"It's not advisable to stay here for a long time, let's leave here quickly, shall we?" Li Yi frowned, and then suddenly said, after that, without waiting for anyone to say anything, he took Wei Xia and left here directly.

Qian Tao and Zhou Long did not dare to neglect and hurriedly followed.

Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting nodded and followed suit.

Originally, apart from plants, there should be no other living things in the Aowu Forest, but the monster beast just now appeared here, which was obviously a bit abnormal.

Moreover, looking at the appearance of the monster beast, it suddenly rushed out from the depths of the forest. It seemed that there was a more powerful existence in the depths of the forest, which frightened the monster beast.

Otherwise, if there was only that one monster, according to the understanding of monsters in the past, it would not have rushed in front of Chen Xuan and others, and then rushed out quickly without attacking Chen Xuan and the others.

And its speed is extremely fast. From the look of it, it doesn't look like it's going to attack, but it looks like it's trying to escape.

Whether it was the appearance of a monster in the Aowu Forest or why the monster quickly left here without attacking Chen Xuan and the others, it was incomprehensible.

Although several of them are masters in the fusion stage, and there are two masters in the late fusion stage, Li Yi and Sun Tingting, they don't dare to mess around in this Aowu Forest. After all, this is a forbidden area, and anything can happen. Although There is a one-month safety period, but who knows whether this safety period will still be reliable after thousands of years?

What's more, it's even more unbelievable that monsters appear here. Unless those monsters also know that the Owu Forest will open for one month every one hundred years, this possibility will occur.

Or maybe the monster just got in by accident and by luck.

But no matter what happens, as long as something unexpected happens here, even if Chen Xuan and the others are masters in the integration stage, there will be a possibility of death here.

After all, this is a forbidden land, and it seems to be a man-made forbidden land. Even the great monks of the legendary Mahayana period will be killed here, let alone them?

Therefore, it is the most correct way for them to decisively choose to leave here quickly. After all, this is also deep in the Aowu Forest and can also be the most dangerous place.

Chen Xuan and others followed Li Yi and quickly left here.

After walking for about half an hour, they found a cave on a low mountain. It seemed relatively hidden and could not be discovered by ordinary people.

Chen Xuan and the others looked around and after making sure that no monks were passing by, they followed Li Yi into the cave.

After a few people came in, they formed a circle and sat down.

After resting for a while, Li Yi took out a map in his arms, and then asked Chen Xuan and others to identify their current location together.

Chen Xuan and others all looked at the map Li Yi took out.

In the Aowu Forest, a place like a primeval forest, it is the most important thing to confirm your current location. Otherwise, you will not even know where you are, and you will not even find the treasure if you don't look for it. The teleportation array built in the Aowu Forest is a problem. When the time comes that you can't even get out, the fun will be great.

Generally, the location of the teleportation array is marked on the map, but if you haven't determined your location, you won't be able to find the teleportation array.

However, although Chen Xuan and the others are all masters in the integration stage, and their sensing abilities are far beyond ordinary people, it is basically their first time to explore this Owu Forest, and there is nothing special around them. There were basically no obvious signs except for some huge trees, so for a while, even if they were masters in the integration stage, it was difficult to determine their current location on the map.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan and others stared at the map on the ground, frowning, and were at a loss for what to do.

After a while, Li Yi pointed to a location on the map and said to Chen Xuan and others: "The location we are in now is at this place."

Suddenly, Chen Xuan and others looked at the location pointed by Li Yi with some surprise, and felt a little horrified in their hearts.

This Li Yi is really not to be underestimated. Although he is a master in the late stage of fusion, Sun Tingting, who is also in the late stage of fusion, does not have the ability to quickly discover this position. What's more, Chen Xuan, a master who is not weaker than the late stage of fusion, has no ability at all. Progress.

After all, it is difficult to quickly identify your location in a place that you are not familiar with. This cannot be compensated by strong strength.

Li Yi, on the other hand, just looked carefully for a while and discovered where they were. This was a bit scary, unless he had been here before.

