At noon on the second day, someone broke through the air and rushed directly into the Wasteland City. He knocked down two soldiers guarding the city with one palm, and at the same time, he raised his momentum to the extreme, shouting: "Where is the Lord of Wasteland City? Come out and die!"

The huge voice echoed in the sky above the Wasteland City, and at the same time, his powerful aura made the soldiers guarding the city unable to bear it, and they all collapsed on the rain.

This is a burly middle-aged man, who looks very powerful. His expression is indifferent, staring coldly at everyone present.

"Lord of Wasteland City, don't hide like a turtle, get out of here!"

The middle-aged man was very domineering, and he shouted here without caring. His black hair was unusually thick, and his eyes were full of spirits, revealing a very disdainful look.

"Lord of Wasteland City, come out and die!"

The middle-aged man roared here again, shaking the houses here slightly, and at the same time, revealing a strong wave.

At this time, Chen Xuan came out and rushed towards the middle-aged man.

"Don't bark like a dog, I'm here."

At the same time, Chen Xuan shouted coldly and responded back.

"Hmph, son, don't be arrogant. You are just a lord without real power. What's there to be proud of? I advise you to surrender obediently, tie your hands and feet and go to the young master to ask for forgiveness! Maybe the young master can spare your life!"

The middle-aged man exuded a burst of breath all over his body. He looked down at Chen Xuan and said coldly.

"Surrender is impossible. I have never surrendered in my life. Of course, I can't tie my hands and feet. How about you show me how to tie your hands and feet?"

Chen Xuan shook his head and said leisurely.

"Don't be quick to talk, be careful not to lose your life!"

The middle-aged man said coldly. "Oh? If you want to kill me, just come and take my life. Can you stop barking like a dog? I'm afraid you don't have the ability to do it." Chen Xuan smiled coldly and responded without any hesitation. "You... are looking for death!" The middle-aged man was furious. He had never seen such an arrogant person before. He was even more arrogant than himself! What's more, he even called him a dog. "If you want to fight, then fight. Why are you talking so much nonsense?" Chen Xuan said coldly. "Humph, son, you won't be able to cry later! I'm going to kill you." The middle-aged man snorted coldly. At the same time, he pointed his hand, and a purple light appeared in the void. It was huge and rushed towards Chen Xuan. Seeing this, Chen Xuan just sneered disdainfully. "It's just a trick." Chen Xuan still stood there quietly. He moved his right hand and raised his palm to meet it. At the same time, his palm emitted a white light. When the purple light was about to approach Chen Xuan's body, Chen Xuan suddenly swung his palm, and then the purple light dissipated completely in the void.

And Chen Xuan still stood there motionless.

"Sure enough, there are some tricks!"

Seeing this, a look of surprise appeared in the eyes of the middle-aged man.

Others don't know, but he knows that it is impossible for ordinary people to easily destroy his attack in an instant.

"Is this all you have?" Chen Xuan sneered, and at this moment, the light on his palm became even brighter.

"See my tricks!" Chen Xuan sneered, and at the same time, the white light in his palm turned and turned into a stream of energy, and hit the middle-aged man fiercely.


The middle-aged man snorted coldly, and his palm suddenly stretched out at this time, grabbing the spirit flying towards him, trying to catch the spirit in his hand.

However, at this moment, a shocking change occurred.

The spirit suddenly turned into a white light, which was so bright that it emitted dazzling light, and it actually directly knocked the middle-aged man's palm away.

The middle-aged man was shocked and quickly slapped out his other palm. In the void, he continued to hit several palms, and finally dispersed the white light.

At the same time, the middle-aged man's expression was shocked, and he felt a burst of severe pain on his hands. He didn't expect that the young man in front of him had such a method.

"Hmph, son, it's really interesting. No wonder they suffered a loss."

The middle-aged man looked at Chen Xuan with a bad face.

"What? Do you want to continue?"

Chen Xuan glanced at the middle-aged man coldly.

"You are just a lord of Wasteland City. If it was a lord from other places, I might still be a little bit afraid, but this is Wasteland City, the weakest city under the jurisdiction of the entire Dixu City. Hehe, boy, you dare to act so ostentatiously. I am afraid you are tired of living. Today I must capture you and hand you over to the young master with both hands, and make you kowtow and confess your guilt!"

