Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1355 Going out to look for opportunities

The Nine Dragons Spear pierced through the void and reached his side, piercing into Hu Fen's body, and then lifted him up and threw him out!

Don't look at the previous Hu Fen who was very powerful and domineering, and even in the sudden attack, he looked like he was the best, as if he could defeat Chen Xuan as long as he made a move.

But at this time, he looked extremely pale, and retreated weakly. It can be seen that he is really embarrassed now.

His body fell heavily to the ground, and he was panicked at this time. In the painful wailing, blood spurted out.

Chen Xuan's palm lightly clawed, and violent attraction fluctuations began to appear. These pure and dazzling absorption fluctuations immediately controlled the treasures all over this person's body.

Whoosh... The wind-like absorption fluctuations made all these treasures come to him. After controlling them in his hands, a deep sharp fluctuation emerged in the depths of Chen Xuan's eyes.

In the space and battlefield in front of him, he could clearly feel that the cruel shock wave made people feel unable to resist.

Chen Xuan sneered and the majestic and thick spiritual energy sprayed out from the Nine Dragon War Spear in his hand. He immediately hit his opponent and vomited blood and flew backwards in a mess.

He fell to the ground in a mess after reaching a distance of hundreds of meters. It can be seen that when the battle entered this stage, he was really controlled by Huo Zhenshan's palm, and now there was no such thing as his own decision.

His body fell heavily to the ground and flew backwards for thousands of meters. Then he looked weak and could not resist at all...

The benefits Chen Xuan gained from this game were huge! In this ancient city, the young man at this time went from being unknown to a hot figure.

No one would have thought that he would jump out of the crowd in a very low-key manner, which was really amazing!

Countless major forces have shown great interest in this mysterious young man. They are asking and inquiring about him through various channels. Their intentions are very simple.

It seems that they want to find out what his confidence is, but it is obvious that these efforts are in vain, because Chen Xuan has not been here for a long time.

The status of the entire city is very high. On weekdays, only a small number of the countless people living here are from the local area.

There are so many creatures from all over the world, and their origins are very complicated. If you want to investigate rashly without knowing the background very well, it is estimated that it is difficult and difficult to get any real gains in the end.

Therefore, after these people's efforts were ineffective, this wave of attention naturally gradually disappeared.

Chen Xuan has no interest in these things. In recent days, what he is most concerned about is the whereabouts of the Golden Holy Blood Flower.

This is a very powerful medicinal material. As long as it can be found, it can get considerable benefits.

However, Chen Xuan was smiling faintly at this time. He had already found out the specific location of this thing during the investigation. Now all he needed to do was to find a chance to go out.

Once he got these things, he would naturally get considerable benefits.

"The environment where this thing is located is very bad. It is not easy to get it. It seems that I have to study it carefully this time." Chen Xuan narrowed his eyes and said unhappily.

On that day, Chen Xuan was ready. He arrived at a relatively large adventure site nearby.

When he got here, he felt the amazing spiritual fluctuations flowing in the space. At this time, Chen Xuan pursed his lips and a faint smile appeared.

"Hehe, it seems that this thing must be here."

Chen Xuan smiled faintly. But not long after he appeared in this place, he could clearly see that there was a faint sharp fluctuation in the depths of his eyes.

He could clearly see that a dazzling and powerful light almost shot towards him at a high speed.

The death-like impact fluctuations made people feel thrilling. Chen Xuan pursed his lips and a faint smile appeared on his face. His astonishing killing intent was dazzling and dazzling. It was obvious that this intensity was really terrifying...

Chen Xuan was so surprised by this sudden attack that he turned around and looked behind him. Feeling the vast and endless sharp fluctuations, with the power to destroy everything, he really had some deep sharp fluctuations in his eyes. The extremely cold killing intent began to turn in the depths of his eyes, and at this time he punched out with an extremely fierce punch.

This thrilling fighting power can be said to be extremely terrifying.


Chen Xuan punched out with an extremely fierce punch, and this thrilling punch immediately pierced in front of his eyes. The extremely fierce punch hit the amazing long sword in front of him, and a thrilling explosion occurred.

The death-like punch made people feel terrified, and it could be clearly seen in the moment in front of them. This thrilling attack made the long sword in front of them explode.

On the battlefield before us at this moment, one can clearly feel the thrilling blows and murderous intent, which make people feel unable to resist.

Suddenly, the seemingly pure, sparkling sword in front of him was blown to pieces. With a faint smile, Chen Xuan stepped forward to get in front of him. His shocking blow and killing intent were terrifying.

Such a thrilling blow is really terrifying and frightening.

Chen Xuan suddenly saw a young strong man emerging from the space in front of him, and the deep energy and brilliance flowed out from the depths of his eyes.

The murderous intent in this man's eyes was like a vulture, making him feel uncomfortable all over... Such a thrilling blow made him feel a little unable to resist.

In the space and battlefield in front of them, the death-like blow was overwhelming. At the moment when the confrontation just appeared and took place, you could clearly see him leaping in front of you fiercely.

The astonishing and terrifying spiritual energy fluctuations in the palm make people feel fearful. Almost instantly, this powerful and intense combat power reached his side with ferocity.

This kind of death blow makes people unable to resist. When he received an extremely pure punch from his side, he smashed it down with extreme ferocity.

The lifeless fluctuations make people feel frightened. Chen Xuan stared at the punch coming in front of him. He immediately gritted his teeth and held on, then counterattacked and the two sides' moves collided.

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