After Chen Xuan returned to the inn, he told the waiters in the mausoleum not to disturb him tonight.

After meeting those who were also in the top eight, Chen Xuan couldn't calm down for a long time.

Especially the other three who entered the semi-finals, their strength is even more unfathomable.

Only Young Master Yifei was an accident. Of course, this does not mean that Young Master Yifei is not strong enough!

On the contrary, his strength must also be extremely terrifying!

The difference between the top four and the top eight is basically very small.

Almost all of them are young heroes in the late stage of integration!

The only exception is Chen Xuan.

Especially after Chen Xuan's strong defeat of Blu-ray today, Chen Xuan's influence has become even more intense.

There was an undercurrent surging in Dixu City. Many big forces took a fancy to Chen Xuan's potential and strength and tried to recruit him.

However, Chen Xuan refused them all.

He doesn't want to join any big force and work for others like a lackey.

Moreover, as long as he can win the first place in this competition, he will have his own fiefdom.

In name, he can be regarded as a prince.

Although he has no real power, within his own fiefdom, he is the one and only figure.

This is enough for Chen Xuanlai.

Chen Xuan thought quietly, and at the same time recalled the moves of the other three among the top four, seeming to want to find their flaws.

Only Young Master Yifei, Chen Xuan was unsure because he did not see Young Master Yifei take action.

"Bang bang..."

Just when Chen Xuan was thinking quietly, a crisp knock on the door sounded.

Chen Xuan frowned with some dissatisfaction and said, "I've passed. If there's nothing wrong, don't bother me?"

"Haha, it seems that I came at the wrong time and disturbed my friends." An old voice sounded outside the door.

Chen Xuan heard it and realized that this was the old man who worked for His Highness the Crown Prince a few days ago.

At that time, he offered an olive branch to Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan rejected it immediately.

Coming here now must be because of this matter, right?

Moreover, the young man who had half-stepped into the realm of half-step god transformation a few days ago was also under the prince's influence.

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan couldn't help but look a little solemn.

If the prince's subordinates were all masters like this young man, this matter would be a bit tricky.

So no matter what, if you can avoid offending the prince, try your best to offend him.

Of course, Chen Xuan will definitely stick to his own ideas and will not join those in the Rao camp.

He doesn't want to engage in intrigues, nor does he want to sacrifice his life for others.

Although Chen Xuan did not want to join the prince's influence, Chen Xuan did not dare to neglect the old man who suddenly arrived in front of him.

Chen Xuan stood up, walked to the door, and let the old man outside the door come in.

"Please sit down." Chen Xuan said to the old man calmly.

The old man sat down calmly.

He looked at Chen Xuan quietly and said with a smile: "Chen Xuan, everyone is smart, so I won't beat around the bush. How have you considered this matter?"

"What's going on?" Chen Xuan asked, pretending not to understand.

"Haha." Hearing this, the old man gave Chen Xuan a meaningful look. "I know you are pretending on purpose, Youda doesn't have to be like this."

"You don't, I really don't know." Chen Xuan continued to pretend.

"I know that the previous bargaining chips were not attractive to you at all. For a young talent like you, those chips were indeed a bit unfair to you." The old man suddenly took a deep breath and said seductively.

"Those things don't count now. The prince has given you the final bargaining chip." At this point, the old man did not continue.

He seemed to be waiting for Chen Xuan's response.

Chen Xuan was silent for a moment and suddenly said: "Let's see! If there is something that really makes my heart move, I can consider it."

Hearing this, a light appeared in the old man's eyes, which of course was fleeting.

He knew what Chen Xuan meant, and he would not agree if there were not enough benefits.

However, this time Chen Xuan was different from the past and did not directly refuse in one breath.

This surprised the old man.

Before coming here, the old man seemed to have seen Chen Xuan rejecting him?

However, now that he heard Chen Xuan's words, he seemed to have some ideas.

"A mysterious level skill, plus a magic pill!" After finishing, the old man looked at Chen Xuan quietly, as if he wanted to see through Chen Xuan's true thoughts from his eyes.

"Shen Transformation Pill plus Xuan-level skills?" Chen Xuan looked at the old man in front of him in disbelief.

Chen Xuan never expected that the old man would offer him such a high bargaining chip!

Although Chen Xuan does not lack Xuan-level skills, having another powerful skill for self-defense would not be a bad thing. Of course not, it won't have much impact.

But there is another bargaining chip, the God Transformation Pill!