The middle-aged man sneered. Although the young man in front of him made him a little afraid, he did not believe that he was just a lord of Wasteland City. The lords of this city have always been as weak as worms, but Chen Xuan actually let him He had a faint fear, which made him a little angry, and Chen Xuan's posture made him very unhappy.

He didn't believe that he couldn't defeat the guy in front of him.

With that, the middle-aged man raised his palm and rushed towards Chen Xuan. His whole body was exuding purple and black light, and a powerful aura suddenly spread here.


Chen Xuan still stood there without moving. He raised his hand to greet him, and a bright light appeared in his palm.

The light shot towards the middle-aged man quickly.


There was a loud noise, and the purple energy all over the middle-aged man's body immediately dissipated after being beaten! The middle-aged man groaned in his chest, and at the same time, his body flew out, and after a hundred meters, he fell hard on Lin.

The middle-aged man was inexplicably horrified. If he hadn't reacted quickly just now, he might have been destroyed by Chen Xuan's move just now.

Although Chen Xuan's attack did not exude any dangerous aura. But that tyrannical power will never be false! Otherwise, it would be impossible to dissipate the strong purple energy on his body!

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man's expression suddenly became gloomy.

"Hmph, son, I admit that you have some skills, but they are not enough. Now that I have said everything, I must beat you to a cripple and take you back to the young master."

Although the middle-aged man's heart was shaken, he would not let Chen Xuan go just like that.

After finishing, the middle-aged man gritted his teeth, waved his palm again, and hit Chen Xuan.

Waves of extremely sharp purple light suddenly surged here!

Chen Xuan looked solemn, and couldn't help but feel a little angry when he saw that the middle-aged man refused to repent and was still attacking him.

Chen Xuan's body emitted bursts of white light and he walked towards the middle-aged man.


Chen Xuan's body crashed directly into a purple light. Suddenly, bursts of violent sounds erupted there, and the terrifying aura immediately submerged the place, and Chen Xuan also disappeared inside!

"No, the lord is in danger!"

"Hey, are you really not his opponent?"

The soldiers watching the battle in Wasteland City suddenly became frightened when they saw this scene.

"Who is that? Let go of our lord. If anything happens, come at us!"

The soldiers from yesterday were here now, shouting angrily at the middle-aged man.

When the middle-aged man saw that Chen Xuan had gone to die himself, he couldn't help but feel stagnant. After hearing the voices of those soldiers, he sneered and said: "I'm just a lord in a barbaric land like Wasteland City. How dare you follow The young master is against me, even if I kowtow to apologize, it is impossible!"

"What happened yesterday was all because of us. As long as you let the lord go, we can do whatever we want."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man shook his head, then sneered and said: "He is so self-righteous that he is going to die, and no one can save him!"

"Of course, you can't escape either. Go and kneel in front of the young master's door of the Lord's Mansion in Zixia City for three months. Maybe the young master will consider sparing you!"

The middle-aged man sneered.

"You're dreaming!"

"wishful thinking!"

The soldiers yelled and cursed at the middle-aged man angrily.

"You are so shameless in your words, you are really ungrateful!"

At this time, Chen Xuan's cold voice suddenly came from the void.


There was a loud noise, and Chen Xuan suddenly rushed out from nowhere, and then appeared next to the middle-aged man.

His palm turned with white rays of light, and he raised his palm and shot it out towards him.

The middle-aged man was so frightened by this sudden scene that he broke into cold sweat. He forgot to dodge for a moment and was hit by Chen Xuan's palm.

The middle-aged man flew out again.


At the same time, a stream of bright red blood suddenly spurted out from his mouth.

" is that possible?"

The middle-aged man's face was filled with incredible shock when he saw Chen Xuan suddenly disappear and then suddenly appear again.

At first, he thought it was Chen Xuan who was trying to be brave and dared to fight with him, and then he was beaten to pieces. But it turned out that he was overthinking.

It was obvious that Chen Xuan did this on purpose to make him relax his vigilance.

Chen Xuan's palm was so powerful that the middle-aged man felt severe pain all over his body. He felt like there were wounds all over his body!

That slap made him a little dazed!

At the same time, he was shocked, what a powerful force it was!

With just one palm, he was injured like this.

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