The astonishing flames created by the roaring flames made people feel like their whole bodies were being scorched. It burst out and suppressed Chen Xuan, and the sea of ​​​​fire flooded a large space.

This kind of death-like blow and pressure can be called extremely terrifying.

The young man did not pay too much attention to the changes coming from behind. Deep energy waves emerged from the depths of his eyes. He clenched the whirring spiritual energy with both fists and rose into the void.

This made the vast swath of void become hot and burning at this time, and it was impossible to resist such astonishing blows and fluctuations.


The young man looked at Wang Fang in front of him and became a little gloomy.

"I think you are the one who wants to die!" But when the young man in front of him was about to use his extremely powerful means to kill, he could see the sea of ​​flames that looked full of destruction in the previous place.

Chen Xuan stepped out with a faint smile. Death-like killing intent began to spread rapidly throughout his body, and he locked the young man in front of him with ruthlessness.

The cold and dense fluctuations and air currents are terrifying. After reaching the ultimate level, he jumped up to his eyes.

call out! The surprisingly powerful fist tore the air apart, and then with an extremely powerful blow, it hit the young man in front of him on the back.

The force of the extremely cruel blow immediately split his skin, and the extremely bright red flesh and extremely white bones emerged. The extremely dense feeling was somewhat unbearable.

The young man immediately groaned, vomited blood, and flew away in embarrassment. When Chen Xuan arrived, he punched his side again, and then a huge hole was made in the ground.

Chen Xuan lifted it up, looked at the young man in front of him calmly and said calmly: "As a member of the Yao Clan, you are so cruel. It seems that this matter is not that simple. I want to see who is behind it." Take care of this."

In the young man's extremely panicked state, Chen Xuan's extremely cold palm fell hard on the body of the guy in front of him.

The extremely cruel force of the blow immediately caused deep sadness to appear in the depths of the eyes of the man in front of him.

He fainted with a muffled groan. He tied it up casually and stuffed it into the storage ring. Chen Xuan looked at the waves of spiritual energy in front of him. At this time, his eyes began to become sharp and bright.

"The spiritual energy content in this place is extremely high. I believe that as long as you can absorb it properly, you will be able to obtain considerable benefits in a short period of time."

"It just seems that Wang Fang's absorption seems a bit reluctant. After all, her own confidence is not very strong. When faced with such a large-scale spiritual energy impact, she seems a little unable to resist. That is normal and normal. "

"It seems I should help her."

Chen Xuan pursed his lips and showed a faint smile. He didn't have the slightest hesitation, and a flash of light exploded out.

His feet gently landed on the extremely clear water in front of him. At this time, it was not difficult to see that in the water in front of him, the layered ripples began to slowly spread out.

This kind of astonishing wave force is terrifying. It was in the deepest part of the water waves in front of him that Chen Xuan's body slowly calmed down.

The spiritual energy fluctuations from the silk seals on his hands began to automatically converge into his hands. In that part of the seal, the whirring convergence became a quite pure state.

It can be clearly felt that when the spiritual energy inside the water waves was sent into his hands and the seals were formed in his hands, the original state of thick impurities was completely calmed down in an instant...

Half a month later... Wang Fang's body quickly brightened up. After reaching the ultimate level, she quickly broke through the level. The continuous breakthroughs made her look like she was trembling all over.

The dazzling light shot up into the sky, and only after reaching an altitude of several thousand meters could we clearly see that the chaotic power in the void gradually disappeared.

On the battlefield in front of you, you can clearly feel the astonishing strength, which is terrifying.

"Finally a breakthrough!" Wang Fang opened her eyes, and the depths of her pretty eyes were filled with deep joy. However, the girl felt very strange at this time. It seemed that the power she had absorbed during the recent period had been deliberately purified.

This makes the originally low-level spiritual energy become quite advanced... and while absorbing these pure powers, the impact of the powerful spiritual energy from around him is actually weakened a lot.

Therefore, with the benefit of these two aspects, Wang Fang was able to successfully improve his level in the end. At this time, she looked at the place around her and saw the young man with solid and dazzling light flowing all over his body. After seeing it, she immediately covered her red lips in surprise.

There was a deep wave of energy emerging from the depths of her eyes, and her white hands were tightly clasped. It was obvious that she was really nervous now.

It was at this moment in front of me that I could clearly see that what was originally a calm absorption suddenly began to become violent!

The powerful spiritual energy fluctuations within hundreds of meters nearby were absorbed into his body in a crazy manner. At this time, one could see that the young man who was originally transformed into a crystal state was now starting to become violent again. Extremely up.

Wang Fang felt the waves of spiritual energy under her feet quickly gathering towards Chen Xuan's body, and under this thrilling absorption, even she seemed to be in the process of absorption, slowly The slow movement has to be very surprising.

With a little surprise and fear, Wang Fang immediately moved towards the space behind her. When she was hundreds of meters away, she felt that the danger in her body began to drop to a bearable range, and then she turned pale. It quickly calmed down.

Looking at the strange scene in front of him, Wang Fang opened his mouth in surprise: "It seems that Chen Xuan is absorbing the spiritual energy here very quickly. He just absorbed it as slowly and step by step as I did, and my body withstood it as if it was destroyed." Wouldn't he be afraid if he absorbs it so violently and horribly?"

After all, similar powerful absorption places great demands on the body, and it is very possible that the body will be blown to pieces if it fails! Therefore, it could be seen at this time that Wang Fang was really shocked!

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