Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1297: Severely Injuring Wang Xiao

At this time, Chen Xuan was really excited. As long as he can master these extremely powerful alchemy techniques, I believe he will gain greater benefits in future battles.

While he was undergoing continuous refinement, he could clearly see the deep fluctuations of energy surging in the depths of his eyes.

The astonishing information flow was gradually absorbed into his body, and Chen Xuan stopped comprehending and practicing.

However, after carefully feeling it at this time, familiar smells and tastes appeared around me. The attitude that originally seemed to be very vigilant gradually returned to a normal state.

Chen Xuan pursed his lips with a faint smile. It can be seen that he has become really warm at this time.

"Wang Fang comes to me for shopping again?" Chen Xuan said with a faint smile. He looked at the girl in front of him, and a warm smile appeared in the depths of his clear eyes.

On Wang Fang's playful face, there was a slight shyness emerging at this time. She nodded lightly and said calmly: "If you have time, of course I am willing."

"Haha, let's get down to business." Chen Xuan said calmly.

There is an unwritten rule where he is, that is, no one is allowed to disturb him while he is practicing.

Everyone who is close to Chen Xuan knows this rule, and Wang Fang naturally understands it, but since she arrived at this place today and caught up with Chen Xuan's practice time.

This makes it clear that she has something important to do.

There was a bit of worry and emotion emerging from the depths of her beautiful eyes. It can be seen that there is a weak light flowing all over the girl at this time.

Her legs became a little weak at this time, and she suddenly fell to the ground.

"What's wrong with you!" Chen Xuan was immediately surprised! He immediately reached the girl and hugged her. It could be seen that there were deep concerns in the depths of his eyes at this time.

Wang Fang, who was as angry as a gossamer, was filled with weakness and death in the depths of her eyes. It was obvious that she had suffered a serious blow at some unknown time.

At this time, Wang Fang had a faint smile. She raised her head and looked at the young man in front of her. After pondering for a while, she said: "I... was... hit by Wang Xiao!"


His fists immediately clenched. Thick bloodshot eyes appeared, and Chen Xuan suddenly became stiff and trembling... He dared to hurt the girl he regarded as his sister. Isn't this seeking death?

"Don't take revenge on him. This guy is now involved with Zhou Huang, and we are no match for them..." Wang Fang said with a guilty conscience at this time.

Chen Xuan looked at the girl in front of him and nodded: "Don't worry, I won't go. Just rest here!"

Immediately Chen Xuan took out the big tonic pill. He gave it to the girl in front of him to swallow first, and after the girl fell asleep, he went to the training ground where Zhou Huang and the others were with indescribable anger...

You can see it clearly in the space in front of you. Lifeless fluctuations surged through the space, which caused a large area of ​​space to fall into a thrilling and coercive atmosphere.

This atmosphere is too powerful and terrifying. I believe that as long as it can shock people, it will frighten Quan Zhan.

The most central place is a quite large training ground. At this time, there was an extremely alluring light flashing, and I had no choice but to wait for this thrilling impact. It can be said to be extremely tyrannical!

On the battlefield in front of you, you can clearly see it at this time. The power in Wang Xiao's body became terrifying and dazzling.

The cold murderous intent is frightening. After reaching the ultimate level, Wang Xiaofang smiled and said: "It's about to be upgraded...Although there is still some distance, we have finally touched the threshold of the late stage of integration. It seems that we can succeed with a little more effort."

"It's a pity that this girl Wang Fang is so stubborn that she must be with this beast like Chen Xuan. What future can he have if he is destined to die!"

He shook his head helplessly. Deep in Wang Xiao's eyes, deep emotions and sighs emerged at this time.

But it was also at this time. Chen Xuan suddenly walked out from nearby, phew! A flash of lightning burst out. A pair of iron-like palms immediately clamped the young man's neck in front of him.

Incomparably cold murderous intent emerged from the depths of Chen Xuan's eyes. Even though he had just improved his strength, it was a pity that Wang Xiao had almost no ability to resist at this time.

After being controlled, the depths of his eyes were filled with deep worry and fear. At this time, he stared at Chen Xuan in front of him with extremely cruel eyes, and the light of spiritual energy all over his body continued to become stronger and more solid!

The power of Jingrao's resistance began to completely explode at this time. It could be clearly seen that on the battlefield in front of him, he began to become completely domineering.

Chen Xuan looked at the guy who had been completely controlled by him with indifference, and saw that he was still struggling desperately at this time. A cold smile appeared on his lips.

There is no intention of being accustomed to it. call out! A flash of lightning-like light and shadow carried an extremely cruel killing intent, and he pierced through it extremely quickly.

After reaching a very far away place, he waved his arms away. Wang Xiao, who was controlled by him, was violently blasted against the bluestone with his movements.


The terrifying and ferocious shock waves immediately caused countless cracks and stripes to appear on the bluestone ground that looked very hard and terrifying.

The whirring bluestone fragments splashed into the air in front of him, and the force of such a shocking blow and collision was extremely terrifying.

Chen Xuan didn't have the slightest intention to stop, and at this moment, the extremely powerful palm suddenly waved away with great ferocity.

The shocking palm suddenly slammed down hard. Several times in a row, Wang Xiao's whole body suddenly became bone-chillingly cold. His body could not withstand such frightening power.

It can be seen that he is really in an extremely embarrassed state at this time. On the battlefield in front of him, he could clearly see that Wang Xiao's whole body was torn apart by the violent impact.

Countless wounds were torn open, and extremely hot blood began to flow out. It can be seen that he is really in an extreme state of embarrassment at this time. On the battlefield in front of him, he can clearly see it at this time.

Wang Xiao's eyes were filled with depression and gloom. Looking at Chen Xuan, he said in a low voice: "Don't...continue...the attack!"

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