Although the battle did not start or happen this time, Chen Xuan still felt a little scared, and now he finally realized that there were really many people who came here to participate in the adventure...

His eyes narrowed into a line. If his own ability and strength were not strong enough, he would not be able to get any benefits in such a place.

Especially after losing the peaceful environment in this big car, if he went outside, he believed that he would have to pay some price.

Chen Xuan clenched his fists and could clearly see that there was a deep sharp fluctuation in the depths of his eyes.

It seems that now is the time to choose to take action, get those more precious materials, and then use powerful means to refine them to form a patent that is very beneficial to him.

Well... This matter is imminent! ...

Two days later.

Whoosh! A series of afterimages burst out in the air, and they all burst out towards a relatively distant place in the rays of light, and almost completely disappeared in a very short time.

In the space in front of him, he could clearly see that an extremely old figure began to become tall and terrifying.

"Everyone should try to cooperate with each other, because only in this way can we have the ability and strength to pit them when facing powerful opponents!"

"I hope everyone can put aside their past grudges and never continue to think about internal fighting!"

The young man's awe-inspiring voice burst out in the air. This voice contained a considerable amount of majestic power. Even those stronger warriors were hit by these amazing forces at this time, and they seemed to be unable to resist.

The amazingly strong spiritual energy in Chen Xuan's feet gradually became stronger. Almost in an instant, it burst into the distance.

He could clearly feel at this time that almost at the moment he left, a powerful and cruel fighting force was generated behind him.

The death-like impact wave made people feel shocked. These forces gradually transformed into a solid state like water waves, and it was necessary to have such intensity that people felt terrified.

After getting the battlefield hundreds of kilometers away. The terrifying blow from behind just came to his eyes.

It can be clearly seen that behind him at this moment, the powerful figure began to gather terrifying power in his hands.

When it became extremely powerful, the big hand turned into a series of afterimages, and then he quickly came to his eyes... This thrilling blow made a large area of ​​space appear to collapse.

"Get out."

Swish. Chen Xuan looked at the sudden blow in front of him, sneered and pressed down with both hands ruthlessly. This kind of death-like blow really made people feel terrified.

At this time, the two sides slammed together in a mess, and this amazing blow made people unable to resist.

The young man who had attacked earlier was immediately blasted back. He drove to the back in a mess, and sat on the ground dozens of steps away.

"Zhao Kuo!" Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed into a line. This guy was on the cart before, and he came here to forcefully attack him and hit him.

It was just because of the influence of external factors that he did not choose to attack at this time. Now that he was outside, he naturally had no fear.

Chen Xuan clenched his hands indifferently, and it could be seen that the whirring spiritual energy surged from his hands, and these spiritual energy turned his palms into a crystal-like state at this time.

The bright and dazzling terrible blow suddenly pierced in front of his eyes. This kind of death-like blow wave really made people unable to resist.

When it came to Chen Xuan's side, the terrifying power was all burst out. This kind of thrilling death threat was extremely powerful.

In the deepest part of the space in front of him, it was very clear that Chen Xuan was waving his strong blow that could burst out, and the space was torn apart. At this time, the two sides collided fiercely, and it had to be said that this intensity was terrifying...

Zhao Kuo's body was suddenly bombarded, and he couldn't resist it at all, so his face looked a little hideous at this time.

The cruel blow made him fly backwards in a mess, and when he was dozens of meters away, his body fell to the ground in a mess.

He fell heavily on the ground, which caused his body to be cracked. When Zhao Kuo got up from the ground again, his face was almost full of bleak fluctuations and taste.

He had no intention of continuing to fight. Zhao Kuo was now cold and hard all over, and he felt that he could not bear such a blow at this time.

Therefore, his body was just shot out in a mess. The light like lightning reached hundreds of meters away, and Zhao Kuo's face was pale and bloodless.

He clenched his fists tightly, and a clear bloodshot appeared in the depths of his eyes. It can be seen that he was extremely embarrassed at this time...

He had no intention of continuing to fight. It can be seen that his feet suddenly hit the ground, and the ground was cracked with a bang.

"Since you want to fight with me, why are you leaving?" Chen Xuan came to him with a faint smile, like a breeze. At this time, one could clearly see a deep and sharp fluctuation emerging in the depths of his eyes.

He clenched his fists and stepped forward. The spiritual energy in the palm of his hand started to rotate whirringly, with an astonishing blow like death, and the whistling fist struck down with incomparable speed.

It seemed that it was going to be completely destroyed in an instant, and such a thrilling shock wave could be said to be extremely tyrannical.

A deep shock appeared in the depths of Zhao Kuo's eyes. Now he was beginning to become frightened. After he pondered for a while, he stepped forward and swept out with almost a single slap.

Containing a very powerful palm, it exploded with incomparable ferocity. Jingrao's suppressive power wave fell on Zhao Kuo's back.

Boom... The astonishingly heavy slamming force suddenly made Zhao Kuo's eyes dim. Scarlet blood spurted out from his mouth, and his face turned extremely gloomy almost instantly.

When he exploded again, his body fell heavily to the ground. It was obvious that he had almost no ability to resist at all.

Chen Xuan walked slowly forward and then he landed on the man's belly. The shocking force of the blow made him fly backwards in a state of embarrassment.

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