"Hey, it's Li Yuanjie! It's actually Li Yuanjie!"

"What? Li Yuanjie lost?"

"How is it impossible? Isn't this an illusion?"

As everyone screamed, Li Yuanjie fell heavily to Zilin.

Then Li Yuanjie slowly got up from the ground, with a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

Although he was not seriously injured, he understood that he had lost completely.

Li Yuanjie's heart palpitated, it was incredible! He actually forced himself to this point.

Although Li Yuanjie lost most of Master Yifei's last sound wave, his remaining power was still irresistible to Li Yuanjie.

After Li Yuanjie's body was hit by the collision, he could no longer stand still, and was directly knocked out of the range of the competition stage by the sound wave. Although the competition stage was gone and turned into ashes, everyone knew that Li Yuanjie had been beaten to the competition stage. outside.

"So defeated?"

"It's incredible!"

"How terrifying is that Master Yifei? He actually defeated Li Yuanjie?"

Everyone couldn't help but make a sound of exclamation.

Young Master Yifei calmly put away his Yao Qin. With a smile on his face, he calmly left the competition stage.

Li Yuanjie looked at Mr. Yifei's leaving figure in disbelief, and fell into deep thought.

At this time, the referee came to the competition stage. He looked at the competition stage that had disappeared without a trace with some heartache, and his face twitched involuntarily.

Immediately afterwards, the referee announced: "The results of the first group of competitions have been concluded. Mr. Yifei has won. Congratulations to Mr. Yifei for easily entering the finals."

"Now, please invite the contestants of the second group to compete on stage 3 for a duel."

After finishing, the referee took the lead and walked towards the No. 3 competition stage.

After hearing this, everyone followed closely.

Li Yuanjie put away his heavy sword and left here.

There was no need for him to stay here, at least, that's what he felt.

Of course, Mr. Yifei knew that his victory was not easy, although in the eyes of outsiders, they only fought for a few rounds before deciding the winner.

However, only Mr. Yifei himself knew how much pressure he was under.

If he hadn't used his extremely fast offensive to suppress Li Yuanjie first, Li Yuanjie would have no time to think about anything else, and then he would suddenly launch that killing move.

Let Li Yuanjie retreat step by step, without any room to fight back. Then he pushed it out. I'm afraid it will be another hard battle!

Thinking like this, Mr. Yifei also felt that he was lucky to win.

Mr. Yifei took a break and began to recuperate. There was the final final in the afternoon, and he didn't know who his opponent would be?

Is it Sun Tingting? Or Chen Xuan?

At this time, amidst the discussion among everyone, Chen Xuan boarded the No. 3 competition stage.

His opponent is Sun Tingting.

Sun Tingting was already standing opposite him at this time.

When the two came on the stage, neither of them answered, and they started fighting directly.

I saw that Chen Xuan's whole body was exuding a strong golden light, and the Nine Dragons War Spear in his hand made bursts of dragon roars, and fiercely attacked Sun Tingting.

The Nine-Dragon Battle Spear also emitted a dazzling golden light, and a golden dragon-like aura flew quickly towards Sun Tingting.

Sun Tingting's whole body was also exuding a strong green light. She faced Chen Xuan's domineering offensive, her expression remained unchanged, and she dealt with it calmly and calmly.

A ray of green light quickly flew out from her fingertips. The green light flew towards the golden dragon-shaped energy at the same time.

Just in the blink of an eye, the golden dragon-shaped energy collided with the blue light.


A deafening sound suddenly erupted between the golden dragon-shaped energy and azure light, and then dissipated completely, but the power erupted from their collision immediately spread out in the surrounding space. .

However, the two of them seemed to have no feeling, both staring at their opponents. Let those powers sweep past you.

However, the two of them only paused for a brief moment, and then began to fight fiercely again.

Sun Tingting suddenly let out a light scold, and streaks of green light appeared in his hands, hitting Chen Xuan in an orderly manner.

Chen Xuan dealt with them one by one calmly.

The Nine-Dragon Battle Spear in his hand easily scattered the streaks of green light.

At this time, Sun Tingting suddenly glowed with a strong green light and disappeared on the spot!

Chen Xuan looked at the direction where Sun Tingting disappeared, and couldn't help but feel his heart condense.

"Are you here?" Chen Xuan muttered to himself.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan seemed to sense something.

He pointed the Nine-Dragon Battle Spear behind him. Suddenly he swept out suddenly.

However, Chen Xuan only hit a piece of dissipated green light.

It was empty!

So where is she hiding?

Chen Xuan began to look around carefully.

