The manager took the space ring and swept it across a stone platform. After the stone platform suddenly moved, the manager came back with the space ring and gave it back to Chen Xuan, saying, "Forty thousand spirit stones for two people."

Another Ru Lingtou quickly wrote it down.

Then, the manager also handed two signs to Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan put them away and walked to the other side to line up. Sun Tingting followed him.

Li Yiruo looked at Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting meaningfully. He already understood that although the two of them looked ordinary, the background behind them must not be underestimated. Those who can take out the space ring must be at least a powerful leader.

Qian Tao seemed to be accustomed to it, because among the crowd, he was the only one who saw the old man who came with Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting. Just by looking at the old man, Qian Tao understood that Chen Xuan was not at the same level as them.

Although the cultivation level was almost the same, the background behind them was incomparable.

At this time, Qian Tao asked Chen Xuan with some curiosity: "Where are you from, Brother Chen?"

Chen Xuan smiled indifferently and said: "We are from the Yao Chi Empire."

As for where in the Yao Chi Empire, Chen Xuan did not tell, and people with good eyesight would not ask directly.

Qian Tao asked with some doubt: "Although there are many people who can take out space rings, they are not many either. I think your status in Yaochi Empire must be high. Why did you come to us to form a team?"

Chen Xuan smiled and said: "My spirit stone and this space ring were given by others. You also saw the senior who came with us."

Hearing Chen Xuan's words, Qian Tao immediately stood in awe and said: "So that's how it is. It seems that Brother Chen is really not to be underestimated. The strength of that senior is unfathomable. It's really daunting."

Chen Xuan smiled and said: "No, no, Brother Qian smiled."

Chen Xuan also maintained a respectful attitude towards Zhao's strength. Although Zhao looked very easy-going, Chen Xuan understood that if someone who could reach that level and followed the prince for many years really did something, he would definitely do whatever it took.

Otherwise, with his strength, he would definitely not just follow the prince in obscurity and do things that others didn't know.

As for Li Yi and his companions, they became even more surprised after hearing the conversation between Chen Xuan and Qian Tao, but they did not ask more questions. They still understood the principle that words can bring disaster.

Even if Li Yi's strength is higher than Chen Xuan's, if they provoke him and call out the forces behind him or Qian Tao's senior, they will be in trouble.

The existence that can give away the generation space ring at will, whether it is their own strength or the background of the forces, is the existence that they need to look up to and cannot provoke.

At least, the Li family behind Li Yi cannot do this step, and can only use space bags instead, and a space bag is only worth 100,000 spirit stones.

There was no words for a while, and soon it was their turn.

"Are you all together? You can go up." There was also a management staff next to the teleportation array. At this time, he looked at Chen Xuan and his companions.

"The six of us are together." Qian Tao said, and took the lead to walk onto the hexagram-shaped teleportation array.

Afterwards, Zhou Long, Li Yi and others followed.

After Chen Xuan came up, he looked at the ninth-level teleportation array under his feet.

There were mysterious patterns engraved on the teleportation array, forming a hexagram-shaped array.

Chen Xuan was amazed at this. He didn't expect that these patterns looked nothing, but after being put together, there was a mysterious feeling. It was worthy of being a ninth-level teleportation array. It was not the kind of teleportation array that was usually seen. Compared with the array in front of him, those teleportation arrays were too different.

The ninth-level array master was indeed unfathomable. His cultivation in the array was far beyond the understanding of ordinary people. He was worthy of being a master invited at a cost of 500 million spirit stones.

Even someone with a strong background like Sun Tingting showed an amazed look at this moment.

"Hold your breath, and unite your body and spirit. When the teleportation array opens later, don't move around casually. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, we can't do anything about it." The manager said to Chen Xuan and the others, and then opened the teleportation array.

Suddenly, white light shot down from the twelve jade pillars around, and then swept the middle vein of the hexagram-shaped teleportation array.

In a flash, a strong white light suddenly appeared on the teleportation array, covering Chen Xuan and the other six people, as well as the entire teleportation array.

