If you want to benefit from the medicine pool, you must first have strong abilities, because there is an atmosphere of danger and terror everywhere in the medicine pool. If you are not strong enough, you may be injured or even die.

Wang Fang had no intention of retreating at this time, and even entered the medicine pool to practice with Chen Xuan.

Five days later.

"This is..." In the core place in front of him, Chen Xuan looked at a sparkling plant, with deep shock waves flowing in the depths of his eyes.

Chen Xuan licked his lips and said in shock: "This is Senmang source grass. This thing is very rare. As long as you can absorb it, you can get great benefits."

"I never thought there would be something like this here." Chen Xuan pursed his lips and smiled, but at this time, although he looked at the powerful medicinal material in front of him, sharpness and brightness appeared in the depths of his eyes.

But after pondering for a while, he still focused his attention on the more distant place.

"It seems that this medicinal material is not the most top-notch thing here." A faint smile appeared on his lips. Chen Xuan had no intention of delaying.

Almost instantly, he walked towards the deepest part of the space in front of him, but at this time, Chen Xuan didn't have the slightest carelessness. After taking a closer look around him, he stabbed out with his finger. .

Hua Hua... Jingrao's power of shuttle immediately stabbed the hard stone in front of him into splits, and the Hua Hua stone exploded into powder.

These powders then exploded in the air, and the ripples spread out. When Chen Xuan saw the most inner and core things, the depths of his eyes were full of excitement.

"Sen pattern Baoguanglian."

"As long as I refine this thing, I will be able to gain great strength support, and I may be able to directly break through the level."

"What is particularly important is that it can increase the strength of bones. You must know that bones are an important support for a warrior. Without strong bones, no powerful moves can be used."

Chen Xuan immediately laughed. He waved his hand to take away the medicinal materials, but at this time, Chen Xuan did not care and immediately collected all the suitable medicinal materials nearby.

Refining medicine was not too difficult for him. He immediately refined the medicinal materials, and finally spent several hours to successfully refine the Senwen Baoguang Dan.

After successfully refining the elixir, Chen Xuan felt a little calmer in his heart!

Despite this, Chen Xuan was still not calm. There is a small space in the deepest part of the medicine pool, but almost most of the power is concentrated in that narrow place.

As long as a warrior can enter it, he can violently absorb it, and Wang Fang's intention is to use the extremely powerful spiritual energy in that place to make continuous breakthroughs in his own level.

This idea is of course a good one, but it is really difficult to put it into practice...

Near the medicine pool.

"Look at Wang Fang practicing."

The young man pursed his lips and showed a faint smile. He looked at the girl who was practicing in the very rich spiritual energy water waves with incomparable indifference, and deep sharp and playful fluctuations emerged in the depths of his eyes.

At this time, he had no intention of being polite at all. The spiritual energy burst out under his feet, and he shot away almost instantly.

When he reached Wang Fang, he held it tightly with both hands, and the whirring spiritual energy began to become stronger. When his arms became hard and strong, he slapped Wang Fang extremely fiercely. His head was smashed.

The girl is practicing rapidly in this pool of water, and her whole body has now entered a mysterious state. Especially given the state around her, even the ground cracking may not be able to wake her up.

But just when the guy in front of him thought he could hit Wang Fang in an instant, he could see Chen Xuan walking out nearby.

The thick palm suddenly evaporated, and the young man flew away with a bang. Only when he was several hundred meters away did the young man fall to the ground in a state of embarrassment.

"Your opponent is me!"

Chen Xuan said calmly.

Wiping away the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, the young man looked at Chen Xuan and said angrily: "Well, Chen Xuan, you are so nosy. I think you are really looking for death."

Obviously the young man in front of him is the guy who provoked people near the medicine pond earlier. He himself is very arrogant, and now he is even more fierce in this place where no one is in charge.

It's just that Chen Xuan would never have dreamed that as a member of the Yao Clan, he would actually attack Wang Fang. He has learned about this today, which means that it is impossible for the young man in front of him to let him leave alive.

Now that Ruci speaks, the scale and significance of this battle are completely different. Looking at the powerful figure in front of him, Chen Xuan stretched his muscles. If he wanted to fight, let's do it.

call out!

In the space and battlefield in front of them, astonishing lightning waves immediately tore the air apart, and it was scary to see this extremely violent impact.

When he reached his side, he punched the young man hard on the body. The young man's chest was instantly smashed open, extremely hot blood came out, and free money splashed into the air. It was obvious that at this time, he really started to become embarrassed.

After continuously retreating to a place tens of meters away, the young man sat down on the ground. He looked at the young man in front of him in astonishment, and there was a deep terror in the depths of his eyes.

"Good boy, you are pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger." The young man's extremely surprised emotion quickly disappeared from his face, and then he jumped up and waited until the spiritual energy in his body was mobilized to the extreme again. Can be seen extremely clearly.

A flaming tiger with its head burning fiercely emerged from the young man's body. The intensity of this flame tiger is very permeable, and the roaring flames rise to a height of hundreds of meters.

A large area of ​​space was filled with this astonishing and terrifying flame. When it reached the extreme level, it exploded with a wave of its hand.

The extremely rich flame fluctuations turned into a state like water waves at this time. The shocking death-like blow made people unable to resist. He waved his hand to explode it. Almost instantly, the powerful and thick flame breath was fierce. It's so spicy that it covers people.

The thrilling temperature made people tremble all over. Chen Xuan's body was immediately overwhelmed by the flames in front of him.

"This is the price you pay for contending with me." Deep pride appeared in the depths of the young man's eyes. He turned and walked towards the medicine pool, his attitude becoming playful and sinister.

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