kidnapped, he would go crazy.

The Talisman Master itself is a very rare talent, and it requires very unfavorable opportunities to be able to practice successfully. And for a powerful Talisman Master to accept a disciple, that is also a very rare thing.

It is much harder to find an apprentice than to become a strong person.

"It's over now... Even if we hand the person over, we're afraid we won't be able to escape."

Bai Cen said in a deep voice.

"They haven't seen you, but I tied them up and I'll carry them!"

Lei Suo stood up and said, hearing the seriousness of this, he took the initiative to take it.

"No, this matter is actually none of your business. Shangguan Ninghun is here for me."

Wei Ruoxue stood up and said.

You looked at the people around you with your big watery eyes.

"I'm really sorry for getting you involved. I was too rebellious and willful. I will go back to Shangguan City and make it clear to them."

"Miss Wei, you don't have to worry. You won't be happy if you force yourself. Just leave it to Master Chen Xuan."

Xiang Shaoyang said shamelessly, Wei Ruoxue's identity is already known, and the most beautiful woman in the empire will attract attention wherever she goes.

"You don't have to worry. As long as you hand Shangguan Ninghun to me, this matter won't be too serious, but the premise is that he is still alive." Lan Shandao, as the vice president of the Alchemist Guild, has the power in his hands With the lifeblood of nearly 90% of the alchemists in Qifeng Empire, this little energy is still there.


Several people were pleasantly surprised. If this matter could be solved, they would be relieved.

But everyone looked at Chen Xuan, and only Chen Xuan nodded.

"No, I can't let the person who hurt me go. Let the Shangguan family come and talk to me on their own."

Chen Xuan said calmly while eating chicken legs.

Chen Xuan's words moved Lei Suo and others. This matter could not have been so serious, but Chen Xuan refused because Sun Tao was working for Chen Xuan and was Chen Xuan's person.

The Immortal Alchemist was passive, how could he let him go so easily?

"Since you're here, please give me a message. Shangguan Ninghun is in my hands. If you want to take him back, it's very simple. Just pay to satisfy me."

Chen Xuan said bluntly.

Lanshan also looked stiff.

" are trying to cause trouble..."

"Although I, Chen Xuan, am a nobody, I can't be bullied by anyone. Lanshan, I accept your love. Is your goal just to be the vice president here? I ask you, do you want to become President, what are the requirements?”

As soon as these words came out, a light suddenly bloomed in Lanshan's eyes!

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