Chen Xuan's expression couldn't help but become serious. The young man in front of him was different from any opponent he had fought against before. Although he was still at the late stage of integration, Chen Xuan was able to deeply understand the difference in this young man.

Before Chen Xuan could think about it, the young man in front of him, with a dazzling blue light all over his body, rushed towards Chen Xuan.

Kowloon war gun!

At the critical moment, Chen Xuan had to sacrifice this weapon.

The young man in front of me is extremely terrifying! The powerful aura blanketed the ground, as if it was about to tear this space apart!

I saw the young man waving the long sword in his hand and slashing towards Chen Xuan, about to touch his body.

Chen Xuan looked serious and was calculating calmly in his head. He had to treat this opponent with caution!

Chen Xuan suddenly dodged towards his side, and the long sword in the young man's hand only hit Chen Xuan's afterimage!

At the same time, Chen Xuan waved the Nine-Dragon Battle Spear in his hand and swatted at the young man.

The young man's eyes froze when he saw that the attack was in vain. He seemed to find it a little incredible. He did not expect that a person at a level lower than him could avoid his killing move and at the same time counterattack him.

However, that young man was a master who had experienced hundreds of battles. His figure only paused for a moment, and he had something to worry about in his heart.

He took advantage of the situation and quickly jumped out, avoiding Chen Xuan's attack.

"It's interesting! It's up to you." The young man stood still, sneered, looked at Chen Xuan and said playfully.

"Is it just a bit interesting?" Chen Xuan replied not to be outdone.

"Hmph, I just won two matches and defeated two unscrupulous guys. What's the point? I can kill those guys without any effort." The young man replied calmly.

"Oh?" Chen Xuan was surprised. "Come here, who sent you?"

"Haha, I have some thoughts. I just want to know you for a while. Your skills are good, how about it? Are you interested in joining me?" The young man said calmly.

"I don't want to join your camp, and I don't care which force you belong to. Do you understand me?" Chen Xuan replied neither humble nor overbearing.

"Good boy, you are really tough!" The young man looked at Chen Xuan with admiration. "But I'm afraid it's not up to you. Since you are unwilling to join, then from now on, we are enemies!"

"Oh?" Chen Xuan responded calmly.

Seeing Chen Xuan's attitude of not being afraid of boiling water and not caring, the young man seemed to be unable to bear it any longer. He snorted coldly and said: "I don't know how high-minded you are, I admit that you have some skills, but these are in front of me. It’s not enough to show off, and the forces behind me are not something you can provoke!”

"What does that have to do with me?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Since you are stubborn, I have to accept you on behalf of the prince. If you continue to grow up and don't serve the prince, although you won't be able to cause any trouble, I'm afraid that you will be loyal to other forces in the future. You have to do it now. Get rid of you." The young man seemed a little impatient.

"In that case, let's stop talking nonsense and let's do it!" Chen Xuan placed the Nine Dragons War Spear in front of him in a fighting posture.

The young man snorted coldly: "I don't know whether to live or die! I'll help you."

As he did so, the young man's body suddenly glowed brightly, and his aura rose to the extreme! Even the surrounding air seemed to be trembling!

Chen Xuan's pupils shrank for a while. He never expected that the strength of the young man in front of him would suddenly surge to an incredible level!

This momentum actually has the potential to break through to the late stage of integration! But his realm is naturally still in the late stage of integration.

It doesn't take much. The young man in front of me has already half-stepped into the realm of becoming a god, and may break through at any time.

The young man sneered: "Now do you know how big the gap between us is? Listen to me and join the prince's camp, and you can quickly rise to my level."

Chen Xuan glanced at the young man in front of him mockingly, and said calmly: "He is just a lackey under the prince's feet. A lackey is always a lackey, so what if he really becomes a god in half a step? What's more, you haven't broken through yet, just It’s just that we’ve touched that threshold, and we’re still in the late stage of integration.”

The young man looked at Chen Xuan angrily, his face flushed, and he shouted angrily: "You are looking for death! Take the move!"

At this moment, the young man was already holding the long sword in his hand and stabbed towards Chen Xuan!

Not to be outdone, Chen Xuan made waves of dragon roars from the Nine-Dragon Battle Spear in his hand, and faced the young man.


The young man held a long sword and fought fiercely with Chen Xuan's Nine Dragons Spear! After a while, dozens of moves were dismantled.

