Hearing this, there was nothing more than a few cents, and they felt that there should be nothing wrong, because they had never heard of such a thing before.

There were not many people at all, so they continued walking forward.

Li Yi was still walking at the front. Because it was rather gloomy here, several pairs of people accelerated their pace and walked forward.

Not long after walking, a few pieces of white stuff suddenly appeared not far in front of them. Li Yi was at the front and was the first to notice the problem. He couldn't help but look there in surprise.

At this time, several people walking behind also discovered the white things.

"What is that?" Wei Xia asked in surprise.

"It's a bit far away here, so we can't see clearly right now. We'll be able to see it later when we get there." Li Yi responded.

Wei Xia nodded and continued to follow Li Yi's pace.

Chen Xuan and others behind him were also a little surprised, but after hearing Li Yi's words, they didn't ask any more and continued walking forward.

After a while, several people gradually approached the white things.

Wei Xia, who was following Li Yi, suddenly looked a little frightened at this moment, and said with a trembling voice: "Are those...white bones?"

Li nodded and said, "Well, it does look like bones."

Qian Tao and Zhou Long couldn't help but look serious when they heard what they said. White bones actually appeared in the Aowu Forest? This was something unheard of before. Although every hundred years of exploration, someone would always die here, but the chance of finding bones is still very rare. After all, it has been a hundred years, and the corpses have long since rotted. Some of them didn't even have any bones left. However, it seemed a bit unusual to encounter white bones at this moment.

Chen Xuan didn't feel much in comparison. He had never paid attention to the Aowu Forest. It was just some bones, and it wasn't a big deal.

After just a slight pause, Li Yi continued to lead everyone forward.

When they encountered those white bones, several people turned around and looked at them for a few times, and confirmed that they should be bones belonging to the human race. Although they were a little frightened at first, after all, they were all monks in the integration stage. I don’t know how many horrible corpses I have seen, but these white bones in front of me don’t look so impressive.

A few people just glanced at it lightly and continued walking forward.

During the subsequent journey, they saw several piles of bones one after another, which made everyone a little surprised. Their expressions were serious. It was understandable that they appeared once or twice, but the repeated appearance showed that there was something unusual about this place. .

Moreover, among the piles of bones, there were occasionally white rays of light once or twice, which was a bit surprising.

"Listen, only monks who have reached the level of a great monk can be reborn. They are different from ordinary monks. Are those bones all the bones of a great monk?" Qian Tao suddenly asked.

Li Yidian nodded and said: "It is indeed true. Great monks all participate in creation. After passing through the tribulation period, almost all the flesh and blood of the whole body has been replaced. They are beyond ordinary people and are no longer mortal bodies. They can be The presence of physical sanctification.”

"These must be those strong men in the legend who accidentally broke into the deep forest of Aowu. Otherwise, it is impossible that they have not turned into earth after such a long time. Only monks of the realm of great monks can do this." Qian Tao said. .

"Not necessarily." Li Yi shook his head and said. "Look, among those bones that are glowing white, there are also bones that are not glowing white. And it seems that they have existed for a long time, but they are still not corrupted. Ming was also a master before his death, and his level is at least not low. In the realm of transformation."

Qian Tao nodded and said, "That should be the case. Otherwise, even if it were a monk in the integration stage, his body would have been completely corrupted a hundred years after his death, and he would never be able to reach this level."

Li nodded at one o'clock and did not answer any more, and continued to walk forward. They had already wasted a lot of time. They had to get out of this weird place as much as possible before it got dark, and they also had to try to find a cave to live in. .

Time is a bit tight.

Everyone continued to walk forward, and the further they walked, the more bones they saw on the road, and finally they even appeared in patches, which made everyone shudder coldly. None of them had seen such a scene in the outside world. Even though they were all monks, they all felt a little creepy at this moment.

Moreover, at this time, the color has darkened. In the woods, as time goes by, the light becomes weaker and weaker, and it is even difficult to see the road in the forest clearly.

And around them, there are still pieces of white bones. Inadvertently, you can also see some blue phosphorus fire floating among the pieces of white bones, which makes people feel eerie and makes the hairs stand on end.