Seeing that the attack failed, Sun Tingting hid herself in the void and looked at the man in the field quietly. It feels a little weird.

Chen Xuan's spiritual sense was so powerful that he actually sensed the direction in which she appeared. Fortunately, she was the one who made the first move and was not particularly close to Chen Xuan.

That's why she was able to dodge quickly. If she had gone any further just now, she would have been hit by the Nine Dragons Gun in Chen Xuan's hand!

Sun Tingting thought with lingering fear, and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

She didn't know what she should do at this moment. She could only hide quietly in the void, waiting for the moment when Chen Xuan showed a flaw.

"Why did Sun Tingting disappear suddenly?" Someone in the audience couldn't help but asked curiously and doubtfully.

"That is the Sun family's unique skill, the Void Technique. You can hide your body and belongings in the void. The Sun family has killed many masters with this unique skill." Someone explained to him.

"Chen Xuan is in a bit of trouble now. Apparently Sun Tingting has perfected her own void technique. I'm afraid Sun Tingting will win this match."

"Is the end of the strongest dark horse coming?"

Some people couldn't help but said with some regret.

At this time, Chen Xuan in the field looked around from time to time. After a long time, he did not see Sun Tingting.

At that moment, he had some calculations in his mind.

He deliberately sold his flaws and then quietly waited for Sun Tingting to take the bait.

However, Sun Tingting is not an ordinary person after all, how could she appear so easily?

Moreover, Chen Xuan's trap was so obvious that anyone could see through it easily.

This one is somewhat interesting, but it still doesn’t work!

Sun Tingting thought so in her heart, still looking at Chen Xuan in the void.

Chen Xuan on the field seemed to be a little impatient at this moment. He was seen walking around the competition stage anxiously, looking restless.

He suddenly found that his body was covered with a layer of cold sweat before he knew it.

He knew that if this continued, he would definitely lose. And he lost completely!

However, Sun Tingting didn't know where she was hiding. She deliberately used a flaw, but it didn't even attract her to come out!

This made Chen Xuan become restless.

At this moment, Sun Tingting moved. She held a dagger in her hand. A strong aura was condensed on the dagger, exuding waves of dangerous aura.

She quietly approached Chen Xuan's body, raised the long sword in her hand, and struck at Chen Xuan's body!

"Hey, I finally found you!" At this time, Chen Xuan suddenly smiled strangely and looked at the void next to him.

"Can you finally hide it anymore?" Chen Xuan suddenly said loudly.

After hearing Chen Xuan's words, Sun Tingting couldn't help but froze, and put away the dagger that was slashing at Chen Xuan!

She thought her position was exposed, so she hurriedly flashed her figure and changed several directions in a row, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked at Chen Xuan with some fear. This young man Rao Lingjue seemed to be terrifyingly powerful. He didn't even show up, but he actually sensed her presence! What a formidable opponent!

However, after Chen Xuan said those words on the court, there was no more movement.

Chen Xuan actually stood there directly, looking like he was at a loss.

At this time, Sun Tingting seemed to suddenly understand something, and she couldn't help but feel a little angry.

"This bastard actually deceived me! In fact, he didn't sense me at all!" Sun Tingting thought of this, her face turned blue and white.

She thought again that she had praised him just now, and her face turned red with embarrassment.

Sun Tingting was sure that Chen Xuan really didn't notice her.

Then she raised the dagger in her hand again and stabbed it towards Chen Xuan.

At this moment, a surprising change occurred!

Just as Chen Xuan was about to be stabbed, his body suddenly disappeared on the spot!

Sun Tingting's dagger only hit the afterimage of Chen Xuan left on the spot!

Sun Tingting let out a surprised sound.

Suddenly, Sun Tingting felt strong breath coming from behind her!

Chen Xuan didn't know when he had appeared behind Sun Tingting. The Kowloon War Spear in his hand was pointed at Sun Tingting.

"Are you playing tricks on me?" Chen Xuan looked at Sun Tingting with some amusement. "You are still a little green, so you should go back and practice more before you come out."

Chen Xuan looked at Sun Tingting in front of him with some pride.

Only then did Sun Tingting realize it, as if she was waking up from a dream!

"Did you do all that just now to show me on purpose?" Sun Tingting said suddenly.

Chen Xuan smiled noncommittally and said, "Whatever you think is what it is, right?"

Hearing this, Sun Tingting fell silent. She stared coldly at the young man in front of her, unable to guess what he was really thinking!

After a while, Sun Tingting said unwillingly: "I lost!"

Hearing what Sun Tingting said, Chen Xuan put away the Nine Dragons Gun in his hand.

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