Looking at the cold warrior Chen Xuan in front of him, his eyes narrowed into a thin line. He didn't seem to recognize the strong man in front of him!

However, it can be seen at this time that this strong man is very enthusiastic towards him, which makes Chen Xuan feel very shocked at this time.

"Well, I don't know how this elder brother knows me?" Chen Xuan looked at the strong man in front of him curiously. Although he was very warm and polite to him, he still wanted to find out the facts first.

Otherwise, it would be really embarrassing if I just admitted that I was wrong.

"Brother Chen Xuan, you are now well known to everyone in the Faju Sect. Who doesn't know your reputation?"

"I just regret that I didn't have the experience of contacting you before. Now that I finally see you, how can I not be happy and excited?"

There was a deep sense of warmth and respect in the eyes of the middle-aged man. He looked at the young man in front of him and cupped his hands and said, "Wucai of the Faju clan."

"Hello." Chen Xuan cupped his hands and smiled.

It seems that Fa Jiuzong really cares about him and respects him very much. In the past, I only had a partial understanding of this ancient sect, and I was not very familiar with it.

There are not many impressions and emotions in my heart, but at this time, I can see that the performance of this sect has become active and hot.

"It seems that if there is a chance to get to know them better, it would be of great benefit." Chen Xuan said with a faint smile.

At this time, there were deep fluctuations of energy in the depths of his eyes. But we can’t talk about these things now. Snowflake City has already been hit hard at this stage.

The order that was destroyed now needs to be re-established. Otherwise, not only the warrior class would be harmed, but also the order of the entire city would collapse. If it reaches that stage and state, it will probably be in trouble.

"I wonder what Brother Chen Xuan is going to do?" Looking at the young man in front of him, Elder Wu Cai had a questioning look in his eyes.

"I want to see some tasks that are suitable for me, especially the specific information about some recent changes in Snowflake City. I want to have a brief understanding."

Chen Xuan smiled lightly.

"Well, if Ruci says it, please come with me."

Wu Cai didn't mean to be arrogant or domineering at all. It could be seen that he really became warm and polite at this time...

"Elder Wu Cai! It seems a little uncomfortable for you to do this, right?"

Some cold voices suddenly came out from the crowd. The girl who looked a little cold at this time stepped out and her cold voice made people feel uncomfortable all over.

She stared at the middle-aged elder in front of her, and deep waves of energy emerged from the depths of his eyes.

"It seems it's not your girl's turn to question me." Looking at the girl in front of him, sharp fluctuations appeared in the eyes of the old figure.

He clenched his fists tightly and it was obvious that he was really in a state of embarrassment at this time. Although the girl was very domineering before, it was a pity that she couldn't resist when faced with being crushed by a super strong man like Wu Cai.

Because of this, her face was extremely pale at this time, and she continued to retreat some distance before looking over with some fear.

She looked at the old man in front of her, and there was a deep fright in his eyes. It was obvious that she was frightened at this moment.

Seeing that the girl had softened, Wu Cai just said: "This is a friend of my Faju sect, so of course he can be treated specially. If any of you here think you have the qualifications and ability to be friends with my Faju sect, then OK, come forward now."

Dozens of warriors who had been tickled by the girl before had a deep wave of energy emerging from the depths of their eyes. They could clearly see that they had become quite terrifying. stand up.

The words were so frightening that the people present were looking at the old man blankly, but at this time they were all looking at Chen Xuan beside them curiously.

The implication is that the young man in front of me is enough to become a friend of the Faju Sect? Of course they knew better than anyone else what level of existence the Faju Sect was, but at this moment they looked at this person who was about the same age as them.

Moreover, a warrior with a relatively restrained temperament and demeanor could actually have such a large amount of energy, which really made them feel incredible.

On the battlefield in front of them, they could clearly see that they were all staring blankly at Chen Xuan in front of them. Although they were very jealous and coveted at this time, they no longer had any resistance at this time. qualifications and capital.

"Let's go."

Withdrawing his indifferent gaze, Wu Cai had no intention of staying any longer. When he once again focused his attention on Chen Xuan, he could see his previous indifferent attitude, and almost instantly Just disappear.

This makes the old man look really warm and natural at this time. The feeling of such a warm elder makes the whole body feel like sunshine, which is naturally extremely comfortable.

Chen Xuan looked at the frustrated young warriors behind him, especially the woman who looked extremely hateful at this moment. There was also a deep wave of helplessness in the depths of his eyes.

Maybe this is the shadow of Rao Mingshu! If you have skills and abilities, you will receive considerable respect and benefits no matter where you are. If you are not strong enough or even weak, you will probably be hit or even bullied in the end.

This kind of thing is all one's own fault, and there is no reason to resent anything external. Chen Xuan immediately entered the hall with the old man next to him to be Zheng.

The huge metal door gave people a feeling of being extremely hard, as if it could not be easily shaken. If it was not actively placed in it, it would be impossible to force it in through one's own ability and skills.

In the space and battlefield in front of him, Chen Xuan clearly felt that countless pure waves flashed with dazzling brightness, and there were very clear information fluctuations in these lights.

I believe that as long as this information can be mastered, a good task can be obtained.

"Everything you want to inquire and understand is here. Haha, you can do whatever you want in the next time. I'll be nearby. If you have anything, you can call me at any time." Wu Cai smiled faintly.

Chen Xuan waved his hand and said, "Okay, please go."

Looking at the countless meteor-like flowing lights in front of him, Chen Xuan's eyes were really bright and sharp.

After a simple observation, he found that the colors of these lights were quite different. Generally speaking, the deep colors gave people a very precious feeling, while the darker colors were much weaker.

After pondering for a while, he decided to take action to obtain the precious thing!

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