Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1389 The Power of the Teleportation Array

This is damn true. Sun Tingting looked at the old man in front of her and was speechless, as was Chen Xuan. Sun Tingting was so angry that she turned away and didn't bother to talk to him.

After a long silence, Chen Xuan asked: "Senior, aren't you going to see me again in a month? What are you doing here now?"

Hearing this, Zhao chuckled and said: "You will enter the Aowu Forest through the teleportation array. I am here to give you something."

"What?" Chen Xuan couldn't help but asked curiously. "If you go to Owu Forest, don't you just find the entrance and just go in?"

Zhao nodded and said: "This was indeed the case before, but two hundred years ago, a businessman built a two-way teleportation array in Chongcheng and Aowu Forest. From then on, with this teleportation array, you can directly enter the interior of Aowu Forest. . It’s much more convenient than going from the entrance.”

"Oh? Teleportation array? What are the conditions for using this teleportation array?" Chen Xuan asked.

"This is the purpose of my coming now. I know that you two don't have many spirit stones, so I sent you spirit stones." Zhao said with a smile.

"Oh? How many spirit stones can be used at one time?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

"Not much, just 10,000 spirit stones." Zhao said nonchalantly.

"Pfft..." Chen Xuan couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of old blood when he heard this. Ten thousand spiritual stones is not too much? He has been for so long. The total net worth is only more than two thousand spiritual stones. These ten thousand spirit stones are enough for him to use for a long time.

As a result, this teleportation array cost ten thousand spirit stones, which really made Chen Xuan lose his temper.

"This businessman is really evil. He actually uses 10,000 spirit stones once. He is really good at making money." Chen Xuandao.

"Haha, that teleportation array is a nine-level advanced array. When it was established, it was built with long-term use in mind, and in order to enhance the stability of the array, so it is not excessive to build a nine-level array. After all, it's for the sake of Rao's safety," Zhao said with some disapproval.

"Nine-level formation?" Chen Xuan couldn't help but gasped when he heard Zhao say this. Even if the Wasteland City he manages has enough resources, it will only be a seventh-level formation, and the teleportation array here is a ninth-level formation, which is really impressive.

"Well, the businessman who built this formation was one of the top ten well-known chambers of commerce in the Moon Worshiping Country. He was as rich as anyone in the country. But even so, it cost a huge amount of money to build this nine-level formation. , a conservative estimate is around one billion spirit stones, so each time it is used, it only costs ten thousand spirit stones, which is relatively not high," Zhao said calmly.

"One billion. I have feelings for you. So many spirit stones are not enough to fill the gap between your teeth." Chen Xuan was speechless for a while. He did not expect that just a ninth-level teleportation array would cost so many spirit stones. If there were any other formations, wouldn't they go bankrupt?

But think about it again, for those kind of wealthy businessmen, maybe a billion spiritual stones are nothing to them.

Chen Xuan felt excited for a while. If he had the business acumen, he would definitely do this.

Although one billion spirit stones is a huge asset, if one uses it once, it is ten thousand spirit stones, and there are countless monks going to Aowu Forest, and as long as the flow reaches 100,000 people, they can Ben made his money back.

It's just that this Aowu Forest is only opened once every one hundred years, and only how many people can enter at one time.

But at least there are tens of thousands of people.

Seeing Chen Xuan's shocked look, Sun Tingting couldn't help but glanced at Chen Xuan with contempt, and then said in shock: "It's just this little spiritual stone, don't you think it's a lot? You're a country bumpkin who has never seen the world."

"So what? At least you can't beat me, a country bumpkin." Chen Xuan responded calmly.

"You..." Sun Tingting was speechless for a while. Thinking about it, she really had no reason to refute.

Zhao Hehe smiled and said: "Don't think that one billion spirit stones is a lot. For them, one billion is just a number, and they can make a profit without losing money. Every hundred years, at least two monks enter the Aowu Forest. Three hundred thousand people came here from all over the continent. For the entire continent, two to three hundred thousand monks is just a huge flow of people. "

"What's more, to build this ninth-level formation, you must have a ninth-level formation master. Otherwise, no matter how many spiritual stones you have, it will be in vain. For a ninth-level formation master, the cost for him to do it is at least no less than Five hundred million spiritual stones, plus some necessary resources for level nine formations, one billion is already considered too little," Zhao said disapprovingly.

Chen Xuan nodded, suppressing the shock in his heart, then looked at Zhao with a calm expression and said, "In that case, how many spiritual stones did you bring us?"

"Not much, not much, only fifty thousand." Zhao said with a smile.

