Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1360 The point of a needle against the awn of wheat

Most of the people in the audience were very unfavorable to Chen Xuan, and they all started talking about it. They also analyzed the strength of the two people with great interest.

"I don't think so. I am very optimistic about brother Chen Xuan. I support Chen Xuan with both hands! So what if there is a gap in realm? Those who can win will definitely win!" There are also people who support Chen Xuan and feel that Chen Xuan Xuan is the biggest dark horse in this competition, and he is sure to win.

On the stage, Chen Xuanjing looked at the opponent in front of him with concentration.

Lan Guang, a long-famous manipulator, broke through to the late stage of integration three years ago, but for some reason, he still has not broken through to the stage of half-step transformation into a god in three years!

However, this does not affect the prestige of Blu-ray at all!

His illustrious reputation was achieved through hard work!

Lan Guang took a moment to look at Chen Xuan in front of him. He had already heard Chen Xuan's name.

Being able to easily kill monks in the late stage of fusion at a mid-stage fusion state, this strength alone lets Lan Guang know that the young man in front of him is not to be underestimated.

Of course, who is he? Although it is true that Chen Xuan is powerful, but they are both manipulative people, who has he ever been afraid of? Therefore, although Blu-ray pays great attention to the opponent in front of him, he is still confident that he can win this game!

"Brother Chen, I've admired you for a long time!" Lan Guang clasped his fists towards Chen Xuan and said confidently with a confident smile.

"I can't take it seriously!" Chen Xuan responded lightly.

The two of them stood for a long time, neither of them made a move, they just stood there.

The two of them stared at each other, as if they wanted to see the other's flaws in the other's expression.

Everyone in the audience became interested.

At this moment, the two people moved.

Chen Xuan and Lan Guang started to move almost at the same time.

I saw that Chen Xuan's whole body was exuding golden rays of light, and he rushed towards the blue light.

The same is true for Lan Guang. His whole body is wrapped with this rich green energy. The green energy is like a dragon, hovering around Lan Guang's body.


The two quickly exchanged words.

Neither side used their weapons, they just fought with bare hands!

After a while, the two of them were performing more than a dozen moves.

Chen Xuan waved his fist and punched the blue light.

The blue light made a palm shape, blocking Chen Xuan's fist with one hand, and slapping Chen Xuan's body with the other hand.

Chen Xuan suddenly turned sideways and dodged.

After exchanging a few more moves, the two of them seemed to have a tacit understanding. They dispersed and stood in one position.

Kowloon war gun!

At this time, Chen Xuan sacrificed it, and the Nine-Dragon War Spear seemed to be telepathic, making bursts of dragon roars.

At the same time, Blu-ray also sacrificed his own weapons.

Purple gold knife!

This is Blu-ray's weapon, and it is also the weapon that became famous with him!

The two of them didn't say much, and in an instant, they were fighting together again.

"These two people really didn't talk much about each other! They actually started fighting like this! It was so violent!"

Hearing this, one person sneered and said, "Why, do you still have to babble for a while before starting to hit?"

"This Chen Xuan is so terrifying. He actually fought to a draw with Lan Guang. After fighting so many moves, he didn't even fall behind! Has he already broken through to the late stage of integration?" Some people had some doubts. road.

"Looking at his aura, he probably hasn't broken through to the late stage of fusion yet, but he is actually able to match the state of mid-stage fusion with Blue Light in the late stage of fusion. This level of cultivation can only be called invincible at the same level. ah!"

Youqun took a breath of cold air: "Invincible in the same realm? How deep of cultivation does it take to be able to achieve this step?"

In a loft dedicated to VIPs, a young man sat on the Taishi chair, watching the competition between Chen Xuan and Lan Guang with great interest.

There was a smile on his face, and he looked elegant and elegant.

After watching for a while, he said slowly and forcefully: "Lao Liu, this kid actually appears here today. Does it mean that Lao Jiu has failed?"

Behind the young man, there was a middle-aged man standing. Hearing the young man's words, he was silent for a moment and then said: "Lao Jiu went to find him yesterday, but he has not come back yet. It must be in danger!"

When the middle-aged man said this, he seemed to be just speculating. His tone was very calm, as if he was not surprised at all that Lao Jiu had not come back after such a long time.

He didn't seem to care at all about Lao Jiu's life and death.

Even middle-aged men are like this, and the attitude of that young man leaves no room for doubt.

However, there was obviously a hint of displeasure in the young man's expression, and he said lightly: "You can't handle this even well. He's just a monk in the middle stage of integration, and Lao Jiu can't deal with him?"

"There seems to be something weird about that guy. Your Highness, you see that he has been fighting with Blue Light for so long, and there is no sign of being at a disadvantage. On the contrary, that Blue Light feels faintly suppressed by him." The middle-aged man responded.

"Oh?" The young man seemed a little surprised. "Blue Light's strength is almost the same as that of Lao Jiu. In this case, Lao Jiu may really die in Na Zi's hands!"

At this point, the young man's eyes suddenly became a little sharp.

