Hearing Zhao So, Chen Xuan didn't care. No matter which city he changed to, he was just a lord, and it was of little significance to cultivation. Even if it was a rich city like Zixia City, the resources in it were not that big. If you can't provide a master who is half-step into the realm of gods, the monks in the integration stage are already the highest.

If you want to take a step closer, this is only possible if you are promoted to the position of City Lord.

Zhao Ye didn't have much to say. After all, this matter had already happened, and he could only try to save it as much as possible.

Zhao was silent for a moment, and then said to Chen Xuan: "Well, in order to ensure your safety, I will personally accompany you to the Aowu Forest. Although I can't go inside, but even if I can go in, with your strength, I I can’t help much, but I can still help outside.”

Chen Xuan nodded and said, "That's good work."

"It's okay. Although the Aowu Forest can only be entered by monks below the Fusion stage, it is inevitable that there will be monks above the Fusion stage taking advantage of the situation outside. I also want to ensure that if you get the beauty grass, we can preserve it." Zhao road.

Chen Xuan responded noncommittally. In fact, it was indeed the case. Although he was not afraid of masters who were half-step into the realm of gods, it was always a bit troublesome to deal with them. It was much easier when a master was by his side.

Zhao Wan waved his hand, and a pen and paper appeared in his hand. After finishing writing, he took out a white formation platform from his arms and placed the paper on it. Immediately afterwards, the white formation flashed with a white light and then disappeared.

This is Zhao delivering a message to the prince.

After everything was done properly, Zhao looked at Chen Xuan and said, "When are you planning to leave?"

Chen Xuan thought for a moment, and then said: "It's better to go early than to go late. Let's set off tomorrow."

Zhao Wenyan nodded and said: "The opening time of the Aowu Deep Forest is probably after July 7. Of course, it is better to leave as early as possible. The distance from Wasteland City to the Aowu Forest in the Moon Worshiping Kingdom is about 1.7 million miles. "

Chen Xuan responded and said nothing more.

After Zhao Wan, he suddenly disappeared without knowing when.

After a night of silence, Chen Xuan handed over everything in Wasteland City to others to handle the next morning.

Zhao came uninvited and appeared in the courtyard of the Lord's Mansion waiting early in the morning. At the same time, someone was brought over, but that person's face was covered with a black veil, making it difficult to see his face and guess his age.

Seeing this person, Chen Xuan couldn't help but his expression froze, and then asked Zhao: "Senior, are you asking her to come with you?"

Zhao Wenyan nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, with one more person, you have a better chance of winning, and the chance of finding the beauty grass is also higher. In the Aowu Forest, you also have to look after each other."

Chen Xuan nodded, and then said: "In that case, why not find a few more people?"

Zhao smiled and said: "She is the only master in the integration stage within a radius of 10,000 miles. I don't have time to look for her if it's too far away. Besides, she might already be on her way to the Aowu Forest, so I can't I don’t want to waste my time and go to the Aowu Forest. If necessary, I can naturally find some friends temporarily. However, those people have their own purposes, but you only need to get the beauty grass. If there are other treasures, , once you get it, it’s yours, and it’s up to you how to divide it.”

Chen Xuan nodded and said, "Okay."

The masked man remained silent, but Chen Xuan knew that this man was one of the top four in Dixu City, a powerful monk named Sun Tingting.

At that time, the battle that Chen Xuan entered into the finals was against Sun Tingting, so Chen Xuan still remembered her freshly, and admitted that this woman named Sun Tingting was not to be underestimated and was a powerful opponent.

Silently all the way, the three of them drove for nearly six hours before arriving at the Aowu Forest in Chongcheng, in the eastern part of the Moon Worshiping Kingdom.

After the three people entered the city, they prepared to find an inn to stay in the city. But what made them a little embarrassed was that they had visited almost a quarter of the city and entered almost a dozen inns. But every inn inside had a sign saying it was full. Chen Xuan didn't believe it, so he went into the inn and asked about it, but he was still told that it was full.

"I didn't expect that there would be so many people coming here. There were so many people. Even the inns in Chongcheng were full. Outside the city, there were also some monks stationed here. It was really overcrowded." Chen Xuan said with some shame.

"This is a bit troublesome. It seems that we have to live outside the city. Even Fanrao's house has been bought at a high price and is almost full of people." Zhao Ye said, feeling a little incredible.

"Senior, haven't you been here before? Did you know this would happen?" Chen Xuan asked in surprise.

