"I am Chu Dong, a disciple of the Faju Sect! Your name is already known to everyone in the Faju Sect! What! Brother Chen Xuan, are you going to enter the city?"

Chu Dong looked at the young man in front of him with great admiration and respect, and it could be seen that he had really become very amiable at this time.

Recalling how cruel and ruthless he was to Zhao Feng before, now he is really a completely different person!

It can be seen that under the extremely tall city in front of them, countless people are looking at Chen Xuan weakly and politely. At this time, they really regret in their hearts.

After all, this matter is very regrettable for them! If they had gathered around Chen Xuan from the very beginning, I believe there would not have been any problem entering the city at this time.

They all looked at Zhao Feng beside them, and it was obvious that they were really disgusted with him at this moment.

"Well, I have something to check out." Chen Xuan smiled lightly.

Since people give face to others, Chen Xuan will naturally give face to others. This is called reciprocity.

"Since Ruci said so, please come into the city!" Chu Dong said with a faint smile.

Chen Xuan bowed his hand towards him without any hesitation at this time. After all, Snowflake City is now full of wars, and what is the current situation in this ancient city, he still needs to investigate carefully to get clear results!

Immediately, without any hesitation, he entered the city in front of him, which was full of ancient atmosphere and taste.

Half a day later.

Near the empty square in front of you, the magnificent tower presents a wonderful sparkling beauty! In such a special space, Rao's mood will be affected to the greatest extent.

Even those who have gloomy emotions deep in their hearts, I believe that their mood will change beautifully when they visit this place!

With a faint smile, Chen Xuan knew that there were too many secrets in the city lord's mansion in front of him. No matter what happened, as long as you enter the mission office to see what top-level missions are released, you will naturally know something about it...

Near the mission.

The huge iron gate looked lifeless. It can be seen that this state is quite terrifying, with countless strip-shaped ravines emerging on top of the solid iron gate in front of them.

A faint light of spiritual energy rotates on the surface of the iron door, and it really feels mysterious at this time.

Chen Xuan looked at the tall and hard giant door in front of him, and his scalp couldn't help but feel a little numb. A giant door of this size in front of him, unless it has a very powerful combat power, would not be able to kill it. Blasting that away is almost impossible.

But at this time, dozens of warriors were waiting in front of this giant gate. It can be seen that deep in their eyes, there are deep emotions.

It can be seen that at this time, they all seem to want to take action and enter the mission office to find their mission.

Among these outstanding young warriors, the extremely beautiful figure looks very domineering. Although many warriors around him looked a little panicked at this time, this woman was Gujing Wubo.

From time to time, sharp brilliance appeared in the depths of the extremely dark eyes, and it had to be that such astonishing power had to be achieved to a certain extent.

At this time, there was a middle-aged man who looked very domineering deep in the giant door, with sharp light surging deep in his eyes.

It emerged with an extremely powerful aura, almost instantly intimidating all the people in front of it.

The frightening and threatening waves slowly spread into the air, which made the people present tremble with fear. They looked at the old man in front of them weakly and politely. It was obvious that they all looked extremely scared at this time.

On the battlefield in front of you, you can clearly see the astonishing strength that is terrifying.

The middle-aged man didn't pay attention to the people in front of him. A faint light of disgust emerged from the depths of his eyes. He waved his hand and said: "Don't wait here anymore! How many times have I told you that the mission office is temporarily closed. !”

After hearing the cruel result in front of them, many people present looked a bit embarrassed at this moment. Obviously they came here to get some better tasks, but they didn't expect that they would end up like this.

But at this time, we could see that the girl with a brighter aura flowing around her body raised her head. Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, he has an aura and light of wisdom all over his body.

"Please, I really want to receive a mission. I hope you can give me a chance. I can guarantee that the mission I want to receive is an absolutely top-notch mission."

The indescribable taste makes people unable to bear to refuse! The middle-aged man looked at the girl in front of him in surprise, and a little light of appreciation emerged from the depths of his eyes.

It's just that these strange lights only lasted for a short time and then disappeared. At this time, after he pondered for a while, he pursed his lips and said lightly: "No, there are rules here. No one is allowed to enter without permission. I'm sorry." ”

Shock, dissatisfaction and murderous intent emanated from the girl's jewel-like eyes. She clenched her extremely white fists, and her whole body was trembling slightly at this time.

It can be seen that she is beginning to become strong and terrifying at this time! However, although the girl's whole body was filled with an extremely cold aura, this aura only lasted for a short period of time before disappearing.

She looked at the middle-aged warrior in front of her and seemed to know that there was no point or benefit in contending with him, so she could only clenched her fists and nodded her head in despair.

He arched his hands and showed a well-behaved look, but no matter how he looked at it, his well-behaved look felt a bit fake.

On the battlefield in front of us, we can clearly see the dozens of talents gathered here at this time, and they all have deep regrets on their faces.

It's just that what they said has made everything clear, and the mission office is temporarily closed.

Even if there is a big desire in the heart, it can only be calmed down passively. But just as these people were walking out, the voice from behind attracted everyone's attention.

"Senior nephew Chen Xuan? Are you here? Come in and talk!"

The middle-aged man suddenly became excited. It could be seen that the indifferent attitude disappeared quickly at this time, and this change of attitude was quite surprising.

Chen Xuan came here quickly. The moment he reached his side, Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed into a thin line. He doesn’t know this person very well either…

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