Without waiting for Chen Xuan to answer, Lan Guang waved the long sword in his hand and rushed towards Chen Xuan.

"End it!"

Lan Guang suddenly shouted loudly, and when he was about to approach Chen Xuan's body, he suddenly jumped up.

The purple gold sword in Lan Guang's hand simultaneously exuded unparalleled momentum and struck Chen Xuan on the head.

Chen Xuan dodged, and the Nine-Dragon Battle Spear in his hand suddenly turned around and stabbed towards the blue light.

The Kowloon war gun burst out with golden light, and was about to pierce Lan Guang's body.

Lan Guang was not afraid, and his left hand reached out towards the Nine-Dragon Battle Spear, and held it in his own hand!


The golden light on the Nine Dragons Battle Spear suddenly exploded. The surging power suddenly shot out in all directions.


Blue Light suddenly screamed, and it turned out that he was hit by an explosion of golden light, which hit his body.

Suddenly, blood flowed from the wound.

Lan Guang's face turned cold, he endured the pain, tightly held the purple gold knife in his hand, and slashed towards Chen Xuan.

At this time, Lan Guang's hand holding the Nine Dragons Battle Spear was still holding on tightly.

While Lan Guang waved the purple gold sword towards Chen Xuan, his hand suddenly exerted force and dragged Chen Xuan towards him with a gun.

Chen Xuan was shocked. He didn't expect Lan Guang's perseverance to be so amazing!

Dragging his injured body, he actually launched an offensive against himself.

However, Chen Xuan's body responded quickly.

I saw that Chen Xuan did not let go of the Nine-Dragon Battle Spear in his hand, but instead freed up a hand and grabbed the blue-light purple-gold sword!

The blue-light purple-gold sword is no better than Li Yuanjie's heavy sword before. It is a sharp weapon that can cut off his arm with just a touch!

Lan Guang sneered: "Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

Everyone in the audience also looked at Chen Xuan with some regret. They all watched everything happening on the court nervously, for fear of missing something.

Although everyone seems to know the result, the sudden change is not noticeable if it is not noticeable.

Seeing that the purple gold knife in Lan Guang's hand was about to cut off Chen Xuan's arm.

I saw Chen Xuan's arm suddenly and strangely turning in the void, and actually grabbed the back of the Zijin Knife with his backhand!

Chen Xuan followed the downward force of the Zijin Knife, and at the same time used force on his arms to push the Zijin Knife down to the ground!

Lan Guang couldn't help but look stunned. Chen Xuan's technique was too weird. How did he do it from that angle?

Everyone in the audience also looked at Chen Xuan in surprise. They all became a little confused.


The Zijin Knife slammed into Lin, making a deafening trembling sound.

At the same time, the powerful force generated by the contact between the Purple Gold Knife and the ground spread from the blade to Lan Guang's arm.

Lan Guang felt pain for a moment and let go of the purple gold knife in his hand.

At this moment, Chen Xuan used Lan Guang's power to pull him over with his body and gun, and crashed directly into Lan Guang's body.

Lan Guang's face twisted for a while, and the hand that grabbed the Nine Dragons Battle Gun let go in pain.

Lan Guang fell straight onto Lin, but he reacted quickly, rolled on the spot, and suddenly stood up from the ground.

At the same time, Chen Xuan also stood up, but he still held the Nine Dragons Battle Spear in his hand.

Before Lan Guang could react, Chen Xuan had already stabbed Lan Guang with the Nine Dragons Battle Spear.

Blu-ray hurriedly avoided the attack of the Kowloon war gun.

However, the wounds on his body began to hurt severely at this time.

Lan Guang's figure only paused slightly before Chen Xuan caught the flaw!


There was only a crisp sound, and Chen Xuan used the Nine-Dragon Battle Spear in his hand as a stick, and swept it towards Lan Guang's waist, hitting his body directly, and actually knocked Lan Guang out of the competition ring in one fell swoop.

Everyone in the audience was in an uproar!

"I didn't expect it! The young man in front of me gave me another surprise! Who would have thought that he would win in the end!"

"Blu-ray's loss was a bit unfair. If he had relied on his true strength, Blu-ray might not have lost!"

"Chen Xuan just took advantage of the flaw of Lan Guang being unarmed to defeat him."

"Have you ever thought that Chen Xuan knocked down the purple gold sword with blue light!"

Everyone in the audience started talking about it.

Chen Xuan breathed a long sigh of relief, looked at Lan Guang who stood up from the competition stage and said, "I'm offended!"

Lan Guang's face turned cold, he snorted coldly, jumped onto the competition stage, picked up the purple gold sword, and left.

Before leaving, Huanwang looked back at Chen Xuan again.

Chen Xuan also put away the Nine-Dragon Battle Spear and jumped off the competition stage.

"The third match, Chen Xuan wins!" The referee did not know when he was already standing on the competition stage and announced to everyone in the audience.

"The fourth competition, which is also the last competition today, is about to begin. Please come to the stage with the last two contestants." After the referee finished calmly, he left the stage and let them out!

At this moment, a young man with a handsome face, dressed in white, stepped onto the competition stage. In his hand, he held a Yao Qin, which was extremely elegant!

Seeing Na Rao's arrival, everyone in the audience started to make a noise.