After a while, they felt an extremely powerful attraction on their bodies, but there was no substantial damage to their bodies.

Of course, this feeling only appeared for a short moment, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

There was a slight sound from the teleportation array, and the white light disappeared. At the same time, Chen Xuan and the others also disappeared in the teleportation array.

At this moment, Chen Xuan only felt a white light shaking in front of his eyes, and then in just a flash, a dark forest appeared in front of him.

It seems that this is definitely the Aowu Forest.

Chen Xuan looked back at Sun Tingting and saw that she was normal, so he began to look around.

At this time, Chen Xuan and the six of them were in a dense forest, surrounded by trees and weeds full of vitality, and they were all too big.

Some trees require twenty or thirty people to surround them. It is difficult to know how many years it took them to grow to such a big size. This is rare in the outside world.

Chen Xuan estimated that these huge trees had been growing for at least a thousand years. Otherwise, unless there were some other circumstances, they would not have grown so strong.

Of course, there are not all such huge trees here, there are also bigger trees, such as some trees that have grown for hundreds of years, and some saplings.

Because for thousands of years, people only came here every one hundred years, so it has almost formed a primitive forest state.

Moreover, there are some species of trees here that have never been heard of in the outside world.

Chen Xuan suddenly remembered Zhao's words before, and immediately sensed the surroundings carefully, but he did not feel anything unusual. It seemed that it did not have any impact on monks like them in the integration stage.

Although the trees here are extremely dense, and even if it is white now, the light is very weak, but after all, they are all monks in the integration stage, and their bodies are different from ordinary people. They can see every plant and tree around them clearly. Without those The trees are blocking it, and you can see clearly within a hundred meters.

At this moment, Chen Xuan couldn't help but change his expression. He hurriedly looked at the people around him and found that their expressions became serious.

In the dense forest not far away, there was a deafening roar.



At the same time, there were sounds of plants being crushed, and something was approaching them.

Everyone discovered this problem and couldn't help but look seriously in the direction where the sound came from.

Before everyone could react, a loud noise suddenly came, and at the same time, a huge figure suddenly appeared in front of Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan and others quickly used their skills and quickly escaped.

Li Yi also grabbed Wei Xia's arm and quickly withdrew twenty or thirty meters to his side.

Qian Tao and Zhou Long also quickly moved in the other direction.

Sun Tingting was best at avoiding. Before any of them moved, she had already quickly escaped.

The huge figure rushed past the place where Chen Xuan and the others were standing, but it had no intention of stopping. The huge figure left an afterimage on the spot and disappeared there again.

With a loud noise, the huge black figure disappeared here in the blink of an eye, rushed in another direction, and disappeared in this dense forest in the blink of an eye.

"Monster?" Chen Xuan couldn't help but be surprised. How could a monster appear here?

And it is a powerful monster. In terms of individual strength, the monster that flashed past just now is definitely worthy of any two of them present together.

The monster just now was at least a monster in the combined stage.

Monster beasts are different from humans. Most of them have their own abilities. Just like the monster beast just now, its gift is speed. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to have such a fast speed. Coupled with its own strength, it can be invincible among the monks of the same realm of the human race. Therefore, after the ordinary human race sees the monster beast, it is no longer sure. Under the circumstances, they always evade quickly.

That is an invincible existence, a powerful Xiehu.

This kind of innate racial endowment is inherited. No matter how much the human race cultivates, no matter how much they have the same level of cultivation, there is no way they can be the opponent of the monster beasts, and they cannot be compared.

Only the Yihuang tribe with the same racial talent and the same level of cultivation can compete with them.

The Alien tribe originally belonged to the human race, but after they mutated, they developed their own talents, so they separated from the characters and became the Alien tribe.

People like them are relatively rare in the entire continent. Generally speaking, it is difficult to encounter them. They are almost invisible and seldom walk on the continent unless there is something important.

They practice in seclusion for many years, so their strength is stronger than that of ordinary humans. Coupled with their innate talents, they can be invincible among monks of the same realm.

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