"Go back and tell you, young master, that this account has been settled. I don't care why he came to Wasteland City to point fingers, but you tell him that if he comes to Wasteland City to lord it over in the future, don't blame me for being rude. If he doesn't If you are convinced, come to Wasteland City to find me!"

Chen Xuan glanced at them coldly, and then sent them away.

Several people stood up hurriedly as if they had received amnesty. One of them carried a fainted young man on his back, turned around and ran away.

Although they were severely injured by Chen Xuan and even had several broken bones, they were monks at the Golden Core stage after all. These injuries were very fatal to mortals and would take a long time to recover, but for them monks, But good things can remain intact.

Those young people ran away without looking back. They felt that they couldn't stay here for a second. They all felt that Chen Xuan was not someone they could afford to offend, so they should let someone who could provoke him come. It's better to provoke him.

"We can't just let it go. This embarrassment is really huge!"

"That's right, such a shame, I will never forget it!"

"Let's go back and report to the young master, and ask the young master to kill him. We must suppress the lord's momentum and let him know how high it is and how thick the ground is!"

"I'm definitely not done with him! He beat us half to death, ruined the boss's cultivation, and humiliated the young master at the same time. It's so bold. After this dispute, we must ask the young master to come out to uphold justice for us. Find Go back to this place.”

While several people were running back to Zixia City, they were also secretly discussing how to deal with Chen Xuan next, as if they had completely forgotten about the scene that had just happened.

But how could they forget? It’s a shadow that I will never forget for the rest of my life!

However, they are the kind of people who heal their scars and forget the pain. As long as there is still a chance, they will never forget the idea of ​​revenge against Chen Xuan.

Several people swore secretly, and then quickly left, returned to Zixia City, and went to find their young master.

"Lord, you are so strong and mighty!" A young soldier, who looked to be only seventeen or eighteen years old, said in admiration to him, his face full of respect and yearning.

It was he who just ran to the lord's mansion, informed Chen Xuan of the situation, and called Chen Xuan.

"Come on, you can do it in the future." Hearing this, Chen Xuan just smiled lightly and said.

At this time, the old soldier, supported by several other soldiers, walked towards Chen Xuan tremblingly. He looked at Chen Xuan gratefully and said, "Thank you, Lord, for saving your life."

"You don't have to be polite, old man. This is what I, Chen Xuan, should do." Chen Xuan responded with a smile.

The old soldier nodded, with tears in his eyes, and said, "After so many years, our Wasteland City finally has such an upright, mighty and domineering lord!"

Chen Xuan smiled sheepishly and said, "As the lord here, these are just what I should do. Old man, please stop praising me."

Hearing this, the old soldier suddenly laughed, then looked at Chen Xuandao: "You are young and promising, we are all old."

At this point, the old soldier's expression suddenly dimmed, and he said word by word: "Lord, you are still young. This happened all because of us. We must not drag others down. Lord, you are still young." Youwei, listen to me. Zixia City is no longer what it used to be. There are so many masters. And we in Wasteland City have only a handful of monks, let alone compete with Zixia City. Although the city lord has expressly stipulated that each of the major cities under it Infighting cannot occur between territories, but Emperor Gao is far away. This place is too remote. If the young master of Zixia City comes over and takes action against us, you are the only one. I know you are very powerful and not an ordinary person. , but two fists are ultimately no match for four hands. Even if the city lord is notified now, when the city lord sends someone over, I'm afraid it will be too late. By then, it will only be one thing openly and another behind the scenes. What's more, Zixia City The lord is related to the people in the city lord's mansion. Not only will nothing happen to them, but they will get a lot of benefits. So, lord, please leave us alone and leave this morning. "

When Chen Xuan heard this, he couldn't help but look stagnant. He didn't expect that the old soldier would give him so much at once, and it was all for his own good. He spent many years in battles and saw a lot of intrigues. He didn't Thinking of this, I can still feel a touch of human warmth.

Chen Xuan couldn't help but be moved when he heard the old man explain the power of it to him in a clear and logical manner.

It has been a long time since Chen Xuan felt this way. At that time, he was just a monk.

Now he has grown up to the point where he can run amok on his own.

Originally, Chen Xuan had no intention of leaving, but when he heard the old soldier say this, he couldn't leave even more.

"Old man, I understand what you mean. Don't worry, those so-called masters are not worth mentioning at all." Chen Xuan said to the old soldier with a confident face.