"When I came here before, I always lived in the city lord's mansion here. The city lord of Chongcheng was my fellow disciple, but since he disappeared ten years ago, I have never been here again. " Zhao Dao.

Chen Xuan nodded, and then said: "So, senior, where should we rest these two days? I'm fine, I'm used to it. I can rest outside the city, but I don't know what Miss Sun thinks?"

Then, Chen Xuan looked at Sun Tingting.

"I don't care, it's the same anywhere." Sun Tingting said.

"In this case, this is the only way." Zhao Ye said.

For them, living in the open air all year round is a very normal thing, so Chen Xuan was not surprised.

"It's still early now, why don't we go around the city?" Sun Tingting suddenly said.

"Miss Sun, do you want to take a look here?" Zhao said in surprise.

Sun Tingting nodded and said, "Well, we can find some helpers by the way, so that it will be more convenient to do things in the Aowu Forest."

"Well, that's right, in that case. Let's go to the square." Zhao said.

After that, Zhao turned to look at Chen Xuan and said, "What do you think, friend?"

Chen Xuan nodded without comment and said, "It's up to you, I can do whatever you want, just follow your wishes."

Hearing Chen Xuan say this, Sun Tingting looked at Chen Xuan in surprise, but she didn't say anything.

Zhao was used to it and just laughed twice.

Chen Xuan and the other two followed the flow of people and slowly came to the central square of Chongcheng. This central square is in the center of Chongcheng and occupies about one-tenth of the entire city.

Chen Xuan roughly estimated that this central square has an area of ​​about 100 square kilometers. Although it is not a particularly large square, it is relatively large.

As soon as the three arrived at the square, waves of shouting came over, all of which were full of energy and powerful, fearing that others could not hear them.

However, since there were too many people here, almost half of them were shouting, so their voices were quickly covered by waves of chaotic sounds.

Of course, with Chen Xuan and his cultivation and hearing, they could easily distinguish them.

"All the teams have come to form a team for the one-month expedition to the Aowu Forest! Only two people are missing. Practitioners in the fusion stage, don't miss it if you pass by."

A full-bodied voice sounded in the ears of Chen Xuan and the three of them. The three immediately looked for the sound and saw that the person shouting was not far away from Chen Xuan and them, so he could hear it so clearly.

Chen Xuan and Zhao looked at each other. Zhao looked at Sun Tingting and saw that she was fine. The three of them walked towards the person who was shouting.

Before they got close, Chen Xuan and the others sensed the realm and strength of that person. He was a cultivator in the middle stage of the fusion period.

"Aowu Forest, group exploration of Aowu Forest, if you are interested, come and sign up. We have experienced cultivators and guarantee that you will get a lot of benefits."

"All the cultivators in the fusion period are here. It is too dangerous to explore alone. Teaming up will ensure that you can avoid some unnecessary troubles."

"Only one person is missing. Aowu Forest One-month Tour, come quickly, come quickly."

The shouting around was endless. Chen Xuan glanced at the people around him. These people might be his opponents in the future, so Chen Xuan paid attention to the masters among them.

Most of the people around were cultivators in the fusion period, and the second was cultivators in the spiritual silence period. Of course, the lowest level is the spiritual silence stage cultivator, because for cultivators below the spiritual silence stage, entering the Aowu Forest is tantamount to seeking death. Although the Aowu Forest does not restrict the entry of cultivators of lower realms, cultivators who have not even reached the spiritual silence stage are obviously not as good as the spiritual silence stage and the fusion stage cultivators, so the cultivators who have not reached the spiritual silence stage have consciously not come here, but this is also expected. As for the masters above the fusion stage, Chen Xuan was a little surprised that he did not see any. However, thinking carefully, this is nothing. Above the fusion stage is the transformation realm, and the masters who have reached the transformation realm are all overlords. Anyway, they can't enter the Aowu Forest, so it is not surprising that they didn't come here. Moreover, even if they come, masters of that level will not show up here. Most of them come here to accompany the younger generations of the clan to protect their safety. Especially in the last few days when the Aowu Forest is about to close, someone has to guard the exit, otherwise it may be robbed by someone halfway, who can they find? After all, anyone who dared to come to the Aowu Forest to intercept must be a powerful master, or at least in the late stage of the fusion stage. After staying in the Aowu Forest for a month, no matter who it was, it was inevitable that they would feel tired. If there was a fight, injuries would be a problem.

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