Wang Xiao's body was brutally hit, which made him weak all over. Hot blood kept coming out from the corners of his mouth, which made his eyes dim at this time.

It can be seen that under such a thrilling blow, his whole body's momentum began to sink. Under such a shocking blow, it seemed that it would not take too long for his body to be completely torn apart. Drive away!

No one would have thought that Xiong Angyao, a top powerhouse who was about to enter the late stage of integration, would be in the competition with Chen Xuan. He had almost no ability to resist, and was hit by the bluestone with great cruelty. The earth is in danger

Such a blow is shocking. But at this time, Wang Xiao could clearly feel that if he did not choose to surrender or admit defeat now, the young man in front of him might use extremely cruel methods to destroy him!

Such a death-like blow can't help but shock people. On the battlefield in front of him, Chen Xuan's eyes were filled with deep coldness and chill, and the extremely rich spiritual energy fluctuations in his palms began to become dazzling and powerful.

He grabbed Wang Xiao in front of him and threw him away. Almost for an instant, the young man in front of him was in a state of embarrassment.

His body fell heavily to the ground and drove away, causing countless cracks in the bluestone ground in front of him.

The whirring spiritual energy fluctuated from his body, mixed with extremely bloody flesh, and spattered into the surrounding environment, which caused a frightening hazy bloody atmosphere to appear in a large space.

Wang Xiao once again crawled out of the flesh and blood mist in front of him. There was a large amount of blood in the depths of his eyes, and it could be seen that he was really in extreme embarrassment at this time.

The cold and dense aura began to gather on his body, and it could be seen that he began to become powerful and dazzling at this time.

It was on the battlefield in front of me that I could clearly feel the cruel killing intent that made people unable to resist.

Chen Xuan stepped forward and reached the guy in front of him. He locked eyes with him with murderous intent. It seemed that he was going to use extremely cruel methods to kill Wang Xiao in front of him. Tear it apart.

In the depths of Wang Xiao's eyes, which were already cruel and weak to the extreme, a deep emotion of shock emerged. It was obvious that he was really terrified at this time.

It seemed that he would never have thought that the young man in front of him, who looked very low-key and tolerant, could be so cruel and ruthless.

"Take me to find Zhou Huang." Chen Xuan said calmly.

Wang Xiao was trembling all over, but when he heard that the young man in front of him would make such a request, a look of ecstasy suddenly appeared in the depths of his eyes.

Although Chen Xuan's ability is quite strong, if compared with Zhou Huang, there is obviously a huge gap. This guy doesn't know that Gao Gaohou is going to find trouble for him now. He probably has to pay this time. The price of bloody cruelty! …

At the top of this extremely graceful mountain peak, the gentle breeze caused countless plants to sway. It can be seen that a faint light of spiritual energy is moving and flowing rapidly in the mountain forest in front of you.

This puts a large area of ​​space into a special state full of spiritual energy. call out! A flash of terrifying light immediately tore apart the air in front of him.

Only after the light falls to the ground can you see it clearly. At this time, Wang Xiao's body was as hard as a stone. He fell to the mountain peak in front of him, smashing a large piece of rock into powder.

Chen Xuan walked out from the whirring powder. He waved his hand and threw Wang Xiao away. Then with a faint smile, he reached the core of the space in front of him, and deep waves of energy flowed deep in his eyes.

Looking at Zhou Huang who was in a state of surprise at this time, Chen Xuan said: "Come here and die carefully."

Zhou Huang is practicing.

He obviously did not expect that someone would take strong action today in a place that was usually regarded as a forbidden area.

What made him even more annoyed was that the young man in front of him was naturally the guy who made him lose face during the last competition with him!

With his fists clenched, Zhou Huang's eyes were filled with deep, thick bloodshot eyes. His voice sounded very low at this time: "Haozi, you are really seeking death!"

"Then let's see who is seeking death!" Chen Xuan said lightly.

Without the slightest wait, the extremely powerful spiritual energy fluctuations began to become powerful and dazzling, and the astonishing spiritual energy fluctuations became overwhelming.

The metallic light all over Zhou Huang's body began to move crazily, like countless angry dragon forms slowly turning around his body. The terrifying divine dragon aura made Zhou Huang start to become frighteningly powerful at this time.

Without any intention of waiting, he stepped forward and ejaculated almost instantly before his eyes. The death-like aura makes people unable to resist, and the astonishing punch immediately tears the air apart.

The death-like shock waves suddenly exploded to the extreme, and the dazzling light made people full of energy.

At this time, Zhou Huang controlled the form of the Frightening Divine Dragon. He stepped forward with extremely fierce steps, and almost instantly arrived in front of Chen Xuan with extremely powerful power.

"I'm going to make you pay the price, you beast." The extremely cruel crushing waves erupted rapidly at this time. The Jingrao Shenlong seemed to be in its real state, tearing the air apart with incomparable ferocity.

The death-like aura began to become stronger quickly, and when it was around, the dragon began to become extremely ferocious!

Chen Xuan watched the arrival of the divine dragon in front of him indifferently. At this time, he did not feel nervous at all. With a more powerful and terrifying blow, Chen Xuan counterattacked instantly.

A fist like the sun suddenly hit the body of the divine dragon in front of him. It could be clearly seen that the originally ferocious and terrifying divine dragon suddenly became curled up under such a thrilling blow.

The extremely cold forward and collision force made the dragon's body in front of him seem to be undergoing a violent explosion. In a thrilling state of fragmentation, its body began to show shocking destruction.


The extremely cruel shock wave spread far away, and it could be seen that in the space in front of you, countless rocks and trees, plants and grass nearby were turned into powder!

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