"Of course, brother Qian, don't you know me yet? When did I lie to you?" Li Yiyi said.

"That's true." Qian Tao nodded.

"Furthermore, I have carefully looked in the mirror. The senior from a hundred years ago was able to approach the tree of life and escape from it. This proves that although there are some obstacles to skydiving, there is no real danger. , Of course, it is as scary as what outsiders of Meizu think. As long as we grasp the route we follow, there will be no problems at all," Li Yi said firmly.

Hearing what Li Yi said, Qian Tao and Zhou Long were obviously moved.

As long as Li Yi is sure to go in safely and take them out safely after getting the life fruit, Qian Tao and Zhou Long will go there together without any hesitation, even if it is a tiger's den in the dragon pool, and they will listen to Li Yi So, it doesn't look like there is any danger to life, and it is the kind of legendary life fruit. If you hear this in the ears of ordinary people who know the life fruit, they will definitely go crazy for it and do anything. not good.

Although both Qian Tao and Zhou Long remained somewhat sober and were not carried away, they still could not conceal their innermost feelings.

Hearing Li Yi say this again, he became even more excited.

"Of course, I want to make one thing clear to you first. After all, the depths of the Aowu Forest are not as dangerous as the outer areas of the Aowu Forest. After all, you also know that the depths of the Aowu Forest, It is not accessible to ordinary people. Although I know a relatively safe route, after all, it has been a hundred years and no one knows what changes have taken place inside, so even if it is the route I know, We didn't encounter any danger a hundred years ago, but I don't know if there will be any danger a hundred years later. You should also understand that risks and rewards are generally proportional. If you want a little more danger. None, that's impossible, and such a situation will never happen. I hope that if we really encounter something dangerous, you can understand me." Li Yi suddenly said.

If Li Yi had been seducing a few of them into the deepest part of the Aowu Forest, it would inevitably make people a little suspicious and strange. Therefore, he also demonstrated some of the pros and cons in a timely manner. Now that he said this at the right time, people felt that Li Yi was a little more honest, and they believed in him even more, feeling that he was not wrong and that he was a very reliable person.

After hearing what Li Yi said suddenly, Qian Tao and Zhou Long looked more relaxed, and it seemed that some of their doubts had been dispelled. It seems that they are somewhat eager to give it a try. If what Li Yisuo said is true, this is really a rare opportunity.

If they follow Li Yi to find the life fruit, they might be able to get something. Otherwise, if they just rely on themselves, they might just find some ordinary treasures, or higher-level elixirs.

However, it is obviously impossible to find that kind of reverse fate fruit, and even if you find it, you may not be able to share it with them.

After all, there are so many people coming to Aowu Forest, and I don’t even know how many people come.

Chen Xuan watched them quietly from the side. Although he also wanted to get the life fruit, he was not the kind of hot-headed person.

Seeing Li Yi constantly tempting everyone to go there, Chen Xuan even thought that Li Yi had other intentions.

"In that case, it's not impossible, but where is the life fruit?" Qian Tao looked at Zhou Long, nodded, and agreed.

"I'm not very clear about the specific location. After all, it's my first time here. Although I have the past mirror as a reference, I only know a general direction. The past mirror can only record what happened in the past. Ability does not give a clear route." Li Yi looked at the crowd.

"Then how do we get there?" Qian Tao asked.

"There are directions on this map. I have marked them. Look." Li Yi pointed to a place marked with a red pen on the map. "There are six of us. If we work together, there shouldn't be any problem finding this location. After all, the deepest part of the Owu Forest is too dangerous."

Qian Tao and Zhou Long nodded, and that was indeed the case.

Then, Li Yi looked at Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting and said, "Are you two also following me to find the life fruit? Or do you want to find other materials and earth treasures?"

"I'll go find the Life Fruit with you." Sun Tingting said without hesitation.

Chen Xuan just pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "Since everyone wants to go, I'll go too."

"Okay." Li Yidian nodded and said with a somewhat pleased expression. "Since you all decided to come with me, let's follow you."

