"You...Chen Xuan!" Sun Tingting was so angry that she was speechless for a moment.

However, she thought about it in a blink of an eye. It seemed that if she went on, he would be no more than him, so she might as well forget about it. Anyway, she would be the last to be angry.

Thinking like this, Sun Tingting turned her head and stopped talking to Chen Xuan.

But Chen Xuan also thinks so, no matter what she does, he doesn't care about her.

One night later, Chen Xuan woke up early, but when he woke up, he found that Sun Tingting was no longer in the room.

Chen Xuan can't control her whereabouts. His legs are on her body. Who can control where she goes?

After Chen Xuan had breakfast, he began to run the exercises in the room and began to practice.

The table in the room had been replaced with a new one. The man who brought the new table looked at Chen Xuan in surprise. It was incredible for mortals like them that someone could turn the table into a handful of ashes.

Chen Xuan spent most of his time practicing.

At night, Sun Tingting had not come back yet. Chen Xuan was a little tired after practicing and fell asleep directly.

When he arrived at Neighbor 2, Chen Xuan woke up and suddenly found an extra figure in the room. There was no doubt that the person in front of him was Sun Tingting.

"Where have you been these past two nights?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

"Do you want to take care of me? Do I have to report to you wherever I go?" Sun Tingting responded unceremoniously.

Chen Xuan was speechless for a while and said casually: "Okay, but since we are teammates now, I have to care about whether my teammates are safe!"

"Hmph, you'd better take care of yourself, I don't need it." Sun Tingting snorted coldly.

Hearing what she said, Chen Xuan really didn't bother to care about her and went straight out the door, followed by Sun Tingting.

"Hey, are you awake? I'm coming to find you." Qian Tao was walking towards Chen Xuan's room. When he saw Chen Xuan coming out, he went up to say hello.

"Oh? Looking for us?" Chen Xuandao.

"Yes, today is the time for the Aowu Forest to open, so it would be better for us to go there this morning." Qian Tao said.

"That's it. Then let's go." Chen Xuandao.

"Wait, we have to prepare some things to pick up, please wait a moment." Qian Tao said and ran back to his room.

After a while, Qian Tao and Zhou Long walked out, carrying a huge bag on their backs. Although it looked very heavy, for them monks, this weight was nothing more than a piece of cake.

"What are you doing?" Chen Xuan asked a little strangely.

"These are spiritual stones. When you use the teleportation array later, you have to pay the fee. There is nothing you can do about it," Qian Tao said.

Chen Xuan nodded clearly.

After a while, Li Yi and Wei Xia also came out, but they did not bring a huge bag like Qian Tao and Zhou Long, but Li Yi held a bag as big as two palms in his hand.

"Li Yi is the eldest son of the Li family, so he also has a space bag in his hand, specially used to hold spiritual stones. Monks with no background like us don't have those things. There is no way. This kind of thing is worse than some pills. It’s even more expensive and we can’t afford it,” Qian Tao said sarcastically.

"Yeah." Chen Xuan hummed and nodded with deep understanding.

Then, Li Yi and Wei Xia came here. Li Yi glanced at Chen Xuan, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes, but there was nothing much. Then he glanced at Qian Tao and Zhou Long lightly, and said: " Now that everyone is here, let’s go.”

"Okay." Qian Tao responded.

A few people went downstairs, paid their bills, and walked out.

At this time, the city was crowded with people. Everyone squeezed through the crowd and walked towards the central square.

After a while, everyone gathered here on the south side of the central square. A huge room was built there. There was a long queue in front of it, some of which were three people and some four people, but most of them were five or six people. Team.

But there is almost no difference between two people in a team and one person alone. After all, people are in teams and their realms are similar. If one person goes in, if he encounters something good, he will not be able to grab it from others.

Chen Xuan glanced forward. In that huge room, there was a six-pointed star-shaped high platform, which looked like a teleportation array.

There are twelve huge jade pillars erected around the high platform. There is no doubt that these are the nine-level teleportation array that is teleported to the Aowu Forest.

Chen Xuan saw that every time, white rays of light appeared on the teleportation array, and then there was a soft sound, and the people on the teleportation array disappeared.