I saw two figures in the field, like two blazing lights, entangled together.

The fierce fighting and the wanton explosion of spiritual energy stirred up the space, causing the entire space to feel a slight tremor!

Chen Xuan became more and more courageous as he fought, and in the end, he had the power to suppress the young man.

The young man was also secretly frightened at the same time. He never thought that the person in front of him seemed to be a little different, but the difference did not come out!

But with the strength of only the middle stage of integration, he was able to compete with himself, a person who was about to break through to the half-step state of god transformation, and he was even gradually at a disadvantage!

This is simply like a fantasy!

terrible! You must know that this young man is almost equivalent to an invincible opponent in the same realm. At most, there is someone in the same realm who can tie with him.

But the person in front of me is a level below him! If he is allowed to grow like this, I'm afraid it will be a disaster rather than a blessing.

Even if he is lured to his side, it is still a threat that cannot be ignored for him.

What's more, the prince's place...

Thinking of this, the young man suddenly shouted loudly, cheered up and raised his momentum to the extreme! It seemed like he had the aura of either you die or I die.

Chen Xuan's heart trembled. This young man was always a difficult opponent, but now he was dealing with a powerful enemy.

In the field, the long sword in the young man's hand suddenly turned violently, drawing a circle in the air, and with a blazing light, it quickly slashed towards Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan hurriedly retracted the Nine Dragons Battle Spear, blocked it in front of him, and shot through the light.

But in this way, the offensive that had gained the upper hand was gone in an instant. Moreover, at this time, Chen Xuan was at a disadvantage.

When the young man saw that he could not succeed in one blow, he had already started the next one.

I saw that the long sword in the young man's hand kept drawing circles in the air, and blazing rays of light swept towards Chen Xuan again.

Chen Xuan waved the Nine-Dragon Battle Spear in his hand, constantly obliterating the streaks of light.

However, for some reason, those lights were layered one after another, and each layer seemed to be a little more powerful than the previous one.

After seven or eight levels of light were wiped out, Chen Xuan couldn't help but have some difficulty in dealing with it.

Fortunately, every subsequent attack of light was much slower than the previous ones. Let Chen Xuan relieve some pressure.

Chen Xuan couldn't help but his expression changed, and his face lit up, as if he had caught the young man's weakness.

However, Chen Xuan had to passively defend against the youth's attacks one after another.

In the field, when the young man released the seventeenth level of light, he suddenly shouted loudly, and the momentum of the long sword in his hand increased a bit.

At the same time, a more blazing light shot out from the sword and rushed toward Chen Xuan like a blanket.

Chen Xuan showed an extremely solemn expression, waved the Nine-Dragon Battle Spear in his hand, and clicked a few times in the void.

The spiritual energy in the body poured into Zheng Zheng of the Kowloon War Gun crazily.

After a while, a thick golden dragon energy rushed out towards the light.


There was only a loud noise, and the blazing light emitted by the young man collided with the golden dragon energy emitted by Chen Xuan. exploded.

Huge power suddenly surged around with the sound of explosion.

The surrounding area, several feet in diameter, was razed to the ground!

After the young man released ten coats of light one after another, it seemed that more than half of the spiritual energy in his body had been used up, and he was a little exhausted.

I saw him collapse on Lin as if exhausted, panting.

Chen Xuan was not much better. The attack just now had almost exhausted all the spiritual energy in his body. He had to use his Xuan Gong to quietly absorb the surrounding spiritual energy into his body.

If that young man still had the strength to attack and kill Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan would be almost powerless to fight back.

The young man seemed a little surprised that Chen Xuan actually took over his ten-coat attack, especially the last attack, which caused destructive power that could easily kill a monk in the late stage of integration.

However, Chen Xuan accepted it forcefully, and it seemed that he did not receive any serious force at all.

This is a bit scary!

The young man had to re-examine the man in front of him. This man seemed so evil that he was a little surprised that he actually forced himself to this point!

"Yes. Good boy, I admit that you are indeed very strong!" The young man rested for a while, then suddenly stood up slowly with a joking smile.

His body was swaying a little and he walked towards Chen Xuan.

At the same time, he stretched out the long sword in his hand and pointed at Chen Xuan.

"But it's over here!"

The young man had some certainty.

Chen Xuan smiled noncommittally and said, "Are you so sure?"

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