Zhou Zhen's powerful continuous attack made the old man in front of him almost suffer death-like injuries.

Although his physical strength was still acceptable, he could not resist the death-like attack.

The continuous death-like attack made people afraid. Even on the battlefield in front of him, his skin was torn apart rapidly, and the broken flesh and blood were sprayed in the air.

It can be seen that he has become extremely terrifying now. The death-like attack force is terrifying, and Zhou Zhen waved his hands.

The whirring afterimage burst out, drawing some arcs in the air. With the extremely powerful smashing and piercing force, it almost instantly shot in front of him.

Zhou Zhen's continuous attack naturally brought fatal blows and injuries to the opponent. It can be seen that when the battle reaches this stage, the old man in front of him has almost no qualifications to resist.

The amazing attack wave is dazzling, and the rumbling combat power is terrifying.

Although the old man seemed quite powerful, it was a pity that there was a big gap between him and Zhou Zhen in front of him...

"This old man actually hid his strength..."

Chen Xuan looked at the old figure in front of him in astonishment. Looking at the fierce fighting spirit in the depths of his eyes at this moment, and the heroic spirit between his gestures.

At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly felt that he didn't know him. Seeing his thrilling blow at this moment, Chen Xuan was now sweating all over.

If he was so powerful at the beginning, it is estimated that Chen Xuan would not even have the chance to catch him.

But now thinking carefully, when I captured this old man, there were actually quite a lot of questions.

After all, this old man was able to attack strongly and defeat the terrifying opponent. Is it really that he only has this ability, and he doesn't even have the capital and qualifications to compete.

It was so easy to be poked by a finger on the body, and then the whole body became limp, and it seemed that he couldn't resist?

This matter is obviously not that simple and easy. Thinking of these things, Chen Xuan shook his head helplessly at this moment. It seems that the old man is still the best. He was deceived by others without knowing it.

This is just one thing. From knowing this old man to now, what kind of person is he, how confident he is, the basic situation in the past and now, until now Chen Xuan suddenly realized that he knew nothing about him.

On the battlefield in front of him, it can be seen clearly at this time that the shocking strength impact makes people feel afraid.

Zhou Zhen's strength reached the extreme in a very short time, so he chose to attack strongly, as if he wanted to end the battle with a strong blow.

I have to say that this idea is still very crazy.

It's just that Zhou Zhen has such strength and confidence, so when he wants to put this matter into practice, he also has a very high realistic foundation.

The big sun-like fist shuttled out fiercely, and the terrible power and spirit that tore the air apart, the amazing killing power suddenly penetrated the void and came to the front.

The shocking blow of death made people unable to resist. On the battlefield in front of us, the soul-stirring blow was shocking.

The shocking impact wave was extremely fierce. Wu Zigong groaned and vomited blood and flew backwards. He could not resist at all, so he turned around and left in a short time.

His body jumped into the void and then disappeared quickly. In the battlefield in front of us, it could be seen clearly at this time.

Zhou Zhen stood proudly on the ground. Such a powerful life with amazing strength is a towering mountain no matter where it appears.

Countless warriors who looked quite powerful before sighed in their hearts when they saw Zhou Zhen's state.

The strong hostility finally disappeared completely now. They all said to Zhou Zhen: "Sir, your strength is rare in the world. We will not worry about you in the future."

"Do you think I am just crushing or forcing you? I can tell you clearly that the Snow Flower City Lord was created by the old beast Wu Zigong. If you don't believe it, you can take a look at this."

Zhou Zhen's palm suddenly gathered a strong spiritual energy fluctuation. The whirring fluctuations finally gathered into the shape of lines. The shocking spiritual energy fluctuations inside the lines gave people a terrifying feeling.

I believe that as long as it can be absorbed, it can get considerable benefits. In the battlefield and space in front of them, countless people were looking at the lines in front of them in surprise.

Now they don't know what's going on at all, they can only watch...

After all, there are some very powerful warriors among the many warriors present. And when the Snow Flower City Lord was killed that day, he had seen the tragedy of this city lord.

After seeing the thing gathered in his palm, some people were finally shocked and said: "I know this thing! This is the main force to kill the Snow Flower City Lord! Now this thing is collected in the battle, it is a solid evidence!

One person spread ten people, ten people spread a hundred people, and soon everyone present knew what the inside story was.

After they really figured out the matter, they could see that there was indescribable anger and hatred on their faces.

Clenching their fists, they cursed fiercely: "This damn old beast has deceived us for so long!"

"What's more, we have become sinners invisibly. Not only have we wronged good people, but we have also almost become the opponent's pawns. This damn beast is really a loser!"

"If I see him, I will cut him into pieces. What a hateful thing!"

At this time, most of the people present were angry and angry. They did not expect that they were being used invisibly, and an indescribable sense of shame emerged.

If this doesn't excite them, then they are really too ambitious.

Chen Xuan looked at the guys in front of him with emotion. It was not easy to make them wake up. Thinking back to how irritating these guys were before and how submissive they were now, Chen Xuan felt helpless at this time.

Although they are still the same people, it is just a change in their stance that makes the impressions in their minds completely different!

At this time, Zhou Zhendao said: "Now that the truth has been revealed, I think it's time for a reckoning. These guys have done a lot of injustice, and I think they will be destroyed immediately!"

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