But this is the most impossible thing. After all, the Aowu Forest is only opened every one hundred years, and Li Yi is only in his twenties. From the time point of view, it is impossible to get it right.

Chen Xuan and others suddenly looked at each other. They didn't understand how Li Yi did it for a moment. They guessed in their hearts that maybe he had some special ability?

Li Yi also noticed the abnormal expressions of several people, and immediately smiled and said: "You don't have to look at me like a monster. Although I have never been here before, the ancestors of my family once brought me a hundred years ago. I have been here with a past mirror. Although I did not bring that past mirror here, I am already familiar with the scene inside. The ancestor brought the past mirror here just to record the topography here. That’s why I was able to accurately find our current location based on the scene in the past mirror.”

When Chen Xuan heard what Li Yi said, he suddenly showed a look of understanding.

Qian Tao and Zhou Long showed envy and respect.

In the past, the value of mirrors was immeasurable, because the cost of making them was very high, and one of the main materials was even more difficult for the world to obtain. In the past, the main material of mirrors was polished from the forehead bones of great monks in the Mahayana realm, plus some other auxiliary materials.

In addition, a formation master of at least level eight is needed to carve the formation patterns in order to record the scenes and things that happened, which is very expensive.

Just the forehead bone of a great monk in the Mahayana realm is daunting. How could an ordinary person get it?

Many monks have never even seen a great monk in the Mahayana realm in their entire lives, because in this relatively recent era, cultivation has been somewhat declining in the mainland. Great monks are already legendary masters. Generally speaking, they are difficult to meet. of.

There are only four or five famous monks on the entire continent.

Even if you meet those great monks who have no reputation, because his cultivation level is so high, ordinary people can't see his depth when they meet him, and maybe they missed him.

After all, a great monk in the Mahayana realm can easily adjust his cultivation to the point where he is almost equal to an ordinary person. Ordinary people really can't see it.

Therefore, making a past mirror is as difficult as climbing a mountain. Few great monks will agree to let others remove their forehead bones and polish them into a past mirror after their death, because this is an insult to them. Don't be too big. The monk himself, even the great monk's family, would not agree to others doing this.

Unless the great monk agrees with others to do this, basically in this case, there are great monks in some big families, and the great monk is willing to have his forehead bones removed by his descendants after his death. Then polish it into a past mirror.

Therefore, in the entire continent, there are only a handful of people or families who have a mirror of the past.

After all, there are too few monks who can cultivate to the Mahayana realm, and even if some powerful families have passed down the tradition for thousands of years and have a great monk, generally speaking, no descendant is willing to use the forehead bones of their ancestors. Polished into a passing mirror.

Therefore, families with past mirrors regard it as a family heirloom, and even worship it as their ancestor.

At this moment, Li Yi saw the surprised expressions of Chen Xuan and others, and couldn't help but feel a little proud, because not everyone can own the mirror in the past. In the entire continent, conservatively estimate, there are no more than ten mirrors.

Chen Xuan and others did not ask Li Yi about the origin of the past mirror in their clan, because it was taboo and would not be informed unless they were members of the same clan.

But they all understand that the families with past mirrors now have either ancestors in the family who have reached the realm of great monks, and after their death, the descendants took off their forehead bones and polished them, or they got them accidentally, or the ancestors in the family were killed. A great monk of the same realm.

Although they are both in the Mahayana realm, there are differences between them. Just like the integration period that Chen Xuan and others are in, there are early, middle and late stages.

After Li Yi was proud for a while, he said to Chen Xuan and the others: "You also understand that we came to Aowu Forest to find treasures to improve our strength. On this point, you are all the same, right? "

"That's natural." Qian Tao and Zhou Long nodded.

Sun Tingting nodded silently.

Only Chen Xuan did not make any expression. Chen Xuan also saw this situation and couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed. Was he the only one who didn't come here to find materials and treasures to improve his strength? Just to complete the task?

In response, Li Yi nodded lightly, and at the same time glanced at Chen Xuan in surprise, but it didn't mean much.

Li Yi continued: "In this case, you should also understand that ordinary pills are almost useless in improving our strength."

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