"Master Yifei! Tongyinlu is good at killing people with the sound of the piano. When I saw him today, he was indeed extraordinary. With this kind of demeanor, I guarantee that he will be the first among the top eight!"

"I wonder who Mr. Yifei's opponent will be this time?"

"It doesn't take much, he must be a talented person! Otherwise, how could he have entered the quarterfinals?"

After Young Master Yifei walked onto the competition stage, he suddenly sat down in the center of the competition stage. His face was handsome and fair, and his posture was elegant, as if he had stepped out of a painting. There was always a smile on his lips, but there was an air of melancholy in his eyes.

But it’s this kind of scent that attracts the hearts of countless girls!

Young Master Yifei gently stroked the strings with his hands, quietly waiting for the arrival of his opponent.

"Oh, my opponent is actually Mr. Yifei!"

At this time, a clear voice sounded beside the competition stage.

A beautiful figure suddenly appeared on the competition stage.

Seeing the girl on the stage, everyone in the audience was surprised!

"What? It's actually Princess Yao Ji?"

"Princess Yao Ji? I didn't expect that she would also come to Dixu City to participate in this competition. I don't know what she is doing?"

"There is no one we monks dream of. I never thought that I could meet her in this Dixu City. It is really a worthwhile trip! Even if I see him, I am willing to die!"

Master Yifei also seemed a little surprised. He raised his eyes and carefully looked at the girl in front of him.

I saw this girl, wearing a green gauze, with an aura of agility all over her body, and her skin remained very smooth.

The temperament exuded by Princess Yao Ji makes people feel instantly mentally relaxed, just like the feeling of chatting when spring comes!

It makes people feel a sense of vitality, and they suddenly look much younger.

"Are you really Mr. Yifei?" Princess Yao Ji seemed a little in disbelief and a little happy when she saw Mr. Yifei.

Mr. Yifei smiled faintly and said, "It's true!"

"In that case, can you please help me?" Princess Yao Ji said.

"As long as it's within my capabilities, it's my duty to do so!" Young Master Yifei arrived.

"Well, don't worry, my requirements are very low," Princess Yao Ji couldn't help but feel a little happy when she saw Master Yifei agreeing readily.

"...Why don't you ask me to help you?" Mr. Yifei said suddenly.

"Oh, it's nothing serious. After everything is over here, can you, Master, come with me to the Moon Worshiping Kingdom and play a song for my father on his fiftieth birthday?" Princess Yao Ji said.

Young Master Yifei was silent for a moment, but Princess Yao Ji on the side thought that Young Master Yifei was going to refuse his request, and she couldn't help but feel a little depressed, muttering: "What? Can't you do that?"

Young Master Yifei shook his head and said with a faint smile: "Since it is the birthday of the Lord of the Moon Worshiping Kingdom, and Princess Yao Ji is here to invite me, I have to go there in person."

Hearing Master Yifei say this, Princess Yao Ji seemed to be in a better mood again.

"Okay, okay, then I will be waiting for you in the Moon Worshiping Kingdom." Princess Yao Ji said happily.

At this moment, a silent figure suddenly appeared on the competition stage.

"Ahem, well, now is the time for the competition. If you have any important matters, let's wait until after the competition! What do you two think?" The referee looked at the two people in front of him with some embarrassment.

"There is no need to compete. I admit defeat. Young Master Yifei won this match!" Princess Yao Ji said first.

Young Master Yifei looked at Princess Yao Ji in surprise, with an incredible look on his face, and said, "Why is Princess Yao Ji like this?"

The referee also looked at Princess Yao Ji with a surprised look on his face. He didn't know how many games he had seen here, and none of them were beaten to a bloody head!

However, this Princess Yao Ji just gave up on defeat?

But then he thought of Princess Yao Ji's status, and the referee felt relieved again. The reward of this game was indeed nothing to her.

In this case, I don’t know what purpose she has in coming to participate in this competition!

"If you win, you win, haha." Princess Yao Ji suddenly smiled lightly, turned around and left the competition stage.

Now everyone in the audience was a little dissatisfied.

"Hey, why did Princess Yao Ji leave? Isn't it a competition?"

"Did the two of them just say a few words on stage before Princess Yao Ji gave up? What kind of tricks did Master Yifei use?"

"Hey, it was so hard to catch a glimpse of her beauty, but it was fleeting!"

"What a pity. Young Master Yifei won this match too easily, didn't he?"

"Just sit on the stage and win without doing anything?"

"It's really a comparison between people. It's so annoying!"

Everyone in the audience wanted to cry but had no tears!

Chen Xuan also looked at Mr. Yifei speechlessly, so relaxed? Why can't I encounter such a good thing?

The referee looked at Mr. Yifei who was still sitting cross-legged on the stage with some embarrassment. After a while, he announced: "In the fourth test, Mr. Yifei wins."

"After three, the semi-finals will begin, and the finals."

After the referee finished this, he left the competition ring.

Young Master Yifei looked at the direction Princess Yao Ji left with some embarrassment, and couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed in his heart.

But Young Master Yifei was Young Master Yifei after all, and he returned to normal in an instant, so he didn't bother to care what others thought.

Yifei hugged his Yaoqin, stood up, and left.

The list of the top four has been announced, and the spectators are gradually leaving here with a sense of unfulfilled desire.

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