This is a little different!

That is the panacea that can help him break through to the realm of divine transformation!

Although Chen Xuan doesn't need it right now, he will always need it in the future.

The Transformation Pill is not an ordinary pill.

The refining conditions are very harsh, and the medicinal herbs required are extremely huge!

Several of the main ingredients are even rarer.

Therefore, the God Transformation Pill is not something that ordinary people can easily obtain.

In this way, the God Transformation Pill becomes extremely precious.

Although Chen Xuan was confident that he could obtain the God Transformation Pill through other means, it would still take some effort. But now there is an easy opportunity.

As long as he nods, the Transformation Pill can be easily put into his bag, which saves him a good opportunity.

Moreover, even without the God-Transformation Pill, a monk can rely on his own understanding and cultivation to enter the God-Transformation Realm.

However, with the Transformation Pill, it was different.

The God-Transforming Pill can allow people to perfectly break through to the God-Transforming Realm!

Although they are all in the same realm, they are indeed different from the ground!

Yes, the strength of a monk who has made a perfect breakthrough to the God Transformation Realm through the God Transformation Pill is no longer the same as that of an ordinary God Transformation Realm monk.

A perfect cultivator of the Divine Transformation Realm can easily kill an ordinary cultivator of the Divine Transformation Realm in an instant!

Chen Xuan was speechless, and was silently weighing whether this deal was a good deal.

"What? Friends, do you think this bargaining chip is not enough?" The old man looked at Chen Xuan in disbelief.

Chen Xuan shook his head and said, "I have enough chips, but how do you expect me to believe that yours is true?"

At this point, Chen Xuan paused, staring at the old man in front of him, and then continued: "Everyone knows that the God Transformation Pill is so precious that it is hard to find in the world."

"Of course, I know you must have a way to get it, but is it worth it for you to spend such a high price just to win over me?" Chen Xuan asked in disbelief.

The old man nodded and said: "With your cultivation in the middle stage of integration, you can defeat several young talents in the late stage of integration. I can clearly tell you that this potential is worth it!"

"But." When the old man said this, he changed the subject and continued. "Of course, if you have the idea of ​​​​taking the God Transformation Pill and running away, I have to remind you that if you really do this, you will be very stupid."

"Oh? What?" Chen Xuan heard what the old man meant to threaten him in his words?

"In the Yaochi Empire, except for the king, who has more power than the prince? As long as you have not left the Yaochi Empire, even if you go to the ground, the prince will definitely find you out." The observer said without doubt.

Chen Xuan nodded and said noncommittally: "I believe that in the Yaochi Empire, the prince has such strength."

"So, how about your friendship?" The old man looked at Chen Xuan and said.

Chen Xuan thought for a moment and then said: "First, I want to see your previous bargaining chip within half a month. Second, I can join your force, but I will not join you as the prince's subordinate." , In other words, we are just working together. Third, after joining you, I can do things for you, but you cannot have any other personal restrictions on me! Fourth, our cooperation time is not unlimited. After I break through to the Divine Realm, these conditions will be invalid. If we still need cooperation at that time, we will discuss it again. "

Chen Xuan stated his conditions in one breath, then paused for a moment, and continued: "If you can agree to these four conditions, I think we can start cooperating! If not, then please come back, although your The conditions are very tempting, but I won’t betray myself!”

Hearing the words, the old man did not speak immediately and fell silent. He was thinking carefully about whether he could agree to these three conditions, and more importantly, whether the prince would agree.

He thought for a while, but still couldn't figure out why. Mainly, he didn't dare to draw conclusions for the prince.

Whether you agree or not, the prince has the final say.

If he agreed privately and the prince disagreed after returning, then he would be the unlucky one.

After a while, the old man said meaningfully to Chen Xuan: "Friend, regarding your conditions, I am sorry that I cannot agree to you now. After I go back and explain your conditions to the prince, I will wait for the prince to make a decision!"

Chen Xuan nodded noncommittally and said, "Okay. I have no objection."

The old man suddenly laughed and said, "I hope our cooperation can be successful, friend. I'll take my leave first."

Then, the old man suddenly stood up, and in the blink of an eye, he quietly disappeared from the room!

Chen Xuan's heart tightened, this old man was too strong.

It was far beyond his expectation. Chen Xuan originally thought that the old man was at most a half-step god-transforming monk. However, judging from the current situation, the old man's cultivation far exceeded the level of god-transformation!

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