"What do you want?" One of them looked at Chen Xuan and asked with a somewhat frightened expression.

"Didn't I already pass? Don't you have bad ears and can't hear?" Chen Xuan glanced at the man coldly.

"You...this..." The man hesitated and felt in a dilemma.

It was somewhat impossible for him to let go of the young master and escape for his own life, because if the young master knew about it afterwards, he would definitely have no hope of living, and the lord of Zixia City would not let him go easily. But if he didn't let go, his life would also be in danger. In this dilemma, the man couldn't help but get into trouble.

"What? Do you still want me to do it myself?" Chen Xuan smiled coldly.

"No, don't come over." The man suddenly panicked.

"Humph, you are just a lord. Although none of us are your opponents, you must know that the old city lord of Dixu City is the uncle of our lord Zixia City. I advise you not to go too far!" At that time, the one who was behind the young master's back started to gossip.

"Want to threaten me? Unfortunately, I can't do what you want. I, Chen Xuan, have never been afraid of anyone in my life. There are many people who have threatened me. But I still stand here properly. What can you do to me? ? I’m not scared!”

Chen Xuan looked at that person coldly, then stretched his body and rushed towards that person quickly.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed in front of the man. Before he could react, Chen Xuan waved his palm and slapped the man hard.


The man didn't even have time to scream. In an instant, he was beaten to death by Chen Xuan's palm.

His body suddenly fell softly, and his eyes were still staring at Chen Xuan with a look of horror.


Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan moved again, lifted the young master, and then moved his body backwards.

The whole process happened in a flash of lightning. Before anyone could react, Chen Xuan had already carried the young master's body and flew to the top of the city.

Chen Xuan threw the young master to Lin, and then glanced at the dozen or so people brought by the young master. After a moment, he said coldly: "You should stop thinking about me. If you are not convinced, You can call your lord, the father of this useless young master, and I will wait for him in Wasteland City. If you want to die, you can do it now. "

At this time, those people reacted.

Chen Xuan's words made them look embarrassed. They mobilized their troops and came, but lost forty or fifty people. Even the young master became a prisoner. It was very likely that his life or death was uncertain. If they went back now, the lord might just kill them to vent his anger. !

However, letting them face Chen Xuan was tantamount to courting death. Suddenly, the dozen or so people fell silent and stood there quietly, not knowing what to do.

"Lord..." The soldiers guarding the city looked at Chen Xuan speechlessly. Heart, this new lord is really powerful, and at the same time, he can really cause trouble! They actually arrested all the young masters of the bar. This was something they would have never dared to think about before.

At this moment, everyone watching the battle was amazed.

"This lord is really strong and domineering, his work style is vigorous and resolute, he is not sloppy at all, and his methods are terrifying!"

"You are so young, but you are so arrogant in your actions. It is easy to break the rules. If the lord of Zixia City comes to the old city lord of Linxu City, I am afraid that he will not end well! The old city lord is a powerful figure. If you provoke him When it comes to him, I'm afraid that this new lord will shed a layer of his skin even if he doesn't die. "

"Perhaps not necessarily. This person is so young, and he is saving a monk who is already in the integration stage. His background must be extremely terrifying. I am afraid that he is not something that ordinary people can provoke. The forces behind him must also be extremely terrifying. I estimate conservatively. Not weaker than the city lord of Dixu City."

Everyone was talking a lot, and they were all curious about where things would develop in the future.

After a long time, the remaining dozen or so people brought by the young master looked at Chen Xuan with a somewhat embarrassed expression, and then they said softly: "Well, Lord, what do you want to do? How can I let the young master go?"

"Let him go? Impossible. I asked him to be my servant, and he agreed. Since we have made an agreement, we cannot give up lightly. We must abide by the promise."

After Chen Xuan captured the young master, he was in a good mood. At this moment, he felt a little relieved.

"Lord of Wasteland City, please don't mess around. I will give you ten real servants later. Please let the young master go."

One person pondered for a moment, and then said loudly to Chen Xuan.

"Oh? You mean, your good-for-nothing young master is only worth as much as ten servants?" Chen Xuan glanced at the man with some interest.

