Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1363 Fighting between dragon and tiger

Three hours passed quickly.

Chen Xuan arrived at the competition venue early. Quietly waiting for the competition to begin.

At this time, this empty venue was already crowded with people.

The competition hasn't started yet, but everyone's momentum has already reached its peak.

Almost everyone is discussing who among the top four will win the first place.

It seems inevitable that comparisons will be made wherever they are. And they participated with great interest, although those things actually had nothing to do with them.

Instead, the participants remained calm.

Chen Xuan quietly looked at the three people standing not far away. They were all standouts from the top eight.

And two of them will be his opponents. Therefore, Chen Xuan had to take it seriously.

Sun Tingting is the first contestant to enter the semi-finals. Although she is only a woman, no one will doubt her power. Especially her silent and strange movements, which are simply tailor-made for assassination. Coupled with her powerful cultivation, Chen Tingting's strength is obvious to everyone!

But Sun Tingting's only weakness must be her body. For a female, her body is definitely not as strong as a man's.

Li Yuanjie, a terrifying and powerful man both internally and externally! Especially his heavy sword, which weighs hundreds of kilograms, is a weapon that people have to pay attention to. His body was terrifyingly powerful, and the muscles all over his body looked like they were about to burst his clothes. At the same time, Li Yuanjie's spirit was restrained, and his eyes revealed a domineering air! It's chilling.

Young Master Yifei looks like a somewhat feminine man, with an ethereal aura exuding from his whole body. Only from his eyes, it can be seen that his spirit is restrained and he does not show his terrible cultivation. Makes people have to treat it with caution.

Rao Ming, the shadow of the tree.

Chen Xuan wants to win among these three people and be the first. It's a little difficult.

After a long time, the referee slowly walked out from among the crowd. He walked onto the competition stage calmly, glanced at everyone, and then slowly said: "The semi-finals are about to begin. It’s about to begin, now we invite the first group of contestants to come on stage to compete.”

After that, the referee wandered away again.

"You guys, who will be the first group to face off?"

"I don't know. Just wait and see. We will find out soon."

"No matter who it is, they will play in the end anyway. It's useless to have so many."

Everyone in the audience was whispering.

Chen Xuan, Sun Tingting, Li Yuanjie, and Young Master Yifei all drew lots at the referee's place to decide.

Chen Xuan looked at the lot in his hand and found that he was selected from the second group. He didn't know who his first opponent would be? But no matter who it is, they will inevitably have to use some hands and feet. None of the top four are easy to mess with.

Li Yuanjie looked at the sign in his hand, then put it away and quietly walked onto the competition stage.

At the same time, Li Yuanjie took off the heavy sword from his back and held it tightly in his hand.

His expression was stern, and there was a domineering look in his eyes. Before the battle even started, everyone could feel his strong fighting spirit!

What a militant!

"The first person to take the stage is actually Li Yuanjie. Who is his opponent?" Someone in the audience asked curiously.

"Li Yuanjie, three days ago, he severely injured Zi Yunxiao. At the same time, he also suffered a serious blow. I wonder if he has recovered. Will it affect his competition today?"

"I bet that Li Yuanjie will win. From the quarter-finals, Li Yuanjie's strength cannot be compared with the other three. Although they are also very strong, I feel that they will not be Li Yuanjie's opponent! Can they The competition stage with restrictions is so tough, how can you lose! That is the future generation of heroes! I seem to have seen the rise of Li Yuanjie, who else can I do?"

Everyone in the audience began to talk about it, and some of Li Yuanjie's supporters were cheering for him!

Mr. Yifei next to him looked at the sign in his hand in surprise.

First group.

The first person he faced off against was actually Li Yuanjie, which made him a little surprised.

But there is nothing you can do about it, they are all randomly selected.

Young Master Yifei held her Yao Qin and slowly walked onto the competition stage.

"Master Yifei, I never thought that Li Yuanjie's opponent would be Master Yifei!"

"Since his debut, I have never heard any rumors that Young Master Yifei is weaker than anyone else, and very few people can see Young Master Yifei taking action."

"Because when he heard the sound of Young Master Yifei's piano, his opponent died silently."

"This is the most terrifying thing. Killing people with the sound of the piano makes it difficult for people to guard against it! With the visible versus the invisible, it seems that Mr. Yifei has a great chance of winning."

