The extremely cold killing intent made people feel frightened at this time, and Chen Xuan had no fear at all.

On the contrary, he looked at the opponent in front of him with a completely mocking and high-profile attitude. It was obvious that he didn't take the guy in front of him seriously at all.

"Haozi, you are quite arrogant. It seems that I need to let you know the consequences of being arrogant in front of a strong person."

Clenching his fists tightly, the death-like killing intent began to become stronger. After reaching the extreme level, the punch became terrifying, and it exploded suddenly.

With a wave of incomparable destruction, it came to Chen Xuan's side fiercely, and the death-like killing intent made people unable to resist.

"God Star Great Sun Seal." Chen Xuan clenched his fists. He punched out with an extremely cruel punch, and immediately made contact with his opponent's fist again.

Death-like tearing waves erupted, and such a death-like blow was extremely terrifying.

"Well! Can you still resist?" The old man was seriously shocked at this moment! He didn't expect that the young man in front of him could withstand his attack.

This time, he decided to use more powerful force to strike at his opponent. Zheng's death-like killing intent began to become stronger at this time, and the shocking fluctuations of the blow made people unable to resist.

He swept his fist away with great ferocity, the death-like blow wave was frightening, and the frightening spiritual energy wave in the fist became dazzling.

A knife slowly emerged. He grabbed the knife in his hand, stepped forward to get in front of him, and swept it fiercely towards Chen Xuan's head...

The terrifying blade is truly terrifying. The thrilling power of the blow makes people unable to resist. Even at this moment, such a shocking attack is terrifying.

"So strong." Chen Xuan could clearly feel the force of the blow in front of him, and he waved his hand to fight back.

His body was beaten and he retreated in embarrassment. When he was dozens of meters away, extremely hot blood emerged from the corners of his mouth.

Chen Xuan waved his hand to wipe away the blood from the corner of his mouth. Now there were deep sharp fluctuations in the depths of his eyes. It was really difficult for him to resist the opponent's blow.

But at this time, after Chen Xuan pondered for a while, he looked at the eyes of the opponent in front of him, and there was a deep wave of energy emerging.

"Void Spirit Fist." Chen Xuan's strength began to become stronger, and when he reached the extreme, he launched a frightening counterattack.

Suddenly, his fist turned into a series of afterimages, shooting into the space with extremely fierce force.

The fist containing astonishing strength hit the old man's body deep in the clouds. Boom...the terrifying punch caused the old man's body to be torn apart.

The chaotic light of spiritual energy emerged from the torn body. Although the old man in front of him was very powerful, it was a pity that what appeared in front of him was just an illusory figure.

Because of this, there is still a huge gap between it and its true body strength. He was still confident to fight against such a person, and hit the old man with a powerful and thick fist.

The extremely cold shock wave suddenly made it weak. Chen Xuan knew very well that if his blows could be stronger again, he could easily tear his opponent into pieces.

There was no hesitation at all. While moving, Chen Xuan maximized the power and fluctuations he could mobilize to the extreme.

He used these thrilling blows and erupted with extremely cruel force right in front of his eyes.

The tearing blow caused the old man's body in front of him to suffer a devastating blow almost in a short period of time.

Boom... the layered ripples spread out slowly. Chen Xuan didn't mean to be polite at all. Even if he hit him, he still had to increase his strength.

The powerful punch completely tore the old man's body into pieces. After his body disappeared, Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

This old thing deserves to die.

But it was also at this time that Chen Xuan discovered that there seemed to be death-like pressure emerging from behind him. At this time, his whole body was almost stiff, without any hesitation.

He clenched his fists tightly, and the whirring spiritual energy gathered. Then he turned around with extremely powerful fighting power, and suddenly exploded his fists...

Chen Xuan turned around and punched his opponent. The extremely dull impact erupted into layers of ripples, so at this time they retreated away in embarrassment.

After reaching a distance of tens of meters, we could see that his face was pale and his breathing was somewhat rapid.

However, compared to the physical injuries and blows at this time, Chen Xuan was even more surprised by the sudden appearance of the old man in front of him.

"Didn't you already..." Chen Xuan was really shocked at this time.

The relatively powerful old man in front of him was already very terrifying and powerful in the past, but it was a pity that he was torn to pieces by Chen Xuan.

At first, I just thought that the old man was just a shadow around me, but now I felt how powerful the old man was, and it was clear that he was in his true form.

And its abilities and abilities are many times more powerful than that of the phantom.

"Hahaha... You're a beast looking for death. I'm just here to see how many abilities you have. Is this because this is all I have?"

After moving his muscles and bones, there was indeed a deathly murderous intent deep in the old man's eyes. There are even some playful fluctuations deep in these eyes.

Obviously, he felt a little ridiculous about Chen Xuan's reaction at this time.

The death-like pressure of moving forward began to become rich and abundant. Without any intention of caring, he jumped to De's side.

The death-like blow in the palm made people unable to resist. After reaching the extreme level, he moved to his side with great ferocity, and the palm of the astonishing strength struck fiercely.

A strong and fierce wave of blows suddenly came to his side. The astonishing power of the cost completely enveloped the place where Chen Xuan was, and it was obvious that Chen Xuan was almost unable to dodge at this time.

There is no care at all. The old man suddenly became cruel and ferocious, and his palms suddenly sped up.

The surrounding air erupted with layers of explosions, which had to be an extremely terrifying state. On the battlefield in front of him, Chen Xuan's face looked a little embarrassed and pale.

But at this time, he had no choice but to resist... He clenched his fists tightly, and when he reached the ultimate level, the bright spiritual energy became dazzling, and he punched it with an extremely fierce punch.

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