Looking at the dozens of warriors in front of him, Zhou Kun said: "I hope everyone will work hard."

Countless people dispersed at this time, but Chen Xuan fell into thinking in the corner. It is true that the Yaochi Empire is huge, but there are only a few core officials and masters.

I really didn't expect that there would be such a big fuss this time, but the Wu family didn't know where it came from, so how dare they deal with court officials so blatantly?

This thing is really scary! However, at this time, Chen Xuan had no intention of putting more effort into this matter. After pondering for a while, he decided to use the short time to improve his abilities first...

There are many separate training grounds on the golden cart in front of you, and the spiritual energy fluctuations inside are very terrifying and powerful. As long as you can absorb them, I believe you can get considerable benefits.

However, at this time, it could be clearly seen that in one of the training grounds, Chen Xuan's body was flowing with quite pure spiritual energy.

Spiritual energy like water waves swirled around his body. This makes him look really strong at this time, which can only be discovered if you look carefully.

Chen Xuan's body is becoming extremely powerful, and countless impurities and dirt-like things are being quickly eliminated from his body.

These things flowed nearby, which caused a fishy smell to spread throughout the space. Feeling the nausea of ​​these things in front of him, Chen Xuan's practice was inevitably disturbed.

The white palms waved gently, and the extremely rich flame light began to become powerful. These extremely hot flames swept across the bodies of the things in front of them.

It was quickly burned into something dry. Phew... Chen Xuan took a deep breath. At this moment, deep waves of energy emerged from the depths of his eyes.

At this time, we could see that the flame in Chen Xuan's hand began to become stronger... But at this time, he was not in a hurry to solidify the flame. Instead, he waved his hand to take out the nine balls of liquid with a mysterious aura.

It can be clearly seen that the liquid in the hand has an amazing power flowing inside it. I believe that as long as these powers can be absorbed, the warrior himself can gain considerable benefits.

However, Chen Xuan just smiled lightly at this time. Naturally, he would not easily absorb a powerful treasure of this level.

If you can use your own ability to refine it into an elixir, I believe you can obtain considerable benefits from the elixir in a short period of time.

This was something that came easily to him, without the slightest carelessness or thought of waiting. It could be seen that he almost immediately waved his palm away, and the astonishing spiritual energy fluctuations began to change in his palm. Gotta solidify.

The nine groups of spirit condensing liquid began to become extremely pure. Some dirt and impurities were quickly discharged from the liquid, but with this continuous discharge, the amount of the divine liquid began to decrease rapidly.

It can be seen that in the space in front of me, the indescribably powerful absorption fluctuations began to become rich and powerful, and not much time passed before I could clearly see them.

The nine masses of liquid in front of him quickly shrank into very small parts at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although it can be seen that this part of the wave is as powerful and dazzling as crystal, but if you look closely, the power inside this thing appears to be powerful and deep.

Especially when compared with the state before it could be successfully refined, its internal quality is simply different from what it is now.

"It seems that as long as we can find more valuable and high-quality medicinal materials, we can refine them into the form of elixirs... Haha, this is really very beneficial."

Chen Xuan pursed his lips with a faint smile. Taking out the extremely precious pill box, he absorbed it and sealed it. It could be seen that he really pursed his lips with a faint smile.

An extremely sharp light surged in the depths of his eyes. After Chen Xuan finished doing this, he really felt that there was inexhaustible power emerging from his whole body...

"It's just Tuan Ning Ling Divine Liquid, haha, you are really powerful..." A girl's voice emerged with a faint smile.

The girl in front of me had to look very scary. She has a crushing aura flowing all over her body. Even if she is good at everything, just standing in one place can bring a very heavy and terrifying crushing result to the nearby space.

But at this time, she didn't seem to have much intention of crushing her opponent. She stared into the depths of Chen Xuan's eyes and just laughed, the provocative meaning was very obvious.

"Wu Mei?!" Chen Xuan was shocked. When receiving the mission in Snowflake City that day, the girl had a conversation with the elder Wu Cai, but even at that time she was very dissatisfied and angry.

It's a pity that after Wu Cai used powerful means to scare him. This girl was almost scared out of her mind. No matter what Wu Cai did, she would hardly dare to say anything nonsense.

Therefore, it can be clearly seen at this time that she seems to have not forgotten what happened that day, so there are almost deep sharp fluctuations in the depths of her eyes at this time.

In this space and battlefield in front of us, we can clearly see the shocking power fluctuations, which give people a terrifying feeling.

Chen Xuan looked at the provocative woman in front of him curiously, clenched his fists and became alert.

"I won't fight with you, it's not a wise behavior. After all, the rules in this big car must be followed... But you must remember that I won't let you have an easy time as long as you leave here. If you make me uncomfortable once, I will make you uncomfortable a hundred times. Let's wait and see, hehe..."

The voice and breath like a cold knife slowly spread into the air at this time, which made a large area of ​​space fall into an extremely terrifying and cold state at this time.

It can be seen that in such a space and atmosphere, if the warrior's ability is not strong enough, he will probably be frightened.

"What a perverted woman." Chen Xuan shook his head helplessly. The last dispute was between Wu Cai and her. What does it have to do with Chen Xuan? But the woman in front of him still chose to attack and retaliate.

If this kind of mentality is still normal, then Chen Xuan really doesn’t know what else is normal in this world!

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