Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1379 The young master was defeated

At this moment, endless light rains emerged in the void, flowing with traces of powerful power, and flew quickly towards Chen Xuan.

The young master was also emitting white light, and his palms quickly flew towards Chen Xuan.

Seeing this, Chen Xuan couldn't help but his expression froze. He didn't expect that this young master's killing moves would come up in endlessly. It seemed that there must be some expert behind the scenes, otherwise he, a monk in the spiritual silence stage, would be able to do this in this purple... It is impossible to learn so many things in Xia City.


In the young master's mouth, he shouted loudly and suddenly spit out the word "kill". At this time, his face was ferocious. Chen Xuan had dealt a huge blow to him. He had never suffered such a loss since his debut. It was always others who were defeated by him.

However, this Chen Xuan suppressed him one after another, forcing him to a point where there was no room for Zhou Xuan!

At this moment, the young master's eyes were filled with murderous intent and extremely terrifying.


Countless light rains rushed toward Chen Xuan in an instant. At the same time, Chen Xuan's palm had already struck Chen Xuan's body, only three feet away. .

The countless light rains enveloped Chen Xuan in the blink of an eye, and the surroundings were filled with fierce murderous intent.

At this moment, the ground seemed to be still and time seemed to have stopped turning.

Everyone watching the battle held their breath at this moment and stared intently at the two people on the field. The dozens of people brought by the young master were staring at the young master with great solemnity at this moment. Look at Chen Xuan.

"Hmph, Chen Xuan, there's nothing left to do, right? Just accept death! From now on, you can only be my servant!"

The young master was still indifferent when he saw Chen Xuan. It was as if he was so frightened that he didn't even move a finger. He thought it was because he was too powerful that he had suppressed Chen Xuan.

"Really? Don't worry, your wish will come true, but instead of me being your servant, you will be my servant!"

Hearing this, Chen Xuan just smiled coldly. The reason why he didn't move was not because he was frightened by the fierce attack of the young master, but because this move had no effect on him.

Just this sentence made the young master, who was originally ecstatic, suddenly feel depressed.

Suddenly, the young master's face darkened.

At this time, Chen Xuan also moved. I saw golden rays of light suddenly appearing all over Chen Xuan's body, quickly spreading out towards the surroundings and crawling away.

When the surrounding light rain touched his golden light, it disappeared without a trace in just a blink of an eye.

In just the blink of an eye, all the light and rain around him disappeared.


Immediately afterwards, a golden light appeared on Chen Xuan's palm.

Chen Xuan raised his palm and slapped the young master?

During the whole process, Chen Xuan just raised his palm.

However, the young master screamed and his body flew backwards.

Immediately afterwards, the young master's body fell to the ground and fell hard.


The young master spit out a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, the young master's extremely fierce aura suddenly dropped. In just a blink of an eye, his realm plummeted. In less than a moment, his realm was knocked back to its original state. , the early stage of spiritual silence.

"Sure enough, that young master was no match for that lord. He forcibly improved his strength, and the sequelae were too severe. It's lucky that he didn't explode and die immediately!"

"Terrible young lord, I think after this battle, no one will dare to challenge Wasteland City again."

"That is, even if that young lord's father, the lord from Zixia City, comes in person, I'm afraid he will not be a match for the young lord in front of me."

"Not necessarily. After all, the lord of Zixia City is also a master in the early stages of integration. How could he just watch his son being beaten and remain indifferent."

"Yes, even he is no match for this young lord, but don't forget that the power behind the lord of Zixia City is terrifyingly powerful."

"I heard that there is a powerful master behind the lord of Zixia City, who has surpassed the realm of the integration stage. This is why although the two father and son did some things that hurt Li, no one dared to cause trouble for them."

"Not only that, I heard that there is another person behind the lord of Zixia City. He is an elder from the main city of Dixu City. His strength and power are astonishing! There is news that the elder is actually from Dixu City. City Lord!"

"Hey, I'm scared to walk now!" Youqun took a breath of air. "Just imagine, within the entire Dixu City, who is as powerful as any old city lord? And who is as powerful as that old city lord?"

Seeing this scene, everyone watching the battle started talking.

at the same time.