Then, Li Yi pointed to the map in the middle of the crowd, and continued: "Look, the place outlined with a red pen on the map is where the life fruit is, and that is where we are going."

Then, Li Yi pointed in another direction and said: "We are at this location now. This path is relatively safer. We just need to walk along here and walk to that location."

Hearing what Li Yi said, Qian Tao and the others suddenly became excited, as if they were already in sight of their fate and were about to get it.

"Do you have any questions? Otherwise, we have to be careful when we get out of this cave. Otherwise, if we provoke other cultivators, although we have six people, there are many teams here. It is best not to attract their attention, otherwise there will always be some trouble." Li Yi suddenly said.

Qian Tao and Zhou Long shook their heads and had no questions.

Sun Tingting and Chen Xuan were silent for a moment, and also shook their heads, indicating that there were no problems.

Li Yi nodded with satisfaction and said, "Well, since everyone has no questions, time is limited, let's set off now."

Then, Li Yi put away the map on the wall, and then took Wei Xia and walked out first.

Qian Tao and Zhou Long also followed him out with excitement. Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting walked at the end of the team and were responsible for the rear.

As soon as they walked out of the cave, everyone's expressions suddenly became a little serious. After all, this is the Aowu Forest, and there are at least tens of thousands of cultivators, so they understand that they can't take it lightly at this moment.

After all, they are all masters of the fusion stage, and they deeply understand that perhaps as long as there is a little accident, there is a possibility of death.

At this moment, everyone is alert, looking around, and ready to take action at any time.

Li Yi is walking in the front. Only he knows the image in the mirror in the past, so he is the only one who can lead the way.

At this moment, Li Yi took out a compass from his arms, compared the map in his hand with the image in his mind, and then compared it with the surrounding environment. The front school with a slow speed

Even masters of the fusion stage like them dare not rush in casually in the forbidden area of ​​​​Aowu Forest, and must move forward carefully.

Although Li Yi knows the general direction, this is after all going to the depths of Aowu Forest. If there is a slight mistake, there is a possibility of death, so Li Yi must repeatedly confirm the correct route and whether there is any deviation.

Moving forward all the way, several people followed Li Yi and slowly moved towards the depths of Aowu Forest.

They were all masters in the fusion stage, so they didn't feel tired at this speed. However, they had to find a cave or a relatively wide place to stop and rest every night. After resting for a night, they set out again the next day.

Chen Xuan and his friends spent the past few days on the road. Fortunately, they hardly encountered any danger. Even if they encountered some natural barriers, they avoided them.

After walking for a few days, the surrounding environment gradually became a little gloomy, and at the same time, some powerful auras were revealed.

At first, they didn't notice it and didn't care, but in the end, they still felt it.

This made everyone a little worried.

"Brother Li, are we on the right road?" Qian Tao said with some fear.

Li Yi looked back at Qian Tao and the others, then looked around. After a moment of silence, he said, "Don't worry, our direction is correct, but this location has not been recorded in the mirror in the past, so we don't know where it is." Hearing Li Yi's words, Qian Tao and the others suddenly felt a little creepy. Even the ancestors of his clan had never been to a place, so it must not be a good place. There was no sound around, and you could almost hear a pin drop. It looked a little weird. The dense forests before still looked lively, but the further you go, the darker it becomes, and it looks more dead. However, apart from this, there is no other abnormal thing here, and it looks like it has been like this for many years. "How about we change direction and go again? This place is really a little weird." Zhou Long said. "There should be no danger here, don't worry, if there is any problem. I am also the one walking in the front, and I can react the fastest." Li Yi said. "Besides, we have been walking for such a long time. If we change direction hastily, we will waste a lot of time." Hearing this, several people fell silent. After thinking for a while, they felt that it was indeed the case. "If there is any danger, I will choose to change direction, but it doesn't seem to be dangerous at the moment. Even if there is any danger, it is just some of the dangers that exist in the Aowu Forest. They will not attack directly like humans, so you don't have to worry." Li Yi said.

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