"As long as I, Chen Xuan, am in this wasteland city, I will never let them run amok like this again!" Chen Xuan vowed.

This was his promise to those soldiers and to himself.

"Is it really going to be okay?" The old soldier was doubtful.

Although Chen Xuan was already very powerful in their opinion, they did not think that at his age, he could compare with the many masters in Zixia City who had practiced for many years.

"Don't worry, old man, nothing will happen to me, and nothing will happen to Wasteland City!" Chen Xuan said with a smile.

Seeing Chen Xuan being so persistent, they didn't have anything more to say.

Chen Xuan gave them some healing elixirs again, and then asked them to go back and have a good life.

In the evening, half of the night sky was dyed red. Several soldiers came to the lord's mansion and invited Chen Xuan out for dinner to thank him for saving his life today.

Chen Xuan was speechless for a while. At his level, how could he still need to eat?

At first Chen Xuan resisted for a while, but later he couldn't stand the kind invitation of several people, so he went with them.

After arriving at the destination, several soldiers already present stood up respectfully and said at the same time: "Please, Lord!"

Chen Xuan couldn't help but look blank when he heard this, and then he smiled and said: "You don't have to be so reserved, I am also a human being. Although I am your lord now, you don't have to call me that in the future. Now that I am here, we are considered a family. "

When the soldiers saw that Chen Xuan didn't seem to have the airs of a lord, and looked more like a civilian boy next door, their nervous expressions suddenly relaxed.

"The lord is such a good man. In this day and age, there are not many young people like you who are young, promising, and kind-hearted." A middle-aged soldier said with admiration.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan smiled lightly. Does he look kind? Why do he look like a murderer in the eyes of people who know him?

"A few of you have praised me so much that I, Chen Xuan, cannot bear it."

Chen Xuan said a little embarrassed.

But no matter what Chen Xuan did, these soldiers insisted on calling him lord. In the end, Chen Xuan had no choice but to let them do it.

It's not a bad thing anyway.

This is the best hotel in the wasteland city. The owner of the hotel is a friend of the veteran. It is said that the new lord saved the veteran. The owner of the hotel refused to take the money collected by the soldiers, although it was not much. , but also a piece of heart.

Moreover, the owner of that restaurant was very generous to them, and they could eat whatever he had in the restaurant. The boss paid for all the food.

Chen Xuan and the others were arranged on the top floor of this hotel. Although it was the largest hotel in Wasteland City, it only had three floors.

In the room, three tables and some chairs were set up. At this time, the store clerk had already packed up the place.

At the same time, large plates of dishes were served, exuding a tempting aroma, which made Chen Xuan a little moved.

The main thing is that Chen Xuan lives on the edge of battle all year round, either fighting life or death, or constantly practicing to improve his cultivation.

Chen Xuan has not experienced this kind of relaxed and joyful life for a long time.

In addition to the delicious meals, there were three roast lambs on the table, as well as several jars of decades-old wine.

Although it is far from the spiritual wine in the cultivation world, it is still fragrant.

Those soldiers were very familiar with each other, and they all showed great respect and affection towards Chen Xuan.

"Come, Lord, I want to give you a toast today!"

"This piece of meat is game from the mountains outside the wasteland city. It is cut from a ferocious tiger. Lord, please try it. This is from the brothers who are out today."

"This wine is an old wine that the boss has collected for fifty years. The aroma is compelling, the wine is very strong, and of course it tastes good. Come, lord, have a drink."

Everyone warmly entertained Chen Xuan. In the end, the soldiers were all drunk. After all, this kind of wine had been stored in old cellars for decades. Generally, they couldn't drink it. But now they were lucky enough to drink a few more sips, and they felt a little overwhelmed. The wine is strong.

However, it was impossible for Chen Xuan to get drunk with this kind of wine.

In the end, the soldiers were sent back by the hotel owner.

Chen Xuan also returned to the Lord's Mansion and did not go out.

He is waiting for someone, and he knows that person will definitely come. That person will definitely not be able to swallow this breath and want to get this place back!

Come, young master of Zixia City! Let me see, who are you? Or who is instructing you!

With Chen Xuan's current cultivation and realm, he is not afraid of anyone!

Even if he is a half-step master in the realm of gods, Chen Xuan believes that he is still capable of fighting.

He didn't think that any strong master would appear in a place like this!

After all, for mortals, as long as they are monks, they can be called masters.

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