Zhao suddenly smiled mysteriously and said: "Although there is no record, it does not mean that there is none. At least some clues can be seen from ancient books."

"Oh? What?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

"I once read in an ancient book that it was written that monks who have reached the Mahayana stage are already the top combat power in the human world, so they are called great monks, but they still have a lifespan limit." Zhao Sisuo Then he said slowly.

"Well, basically, anyone who is a monk knows this." Chen Xuan nodded.

"However, the book also says that there is a Immortal Stage realm above the Mahayana stage!" Zhao said calmly.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan couldn't help being shocked. He had never heard of anyone going to the Immortal Stage. If Zhao hadn't, he wouldn't even know about it.

"What? There is a fairy stage realm above the Mahayana stage?"

Zhao nodded and said: "That's true. According to the book, only a great monk who has reached the peak of the Mahayana period can know and realize that his own cultivation is not yet perfect. Strictly speaking, it cannot be called a Mahayana. , but I also read it from a very old copy, and I don’t know if it’s true or not.”

Chen Xuan nodded and said nothing.

"This can only be verified after my friends have reached the Mahayana realm. However, according to the book, ordinary Mahayana monks, even if they have reached the peak of the Mahayana realm, will not be able to successfully reach the Immortal Stage without that opportunity. , almost no monks can reach that level with their own cultivation."

"After reaching the Immortal Stage, you can become a half-immortal. Your body has been sanctified and you will be immortal after your death."

"...You will still die!" Zhao's words made Chen Xuan speechless for a while.

Hearing this, Zhao just smiled faintly and said: "Once you reach the Immortal Stage, you have the opportunity to break through to the real Immortal Realm. However, in that book, if you want to become an Immortal Immortal, the state is not like It is so simple for ordinary monks to break through, but they have to endure the baptism of the nine-level Immortal Tribulation before they can enter that realm. So strictly speaking, there should be another Immortal Tribulation Realm above the Immortal Stage Realm, and only after passing the Immortal Tribulation Realm. Only by refining nine levels of immortal tribulation can one reach the realm of immortality."

"This, I really can't even think about it!" Chen Xuan couldn't help but shook his head when he heard this. "I haven't even reached the stage of overcoming the tribulation. I haven't even tried to survive the tribulation. Let alone the immortal tribulation. I'll leave that realm later. It's too much to think about now."

"Haha." Zhao Wenyan. He just smiled lightly and said, "For you, today is indeed a bit much."

"Yes." Chen Xuan nodded noncommittally, and then he suddenly asked Zhao: "In that case, is the senior now a great monk in the Mahayana period?"

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan couldn't help but look serious. If the old man in front of him was really a monk in the Mahayana period, he would scare a group of people if he went out.

Zhao shook his head and said: "I'm just a monk. My potential is amazing. Sooner or later, I will reach my level. It's just a matter of time."

Zhao didn't know clearly what state he was in now, but just gave Chen Xuan a hint.

Chen Xuan was silent for a moment and didn't care. He didn't believe that a monk in the Mahayana stage would hang out with the prince of the Yaochi Empire, looking like his servant.

However, Chen Xuan guessed that the old man in front of him was at least a monk in the tribulation stage. In any case, he was a being that could not be underestimated.

You know, even monks in the Mahayana stage are now very rare. There are only four or five famous ones, and almost all of them are hidden from the world.

Therefore, on the surface, monks in the Tribulation Stage have the highest combat power.

Although monks in the Mahayana stage are as rare as a phoenix, there are quite a few monks in the Tribulation stage, and there are at least one or two hundred people who are famous on the surface.

There are twenty or thirty people in the Yaochi Empire alone. These people are not only princes, but also overlords. They are truly powerful people. Apart from the king of the country, they have the largest power and influence!

"By the way, I'm going to the Aowu Forest this time. Does your prince have any other tasks?" Chen Xuan suddenly asked curiously. He couldn't help but be curious about the prince he had never seen before. Why did he let himself go to the Aowu Forest? What kind of thing do you want to help him find there? Or is there another purpose?

"Haha, in fact, there is no other purpose. It is just to let you find a beauty-beautifying grass. You also know that the Aowu Forest can only be entered for one month every hundred years. In a hundred years, there are many treasures in it. Although the beauty-beautifying grass is Grass is not a very precious thing, but it has almost disappeared on the mainland. Therefore, the beauty grass has become difficult to find. Even the prince has not found the whereabouts of the beauty grass over the years. "Zhao was a little disapproving. road. "But the Aowu Forest is different. The treasures inside have not been picked for a hundred years, so both in terms of quantity and effect. They are better than those in the outside world. Although there are other Jedi, but only the Aowu Forest, there is no doubt that It’s the safest and most reliable place, that’s why the prince wants you to go.”