After a while, another group of people walked up. It seems that the teleportation speed of this ninth-level formation is very fast. It is worthy of being an advanced teleportation formation that cost one billion spiritual stones to forge.

On the other side of the teleportation array, there was a small training room. There were also people lining up there, but there were relatively more people.

Moreover, most of the people queuing up here are carrying a huge bag, which obviously contains spiritual stones. However, there are also some people who have nothing in their hands. It seems that they have something similar to a space bag. s things.

Qian Tao and Zhou Long carried the bags and went there to line up, followed closely by Li Yi and Wei Xia, and Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting also followed behind them.

At this time, Li Yi suddenly turned to Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting and said, "Have you brought the spirit stones?"

Chen Xuan was stunned for a moment, nodded, and said, "I'll take it with me."

Li Yidian looked at Chen Xuan in surprise, but didn't say much.

Qian Tao in front thought it was understandable. Although Chen Xuan didn't bring anything, he must have some space-related things on him. If nothing else, just based on the unfathomable old man who came with them, Qian Tao could feel that Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting were not the same kind of people. They must have a strong backstage. Those things were just things to Chen Xuan and his friends.

Unlike Qian Tao and his friends, they were just grassroots cultivators. Although they had a sect behind them, they couldn't reach the realm of the fusion period. However, the sect couldn't afford space-related things for disciples like them. After all, anything related to space was extremely expensive.

And even if it was the sect behind him, sometimes he had to do tasks to exchange some skills and enter the sect's special practice room.

Just practicing and doing the sect's tasks would consume all their energy, not to mention other things. Basically, they had no time to do it.

Even Chen Xuan was the same. If Zhao had not taken a liking to him, or if the prince had not seen his potential and asked them to cooperate, he would not have been able to get so many spirit stones and the space ring. After all, he did not have so much time to earn spirit stones.

Many things are like this. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Chen Xuan didn't care about Chui. Anyway, he almost made his own pills and found herbs by himself.

Moreover, the martial arts he got by accident was not worse than other martial arts. At least it was not lower than the Xuan-level martial arts.

Soon, the queue was shortened at a certain speed. After a while, it was Chen Xuan's turn.

Qian Tao and Zhou Long handed the bags of spirit stones on their backs to the person in charge here, and the manager gave them black cards similar to tokens.

Chen estimated that it seemed that each person had to pay 20,000 spirit stones at a time. Because it was a two-way teleportation array, it would cost 10,000 spirit stones when teleporting out of it, and that card seemed to be something needed when coming out of the teleportation array inside.

After Qian Tao and Zhou Long each got a sign, they went to the huge room on the other side to line up.

At this time, Li Yi also handed the space bag in his hand to the manager. After receiving it, the manager opened the space bag, took a look, and walked to the side, walked to a round stone bucket like a bucket, and poured the spirit stones in the space bag into it. After a while, the manager came over with the space bag and gave it back to Li Yi.

Then the manager gave him two tokens, and said to the person who remembered Zhang next to him: "40,000 spirit stones, two people."

The person who remembered Zhang Ru Lingtou wrote it down in the account book in front of him.

Li Yi took Wei Xia and walked to the team on the other side, lining up behind Qian Tao and Zhou Long.

And Li Yi looked at Chen Xuan intentionally or unintentionally.

At this time, it was Chen Xuan's turn. Chen Xuan handed the space ring in his hand to the manager. The manager's expression could not help but stagnate. He did not expect that the young man in front of him, who looked ordinary in both clothing and appearance, could take out a space ring casually. This surprised him.

Even a low-level space ring would cost nearly one million spirit stones at least. This was not something that ordinary people could take out. Those who could take out a space ring must have an extremely powerful background.

However, the manager was only surprised for a moment, and then recovered in an instant. There were too many people like them, but those people were either rich or noble. Looking at Chen Xuan's clothes, he did not look like that kind of person, which surprised him a little.

Chen Xuan did not care about the comparison. Although the space ring was expensive, it was something Zhao gave him. Zhao was not only powerful in himself, but also the prince of the Yaochi Empire. A space ring was nothing to them.

Chen Xuan pointed to Sun Tingting behind him and said to the manager: "The two of us."

The manager Ru Lingtou walked to the other side.

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