Then, Zhao threw a space ring to Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan caught it.

"Um, isn't it only 10,000 for one use? Why did you bring 50,000?" Chen Xuan said in surprise.

"Well, one person is ten thousand at a time. It does not mean that multiple people can be ten thousand at a time. Do you understand now? Because the teleportation formation is a two-way formation, so the two of you need 40,000, and the remaining 10,000 will be yours. This is your reward." Zhao said.

"Grandpa Zhao, you are really angry. You only give us 10,000 yuan as reward, and we have to split it between the two of us. That means each of us only has 5,000 spirit stones. With 5,000 spirit stones, we can't even buy a good pill. Do you want to be more angry? We may fight to the death in Aowu Forest. Do you really feel good about giving so little?" Without waiting for Chen Xuan to speak, Sun Tingting said with contempt.

Hearing this, Zhao blushed and said, "I don't have much wealth. You know that I have to spend money everywhere. I'm not a businessman. It's good to squeeze out 50,000 yuan."

"Hmph, you are angry. With your cultivation, I don't believe that guy only gave you so little." Sun Tingting said angrily.

"But I really only have this much. Tingting, don't be angry. When the matter is done, we go back and I will give you some good things. This should be okay." Zhao said helplessly.

"Okay, I'll let you go reluctantly." Sun Tingting said with some pride.

Chen Xuan on the side watched them bickering with interest.

"Okay, now that the spirit stones have been given to you, I have to go and do my own things. We really have to see each other in a month. I will come a few days in advance." Zhao said, then looked at Chen Xuan and continued: "When the time comes in the Aowu Forest, you two can help each other. Be careful about everything. Don't trust the temporary team too much. Do you understand what I mean?" Chen Xuan nodded thoughtfully and said, "We understand." "Grandpa Zhao is still the best." Sun Tingting said in a coquettish tone. "Humph, who made me angry just now?" Zhao pretended to be dissatisfied. "Oh, Grandpa Zhao, you are magnanimous. Don't remember these things." Sun Tingting said coquettishly. "Then forget it." Zhao said with a smile. "See you in a month." As Zhao said, his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot. "Okay, Grandpa Zhao." Sun Tingting waved to Zhao. "You are really capable. You let Tingting sleep on the table, but you sleep on the bed. That's fine. You actually sleep in the same room. If her grandfather knows about this, he will definitely arrest you and cut you into pieces." Zhao's voice suddenly came into the room, but after that, there was no sound. It seems that she has really left.

This paragraph made Chen Xuan speechless. He thought, she doesn't sleep on the bed, what does it have to do with me? Don't you let me sleep?

Sun Tingting on the side trembled with anger. Chen Xuan heard the sound of her grinding teeth. At the same time, she said angrily: "Old bastard, if you dare to tell my grandfather about this, believe it or not, I will kill you."

After that, Sun Tingting didn't hear Zhao's response for a long time. It seems that he has really left. Sun Tingting was so angry that she slapped the table in front of her and smashed it.

"Do you have to be so angry? You broke someone's table, you have to pay for it, right?" Chen Xuan said on the side.

"Hmph, what do you care? I'll pay for it. How much spiritual stones can a broken table be worth? It's not as valuable as a pair of chopsticks at home." Sun Tingting said angrily.

Chen Xuan was speechless for a while, and then said: "This table is not worth even one spiritual stone, right? It's just made of ordinary wood. Besides, ordinary people can't use spiritual stones. You can just exchange them for gold coupons."

"If you say that again, believe it or not, I will hit you..." Sun Tingting said, and suddenly thought that she might not be his opponent. Her tone became weaker and weaker. After a while, she continued: "Hmph, country bumpkin, pauper."

Sun Tingting felt that she was only comparable to Chen Xuan in this aspect, so she said angrily and complacently.

Chen Xuan suddenly shook his head and said: "Forget it, I won't bother with you. I'm going to sleep. Now you smashed the table. Let's see where you sleep at night."

Then, Chen Xuan turned to the side, stopped talking, and ignored her.

"You..." Sun Tingting was speechless for a while.

"What a bastard! When we get back, I'll ask my grandfather to kill you." After a long while, Sun Tingting said angrily.

Chen Xuan was embarrassed to hear that he even called his grandfather. Even the unfathomable Zhao was a little afraid of him.

"Just now, you acted like a spoiled child in front of Zhao. You were so coquettish and your tone was so coquettish. It was completely different from your usual temperament." Chen Xuan was too lazy to say more to her. He responded directly to this sentence. Let her do whatever she wants.

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