"Little Lord!"

"Protect the young master!"

"Quick, come together and kill him!"

At this time, the dozens of people brought by the young master moved. Forty or fifty people rushed to kill Chen Xuan. The other dozen people quickly ran towards the young master.

At this moment, Chen Xuan raised his momentum to the extreme without any reservation, and was full of fighting spirit. When he saw that the young master's men dared to attack him, Chen Xuan's expression suddenly turned cold.

Facing these monks who didn't even have the period of spiritual silence, Chen Xuan didn't bother to entangle with them. He saw golden rays of light emerging from his palms.


Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan also killed them without saying a word.

I saw that the forty or fifty people quickly surrounded Chen Xuan. At the same time, they took out the weapons they carried and started to kill Chen Xuan one after another.

Seeing this, Chen Xuan looked at them calmly, then smiled coldly and said: "They are just a bunch of chickens and dogs, but they dare to attack me. Since you are looking for death, I will help you today!"

As he stood, Chen Xuan waved his palm and ran back and forth among the crowd. At the same time, as long as he raised his palm, someone would be killed by him in an instant!




The sounds of their fighting could be heard from time to time. Chen Xuan killed one person with one palm strike. In a short time, more than a dozen Jindan monks were lying on the ground!

A master in the Nascent Soul stage could not survive a single move under his hands, and was killed with just one palm.

A moment later, the twenty-eighth person died!

The remaining twenty or so people all looked at Chen Xuan in the field with fear on their faces at this moment.

At this moment, Chen Xuan seemed to be addicted to killing. He didn't stop for a moment. After killing one person with one palm, he raised his palm and rushed towards the next person.

In another moment, four or five people fell down in response!

At this time, Chen Xuan's clothes were stained with blood stains, all of which came from the dozens of people brought by the young master.

In less than half a moment, more than thirty people were dead.

"Run away! This guy is a murderous demon!"

"Run away! Ah! Help! Ah..."

The remaining dozen or so people were all terrified and running around.

But how could Chen Xuan give them a chance?

I saw that Chen Xuan used his physical skills to quickly catch up with them one by one, and then with one palm strike, he killed all the dozen or so people in a short time.

Seeing this scene, the young master fainted out of fear and anger. He didn't know whether he was fainted by fright or anger.

In this scene in front of them, everyone watching the battle saw with their own eyes that Chen Xuan killed one person in the crowd and Zhou Xuan, with just a cup of tea, he killed forty or fifty people. They couldn't help but feel horrified and the hair on their bodies stood up. !

At the same time, many people were frightened into cold sweats by the scene in front of them! It's just like the souls of the dead are dying.

At this time, some bold audience members began to discuss.

"Is this a Shura who came up from hell? Killing people is like chopping melons and vegetables, without any mercy, as if they are not killing people, but just doing a very ordinary thing!"

"It's simply terrifying. I heard that those who came to trouble him a few days ago were only punished by kneeling down, but why is he so cruel now!"

"This is really killing people!"

At this moment, everyone in the audience was extremely quiet. Half of them were frightened by Chen Xuanma's powerful methods, and the other half were dumbfounded.

At this time, Chen Xuan quickly rushed towards the young master.

A dozen other people hurriedly protected the young master behind them.

At this moment, they all looked nervous and watched with fear as Chen Xuanzheng walked toward them quickly, step by step.

If he could run now and could outrun Chen Xuan, I'm afraid they would all have disappeared without a trace at this moment.

After Chen Xuan was about to approach their bodies again, he suddenly stopped. His eyes revealed a cold aura. Then he glanced at the dozen people coldly, and then said coldly: "You guys go. Well, I’ve killed enough lackeys now! I don’t want to kill anyone anymore!”

Hearing this, everyone was speechless, and they didn't even want to kill anyone!

The dozen or so people seemed to have been granted amnesty, and one of them was carrying the young master on his back. Just as they were about to leave, another cold voice came from behind.

"You can leave, but the young master must stay. It seems that he will not live long. So, since he has promised me to be my servant if he loses, he must implement it!"

Chen Xuan's words made everyone speechless. A man who was almost disabled has fainted now. It is so crazy to not let him go!

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