"Listen, when Mr. Yifei is playing, no one can come within three meters of him! I don't know if it's true or not, but this time I can see for myself!"

"Yes, they are all masters who are unique among ten thousand. We have watched some of the masters' duel today."

Everyone in the audience was talking and expressing their opinions. Some agree and some disagree. There is zero modulus.

After Young Master Yifei stepped onto the competition stage, his eyes suddenly started to light up.

The opponent in front of him forced him to be prepared.

He could see Li Yuanjie's strength.

The same is true for Li Yuanjie.

The two stood for a long time, neither of them moving, not even blinking.

However, the momentum between the two of them was constantly rising.

There was no doubt that the two men had begun to fight silently.


There were bursts of resonant sounds in the air!

Both of them showed their domineering attitude, and at this moment, Mr. Yifei no longer had any aura of dust removal.

His eyes were sharp and there was a serious expression on his face.

Li Yuanjie held the heavy sword in his hand and first launched an attack on Young Master Yifei.

I saw black auras, like clouds, tightly wrapped around Li Yuanjie's body, and at the same time, they also wrapped around his sword.


The epee made a buzzing sound after rubbing against the air.

Young Master Yifei looked serious.

I saw him dragging the Yao Qin in his hand and suddenly throwing it into the air.

At the same time, Young Master Yifei also moved.

His body also jumped into the air, closely following his Yao Qin.

At the same time, his fingers floated gently in the void.

Streams of spiritual energy flew along his fingertips towards the strings of the Yao Qin.

Suddenly, bursts of soul-stirring music sounded.

Li Yuanjie's offensive continued unabated, and he slammed the heavy sword in his hand towards Young Master Yifei.


When the epee was about to approach Mr. Yifei, the epee in his hand was actually in the void, as if it had hit something, and actually blocked his epee.

Li Yuanjie couldn't help but look blank. Master Yifei's moves were a bit weird.

However, although Mr. Yifei had a serious expression, he still kept floating his fingers in the void without haste.

Suddenly, the sound of piano could be heard in the venue.

Li Yuanjie withdrew his offensive, and at the same time, he violently retreated backwards.

Young Master Yifei was hot on his heels, rushing toward Li Yuanjie with the sounds of a musical instrument.

Li Yuanjie suddenly waved the heavy sword in his hand, lighting it randomly in the void.

"Dang, Dang, Dang."

There were sounds of metal collisions coming from the epee.

At the same time, Li Yuanjie's clothes were suddenly cut with many cuts, and traces of blood stained his clothes red on the tattered clothes.

At this time, Young Master Yifei suddenly let out a light scold, used his ten fingers together, and suddenly pushed in the direction of Li Yuanjie.

The Yao Qin in front of him suddenly trembled violently, and an extremely powerful sound swept towards Li Yuanjie like a blanket.

Li Yuanjie looked at Mr. Yifei in disbelief. He had been suppressed since he came on the stage.

Li Yuanjie couldn't think of a way to defeat this damn piano sound.

However, how could Mr. Yifei give him time to react?

That incomparably loud voice arrived in front of Li Yuanjie in an instant.

Li Yuanjie suddenly shouted loudly and placed the epee in front of him.

The heavy sword burst out with a breath of destruction.


The competition platform began to crack inch by inch! Then, just in the blink of an eye, it turned into ashes.

The referee not far away had a look of disbelief on his face.

This Li Yuanjie destroyed a martial arts arena after just one fight. Was this intentional?

Are you sure he's here to compete? Why do you feel like you are just here to cause trouble?

"What a powerful force!" The people watching couldn't help but burst out in exclamation.

They couldn't help but marvel at Li Yuanjie's yet another feat.

"This Li Yuanjie, I bet is too powerful. His explosive momentum actually wiped out the competition stage!"

But Li Yuanjie on the field didn't think so. He understood that although he had the ability to dismantle the competition stage, he would directly turn the competition stage into ashes. He admitted that he did not have the ability.

"How powerful is that Master Yifei?" Li Yuanjie couldn't help but start to marvel in his heart.

There is no doubt that the competition stage was turned into ashes by Master Yifei's blanket of piano sound!

But at the same time, Li Yuanjie had to use all his strength to fight against the sound of the piano.

That's why everyone had the illusion that it was Li Yuanjie who forcibly reduced the competition stage to ashes.


After a while, a burst of destruction-like aura erupted on the field!

At the same time, a black figure flew out quickly amid the explosion.

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