"No, no, how is that possible!" He was joking. He didn't dare to think about killing that person, but the key point was that he had to continue. "It also means, don't you want servants? I will give you ten servants. Don't mess around. Please let the young master go."

"Ten servants, you are really capable. The people from Zixia City are indeed a group of extremely rich people, but..." At this point, Chen Xuan couldn't help but change the topic and looked at it with some amusement. That person said. "How can a group of low-level servants be so useful as your young master! And there are ten too many. I can't afford to support so many people. I think your young master is quite good and there is no need to change."

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look stagnant, and they couldn't help but look speechless at Chen Xuan's words. This was a rhythm that did not take into account the background behind the young master, and he said it so openly.

"Seal the city quickly!"

After Chen Xuan finished speaking, he ignored them and said to the soldiers guarding the city.

In the past few days, Chen Xuan has learned that most cities have a protective formation. For an important city, the higher the level, the more powerful the protective formation is, just like Dixu City. The city protection formation is an eighth-level city protection formation.

As for Wasteland City, due to its decline over the past century, the materials needed to activate the formation in the city have also been consumed over the past century, and there is not much left.

Therefore, Wasteland City's original seven-level city defense formation now only has six-level power. However, even so, the sixth-level city protection formation cannot be broken by ordinary monks. At least, monks in the integration stage do not have certain abilities.

Even if a master in the God Transformation Stage came over, it would be impossible for him to easily break through this city protection formation. This is why even after Wasteland City had declined to the point where there were almost no monks, it was still not able to be annexed by the surrounding cities.

Following Chen Xuan's order, the soldiers guarding the city skillfully opened the formation to protect the city. Suddenly, streaks of pure light rose up, and a moment later, a huge light curtain formed, surrounding the entire city.

Everyone around was dumbfounded. They did not expect that this newly appointed lord would seal the city as soon as possible, leaving no chance for others.

Now that the city defense formation has been activated, no one can enter easily. Only masters in the God Transformation stage can have a chance to forcefully open the city. And the chances are not great.

To break through this city defense formation, the easiest way is to start from the city. However, only a few people know where the mechanisms of Wasteland City's city defense formation are set up. It can be top secret!

Even the city lord of Dixu City cannot possibly know!

Although Wasteland City is only a subsidiary city, almost every city's city defense formation is guarded by dedicated people. Almost only a few people know the hiding place of the agency.

Generally speaking, even lords do not have the power to know. They have different jurisdictions and belong to different tasks. There is another person in charge.

This is a unique rule of the Yaochi Empire to prevent spies from appearing, and no one can violate it! I don’t have the guts to offend!

As for the city defense formation of Wasteland City, Chen Xuan was a little surprised that it was actually in the hands of the veteran Zheng Zheng.

No one would have thought that a city's defense formation, which can protect a city's organs at critical moments, would be in his hands!

Even Chen Xuan showed a look of shock when he learned the news.

But the veteran confessed to Chen Xuan that as long as Chen Xuan wanted to know, he could give it to him at any time.

However, Chen Xuan just shook his head. He didn't have much research on the formation path, so he should leave it in the hands of the people who should master it.

Chen Xuan's answer made the veteran a little surprised, but he didn't say much.

Although this is the rule, since Chen Xuan doesn't want to know, he won't either.

"Now, don't think about coming to Wasteland City to cause trouble. This is my territory now! And I am the lord here. The safety of this city is closely related to me. I advise you to respect yourself and not have any bad thoughts. Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude!”

Chen Xuan sat at the top of the city in a leisurely manner and announced coldly to everyone.

Make public! Domineering!

This is everyone’s intuitive feeling!

At the same time, they were also shocked by Chen Xuan's methods. How long had he been in office? He actually has the ability to control the city sealing formation!

Even if he didn't do it himself, no one in Wasteland City would disobey his orders!

What a terrifying figure. From now on, anyone who wants to take action against Wasteland City must consider this newly appointed lord. He is not the weak and incompetent city lord in the past, but a man with domineering methods and strong strength. Gao Qiang, a powerful monk in the integration stage!

As long as he is here and the monks in the integration stage are not released, who can be his opponent?

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