Wu Zigong said: "Beast, I think you are the one who is really seeking death."

Roaring angrily, he suddenly ejaculated. The tearing blow came all at once. Chen Xuan knew that this guy was not easy to deal with, so he was not careless in the face of his opponent's blow.

The punch with astonishing intensity gathered a large amount of spiritual energy fluctuations. At this time, he smashed away with a fierce punch, delivering a cruel blow almost instantly.

A terrible impact hit each other, and at this time they both retreated at the same time. When he was dozens of meters away, Chen Xuan's feet suddenly penetrated the ground.

Boom. With the extremely dull stampede, a large area of ​​space collapsed. It was obvious that such an astonishing blow made people feel unable to resist.

"Fifty years of strength in the later stage of integration." Chen Xuan was stunned at this moment. He did not expect that this old guy would be so tyrannical.

However, although the old man was very domineering, Chen Xuan was not a weakling. Feeling the power burst out from his opponent, he could still contend. Chen Xuan immediately stepped forward to school.

Lightning-like light began to erupt beneath his feet. It almost seemed like he was ejaculating right in front of his eyes in one swish.

The death-like piercing power makes people feel fearful. With a strong force, the two sides collide fiercely, and the thrilling impact force makes people feel fearful.

It was in this frightening state of shock that Chen Xuan suffered a devastating attack...

"Ethereal Fist."

Chen Xuan couldn't resist the blow from the old man, so he fought back first and then temporarily blocked his violent attack.

But this kind of obstruction is very limited after all. Wu Zigong's attack was still extremely sharp at this time, and he defeated Chen Xuan's attack with a single blast.

Then his palm tore the air apart again. The shocking blow caused Chen Xuan to suffer heavy attacks and heavy injuries. At this time, he retreated in embarrassment.

"You don't want me to die." Wu Zigong became extremely fierce. At this time, he wanted to use powerful means to kill Chen Xuan.

The whirring spiritual energy became powerful and abundant in his hands. The dazzling brilliance is as powerful as the sun, and having to wait for such a death-like blow makes people unable to resist.

The extremely cold killing intent frightened Quan Zhan, and he could clearly see it at this time. Chen Xuan faced the powerful blow from his opponent and launched a fierce counterattack.

"Spirit Condensing Pill."

"Nine Emperor Shock Spear."

He swallowed the powerful elixir first, and the high-quality and terrifying elixir evaporated rapidly in his body. The terrifying power spread rapidly through his body like a river.

This allowed Chen Xuan to gain a considerable increase in strength in a short period of time. At this time, he used these power increases, so he can now fight against warriors in the later stages of integration.

There is no problem at this level in terms of level, and the means are also very powerful. The furious dragon of astonishing strength now begins to grow stronger and stronger. The whirring dragon power gradually became stronger in his hands, and the whistling spiritual energy quickly gathered into a long dragon-like shape.

The spear of astonishing strength gave people a terrifying feeling. After reaching the extreme level, he pierced it with ruthlessness.

The death-like blow and piercing made people feel a little unable to resist, and the big gun tore the air apart almost instantly.

It pierced through as fast as nine angry dragons, and on the battlefield in front of him, this big gun struck the old man in front of him extremely fiercely.

It is true that Wu Zi is powerful, but it is a pity that he is mortal in the flesh after all. After suddenly being pierced by such a powerful combat force, he seemed a little unable to bear it at this time.

On the battlefield in front of him, he could clearly feel that under such an astonishing blow, Wu Zigong's arms became bent.

The frightening bend makes it look like its arms are a little twisted. The frightening wound burst out, and the bright red blood spurted out, and the blood spattered into the air.

This makes the large space in front of you appear hazy. Wu Zigong retreated continuously, and now a huge scar appeared on his chest.

The scar tore apart his flesh and blood, and blood spurted out of it for free. It was really unbearable to have to wait in such a death-like state.

If Chen Xuan had been able to mobilize a more powerful and terrifying spear when he took action earlier, I believe that with the previous blow, he would have torn apart his opponent's flesh and blood in one fell swoop.

It can be clearly felt at this moment on the battlefield in front of me. Wu Zigong's body began to become weak, and his body flew out in a state of disgrace.

After falling heavily to the ground, the ground beneath his feet suddenly collapsed, and the whistling smell of dust rose up, forming a large hazy mist in the air.

Wu Zigong crawled out from the ground. He roared almost violently: "Beast, how dare you hurt me like this? I will not be a human being until I kill you today."

The extremely ferocious words came out of his mouth, and the dense swords in Wu Zigong's hands began to become dazzling and bright.

The death-like knife reached its extreme, and he slashed it out in one fell swoop. The shocking blow was really frightening... At this moment, the attack brought cruel effects and injuries to Chen Xuan...

"Your opponent is me!"

Just when Chen Xuan was in danger, an old figure walked out. Zhou Zhen's eyes were full of deep fighting spirit, and he waved his hands to face the two swords facing him and slammed them out.

Zhou Zhen's palm hit the blade. The dull blow almost immediately shattered the knife in his hand, and the shocking fragments sputtered into the air, making the blow at this time terrifying.

The blow with astonishing intensity made people feel shocked and frightened. The overwhelming attack and combat power were irresistible. At this moment, Sensen's double sword completely collapsed and flew away.

Zhou Zhen's palm then fell hard on his body. Boom, the extremely dull force of the blow made the opponent's skin and flesh appear to be in a tearing state, and his feet left the ground.

Because of this, he flew backwards for tens of meters, and his body fell to the ground like a stiff stone. It was obvious that he was really in an extremely embarrassed state at this time.

Blood spurted out from his mouth and splashed into the air. Zhou Zhen suddenly pursued and punched his opponent's body continuously, which made the opponent really weak at this time.

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