"Oh?" Hearing Zhao's answer, Chen Xuan couldn't help but look stagnant. He didn't expect that this was the reason, which made Chen Xuan a little surprised. After a long time, he said with some fun: "I didn't expect that the prince is also charming and suave. character.”

Zhao Wenyan looked stunned. He did not expect Chen Xuan to say these words. After a moment, Zhao put away his surprised expression, and then said to Chen Xuan: "The prince is not the kind of person you imagined. He is looking for beauty herbs." , just to dedicate it to his mother."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan was startled. It was not what he thought.

Chen Xuan was silent for a moment, and then suddenly said: "In that case, this is a very simple task. Even if a master in the realm of gods cannot enter, the prince must have many capable people, so why did you send me?"

"Haha." Zhao seemed to know that Chen Xuan would ask this. Hearing this, he just smiled softly and said: "There are indeed many people around the prince, but after thinking about it, the prince feels that you are the most suitable candidate. Although the Aowu Forest has grown for a hundred years, the Aowu Forest only has a radius of thousands of miles. It is such a big place, and after it was opened, there were not many people entering. It is conservatively estimated that there are at least tens of thousands of people. "

"What's more." At this point, Zhao suddenly changed the subject, glanced at Chen Xuan meaningfully, and said playfully: "You also killed one of the nine generals under the prince. If I am not wrong, Lao Jiu is Was he killed by you?"

Hearing this, Chen Xuan couldn't help but look stunned. After a long time, he asked: "Who is Lao Jiu?"

"You don't know?" Zhao looked at Chen Xuan in surprise.

Chen Xuan shook his head and said: "I have killed so many people, how do I know which one is your ninth one?"

"Forget it if I don't know. Anyway, Lao Jiu is dead, so it doesn't matter." Zhao said calmly, with an indifferent look on his face.

"Well, but since you all know, why are you still trying to win over me? Shouldn't you kill me to pay for that old nine?" Chen Xuan asked in surprise.

"Originally, the prince wanted to kill you, but Lao Jiu is already dead. This is irreversible. It is true. Moreover, you have amazing potential and can just take Lao Jiu's place, so the prince wants to win you over." Zhao Dao .

Chen Xuan nodded and said nothing more. This world is like this. If it were him who was beaten to death by Lao Jiu, he would still be looked down upon.

The strong are respected, and this is true everywhere.

"However, your son, I almost didn't find it. Didn't the prince already tell the city lord of Linxu City to assign you a city where you can practice with twice the result with half the effort? Why did you come to this sparsely populated wasteland city?" Here, Zhao I couldn't help but feel a little strange.

"What?" Chen Xuan was as surprised as Zhao. "I don't know either. When I went to Dixu City to handle the city handover procedures, the old city lord assigned me here."

Chen Xuan didn't know which prince actually ordered the city lord to assign him a good city. However, what Chen Xuan didn't understand even more was that the old city lord actually went against the prince's wishes and assigned himself to this almost basic city. The wasteland city that cannot practice is here.

When Zhao heard what Chen Xuan said, he couldn't help but become shocked.

"Is this dim-sighted city lord confused? He actually assigned you to Wasteland City!" Zhao couldn't help but become furious.

"How dare you go against the prince's wishes? Does he think he has stayed as the lord of Dixu City long enough? If you want to abdicate, just abdicate, and someone will naturally replace him." Zhao's expression also turned cold. , the tone is even more so.

"I'm really impatient to live! Don't be angry, my friend. I'll wait until I go back and report to the prince, and then I'll seek a solution for you." Zhao said to Chen Xuanda, as if he was afraid that he would have a grudge.

Chen Xuan shook his head in disapproval, but began to think about it in his heart. Judging from the behavior of the young master of Zixia City, he must have been threatened by someone, so he came to trouble him again and again.

The person who instructs the young master is most likely the old city master of Dixu City, but it doesn't feel like it. At least, Kang Ming doesn't seem to know about it.

After all, Kang Ming was also the nephew of the old city lord. If he wanted to do this, it would be impossible to hide it from him.

In fact, it was not that Kang Ming didn't know that his son was deliberately causing trouble in Wasteland City, with the purpose of targeting Chen Xuan. It's just that Kang Ming is too lazy to care about his son's affairs.

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