The surrounding environment was already a bit gloomy, and with the phosphorus fire as a backdrop, it made people feel even more terrifying.

Even though several of them were masters in the integration stage, they had never seen such a scene before, which made them all a little scared. At this moment, they were looking at each other, feeling like a ray of light on their backs, and they broke into a cold sweat.

Li Yi took the map in his hand and compared it, then looked around carefully, and suddenly said: "It seems that it won't take long to find the area where the Life Fruit grows."

Hearing this, Qian Tao was a little excited, but was instantly dispelled by the surrounding environment. He said to Li with some fear: "Brother Li, how long will it take to get out of here? It's almost dark now, we can't Will you rest here tonight?"

Wei Xia also said: "It seems too crowded here. Let's get out as soon as possible. I don't want to spend the night here tonight."

Everyone nodded in agreement and continued walking forward.

"By the way, where is this place? Are we still in the deep forest of Aowu? Why are there so many bones here? They all seem to be human bones. Why has no one ever heard of them?" Qian Tao was a little confused. He said doubtfully.

"I don't know. This place is indeed a little weird. We try to keep it in mind. The seniors in the clan have never been here. They seem to have bypassed here. There is nothing wrong yet. Let's try to walk as fast as possible. Otherwise, I really might have to spend the night here tonight," Li Yi replied a few words, and then began to urge him a little.

After hearing what he said, few of them said anything and continued walking forward without saying a word.

However, the number of bones along the way did not seem to be decreasing at all. Instead, there were more and more bones. Sometimes they could step on one or two of them under their feet, which scared Wei Xia and Sun Tingting to scream, and Qian Tao and Both Zhou Long and Zhou Long were also sweating profusely.

Li Yi frowned with some dissatisfaction, but glanced at Chen Xuan in surprise. Chen Xuan's expression was as usual. Even in the face of such a situation, he still didn't look timid. Li Yi suddenly felt that Chen Xuan was a Terrible guy, his strength must not be as simple as it appears.


Several people continued walking for a while, startled and suddenly stopped when they were frightened by a scream.

Everyone looked over following the sound and saw that the source of the sound was none other than Li Yi's wife Wei Xia.

"What's wrong?" Li Yi frowned and said dissatisfied.

Chen Xuan also looked at Wei Xia with some surprise, wondering why he would scream like this regardless of his image.

However, at this moment, Chen Xuan also suddenly discovered that not only Wei Xia, but also Qian Tao and Zhou Long's faces turned pale.

Chen Xuan's expression suddenly became solemn, and several expressions made him understand that something strange must have appeared around him.

"There's a ghost..." Wei Xia's tone trembled a little, and then she suddenly fell into Li Yi's arms. Her body began to tremble uncontrollably and kept trembling.

Even though she is a master in the late stage of integration, she is like a girl who has been supported at this moment, slumping in Li Yi's arms.

In response, Li Yi frowned slightly, but it was nothing.

Chen Xuan just looked at it disapprovingly, and then looked in the direction they were too lazy to look at just now.

This look didn't matter. After looking at it, even Chen Xuan, who had always remained calm, felt waves of cold air at this moment, and his expression froze in an instant.

At this moment, the color has almost completely darkened. A red blood moon hangs high in the night sky. Through the gaps between the trees, you can vaguely see traces of red light. From the gaps between the leaves, threads penetrated down.

At the same time, there was also a hint of blood in the air, along with a rotten smell that had the smell of blood.

In front of Chen Xuan and his friends, the strange-looking scene made them stop involuntarily.

Even though Li Yi was at the front, he was not able to discover it immediately because his focus was not on that. Instead, Wei Xia behind him was the first to discover it.

Chen Xuan couldn't help but look back at Sun Tingting behind him. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, Chen Xuan also saw a kind of fear in her eyes.

Chen Xuan asked Sun Tingting to come here in front of him, so that she was in the middle of the team, and then Chen Xuan walked behind Sun Tingting.

After doing this, Chen Xuan looked there again.

I saw a corpse that looked like a human being hanging on a tree. His head was so limp that it was on one side. His neck was twisted 180 degrees by something unknown. Only a little bit of flesh was connected to his body.

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