In Dixu City, no one can go against his will, not even Chen Xuan

However, Chen Xuan appeared here safely. This Ming Laojiu not only failed to win him over and use him for himself, but also failed to kill him and sacrificed his own life.

"Your Highness, do you want it?" The middle-aged man asked uncertainly.

"No hurry, he is just a cultivator in the fusion period. In front of me, he can't make any waves at all. But since Laojiu is gone, we have to find someone to take his place." The young man looked at Chen Xuan and Lan Guang in the field and said thoughtfully.

"Your Highness is right." The middle-aged man said respectfully. "Whatever your Highness does, I will do."

The young man responded without comment, and then looked at the fight between Chen Xuan and Lan Guang in the field seriously.

On the martial arts arena, the two had already fiercely demolished dozens of moves, and for a while, no one had gained any advantage.

One was emitting golden light, and the other was wrapped in green air.

"Ping, pong..."


The weapons in the hands of the two men also clashed fiercely. The two fought back and forth, and the fight was unbearable.

However, although the two seemed to be using all their skills and attacking desperately, they had not yet used their full strength.

Chen Xuan and Lan Guang both hid their strengths, and each tested the depth of the other. For a while, neither of them would fully reveal their confidence.

After the two men entangled again for a while, Lan Guang suddenly seemed to be sure of victory, showing a smile, and said to Chen Xuan: "Haha, is the skill over here? Then, let's end it here!"

Chen Xuan did not say anything, waving the Nine Dragon War Spear in his hands with both hands. But his eyes were fixed on Lan Guang's figure!

After Lan Guang finished, he suddenly shouted and raised the purple gold knife in his hand.

The purple gold knife suddenly burst out with a dazzling light, and a huge breath suddenly shot into this space.

Fortunately, the martial arts arena was set up with restrictions, otherwise, the audience outside the venue would also be affected!

Chen Xuan's pupils contracted, and he felt a trace of dangerous breath, and that breath came from the purple-gold sword! Chen Xuan hurriedly gathered the spiritual energy in his body on the Nine Dragons Spear, and suddenly, the Nine Dragons Spear also burst out with bursts of light. Lan Guang suddenly waved the purple-gold sword and chopped down towards Chen Xuan! Chen Xuan also raised the Nine Dragons Spear in his hand at the same time and went up. "Ding..." The tip of the Nine Dragons Spear in Chen Xuan's hand just met the tip of the purple-gold sword in Lan Guang's hand. Suddenly, bursts of explosive breath burst out wantonly along the collision between the tip of the gun and the tip of the sword. The restricted space on the arena actually produced a wave of tremors! Lan Guang let out a long roar, retracted the purple-gold sword, and his figure suddenly flashed in the void, and jumped behind Chen Xuan. At the same time as Lan Guang moved, Chen Xuan also turned his body and slapped the Nine Dragons Spear in his hand behind him. Lan Guang dodged quickly and slashed at Chen Xuan with the purple-gold knife in his hand.

Chen Xuan hurriedly drew back the Nine Dragons Spear and blocked it in front of him.


There was a loud sound of weapons colliding, and both of them stepped back a few steps at the same time.

"This Chen Xuan's cultivation is really terrible! With a cultivation level lower than that of Lan Guang, he has fought with Lan Guang for so long and is still in a tie!"

"Sure enough, he is the biggest dark horse in this year's competition! He lives up to his reputation."

"Not necessarily. Did you notice that Lan Guang is still just testing Chen Xuan's moves and has not launched a fatal attack."

"It seems that Lan Guang has retained a trace of confidence. I wonder if Chen Xuan has tried his best, or is he the same as Lan Guang?"

"That's unknown, let's wait and see!"

The crowd in the audience whispered, staring at the two people in the field, as if they were afraid of missing something.

Lan Guang didn't seem to want to continue to stalemate with Chen Xuan.

In an instant, he raised his momentum to the extreme! The momentum that covered the entire space suddenly covered the entire space.

The purple-gold knife in his hand also exuded an extremely terrifying aura, suppressing Chen Xuan and making him seem a little breathless.

Chen Xuan's eyes condensed, and he also showed his own cultivation without reservation.

Although Chen Xuan's realm was only the middle stage of fusion, the aura he exuded at this moment was similar to that of Lan Guang in the late stage of fusion! For a while, they were on par.

Lan Guang looked at Chen Xuan in disbelief. The opponent in front of him was indeed one realm lower than himself, but he was similar to his momentum, which forced him to be on guard.

Chen Xuan pointed the Nine Dragon War Spear in his hand at Lan Guang and shouted: "Come on!"

The provoked Lan Guang's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he turned his wrist and slashed the purple-gold knife in his hand a few times in the void.

Suddenly, a series of green lights like half moons flew towards Chen Xuan.

"You are really cautious. At this time, do you still want to test me again?" Chen Xuan suddenly smiled coldly at the blue light.

Chen Xuan turned the Nine Dragon War Spear in his hand and dispersed the green lights.

"Show your real skills!" Chen Xuan looked at the blue light and said confidently.

Lan Guang sneered and said, "I hope you are not overconfident."

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