The old man's entity is very powerful, and it is not easy to contend with him.

He punched his side, even though Chen Xuan had already mobilized most of his strength in a short period of time.

It's a pity that it's obviously not that easy to compete with your opponents. But just when he was in danger, a powerful figure came out from beside him.

The terrifying power in his hands became stronger. Then he punched out with an extremely cruel punch. The blows that faced the old man were all struck together.

Boom... The extremely dull blow immediately caused both parties to retreat in embarrassment, retreating a distance of tens of meters. At this time, their bodies began to become extremely stiff.

His face was extremely pale, and the old man's eyes were a little straight at this time.

"Zhou Zhen, what are you doing?!"

The old man who looked very powerful now had deep sharp fluctuations emerging from the depths of his eyes. His fists were clenched and the whirring spiritual energy was flowing through his body.

This made him look extremely powerful and terrifying at this time. He stared at the equally impressive old man, and there were sharp fluctuations deep in his eyes.

"Zhou Zhen?"

Chen Xuan was stunned immediately! He looked at the old man next to him who made a sudden move. His whole body had a calm aura, and the powerful and powerful spiritual energy fluctuations were slowly turning like water waves.

This frightening state can't help but make people feel terrifying. Chen Xuan's head is really hard to turn around now.

Who would have thought that the old man in front of him would choose to save him? This is really incredible!

Chen Xuan's mind was spinning rapidly, and he couldn't guess what the old man's motives were in a short period of time.

Anyway, he is safe for now. Use your own spiritual energy to mobilize as much as possible.

The whirring spiritual energy flowed in his body, which made his body become dazzling and powerful at this time. It didn't take too much time, and the spiritual energy fluctuations in his body began to become stronger.

The dazzling fluctuations make people feel scary and powerful. It was during this battle that Chen Xuan began to rapidly recover his abilities and body...

On the battlefield in front of us, we could clearly see that the incomparable aura began to gradually become solid and powerful in the confrontation between the two old men.

The thrilling fluctuations of influence made people feel terrifying. At the moment before his eyes, Zhou Zhen's power reached its peak: "Chen Hong, please stop talking nonsense. I can't bear to see you harming living beings here."

"Huh? Are you still here to teach me a lesson?"

"Now you go to the Jianghu and ask who is the mess!" Chen Hong's old eyes showed a deep look of ridicule. He looked at the old man in front of him and curled his lips with a sinister sneer.

Zhou Zhen sighed and said: "Since ancient times, the right path has been subject to vicissitudes of life. I don't have anything good. I just do things according to my own thoughts and ideas. There is nothing better."

Incomparably cold killing intent emerged from Chen Hong's body. He stared at Zhou Zhen ruthlessly, and death-like killing intent began to emerge from his body.

At this time, we can see that on the battlefield in front of us, the astonishing blows and killing intent have begun to reach the extreme level.

This kind of death-like killing intent is absolutely terrifying.

"Since you, an old man, are going to die on your own, okay, then I'll make it happen for you."

Chen Hong laughed coldly. The lightning-fast speed of his stride made him tear apart the air. The moment he reached his side, his punch pierced through with ruthlessness almost instantly.

The blow was as heavy as if it could explode the air, and it was extremely cruel, and the blow with astonishing intensity was instantly felt.

The astonishing piercing power is so cruel that it can be seen before your eyes. The depths of Zhou Zhen's old eyes became somewhat sharp at this time. Without any hesitation or waiting, he clenched his fists to face his opponent's seemingly powerful blow.

He slammed it out almost instantly, with an astonishing degree of attack immediately before his eyes. The thrilling blow made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

After reaching the ultimate level, he faced the opponent's blow fiercely and collided fiercely in the tearing process.

Boom... The amazing strength suddenly exploded, and this death-like blow made people feel uncomfortable all over. At this time, both sides flew away in embarrassment, and only fell to the ground hard when they were dozens of meters away.

Zhou Zhen's face was a little pale, but at this time he looked at his opponent indifferently. Under the powerful punch just now, the opponent's skin was torn open instantly, and blood came out of his body freely.

The blood sprayed into the air, and the dense environment made people feel a little scared.

"Zhou Zhen, wait for me!" The extremely cold murderous intention emerged from his body, and it was obvious that he was beginning to become extremely ruthless at this time.

Without any intention of waiting or staying any longer, he turned around and jumped into the void, quickly bursting into the void and disappearing...

If we take advantage of Chen Hong's departure and choose to strike, we may be able to inflict heavy damage on him, or even leave him behind.

It's just that at this time, this opportunity must be captured with strong combat power, but it is obvious that such amazing strength cannot be achieved at all.


Just when the old man in front of him jumped into the void, he could clearly see that Zhou Zhen, who originally seemed to be quite powerful, suddenly turned pale.

Incomparably bright red blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth, and it was obvious that he was in extreme embarrassment at this time. On the battlefield in front of me, I can feel it very clearly.

Zhou Zhen was hurt enough. Chen Xuan walked over. He pondered for a while, and a faint wave of regret appeared on his face.

The extremely cold spiritual energy flowed in his fingers. Then he stabbed it away and pointed his finger on the former's body.

It was obvious that these surprisingly strong fingers immediately destroyed Zhou Zhen's remaining combat power. Therefore, at this time, the old man's whole body went limp and there was no resistance at all.

"Your head is worth a lot of money in the Faju Sect. I'm really sorry."

Chen Xuan, who was not polite at all, put him under control. After controlling this top master, Chen Xuan pursed his lips with a faint smile.

At this time, a deep wave of energy emerged from the depths of his eyes. It could be seen that he was extremely happy at this moment.

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