Finally, there was a smart guy. After two people were kicked down by Chen Xuan, the two people on Chen Xuan's left and right ran up to attack him at the same time. However, they still underestimated Chen Xuan. He leaned his body slightly and put his hands on the back of their heads to let them have a close contact.

These people were either two or three, rushing up one after another, and Chen Xuan easily dealt with them. And they seemed to be strong and indestructible. They rushed up again after being beaten, and were beaten again and again...

These people were almost all in the early stage of the Spiritual Silence Period. Although they were many, they were not very useful. None of them was Chen Xuan's opponent. After all, he was already in the middle stage of the Fusion, and these minions really couldn't do anything to him.

However, Chen Xuan was not idle, so he naturally had no mood to play with these strong men, so he casually used a move with a relatively large damage and range, and directly killed most of the people here in seconds.

There were also a few people who were alone, and they were also knocked to the ground one by one by him.

"Qian Jiu, it's your turn, right?"

After stretching his tibia, Chen Xuan looked at Qian Jiu, who had been silent, and the provocative smile returned to the corner of his mouth.

"I've never seen a big brother who watched his brothers being beaten one by one and hid behind them and dared not come out."


Qian Jiu has been free and easy in this area for so long. Because the people here are not very strong, his brothers have never had opponents, so he has always let his brothers beat those who are not convinced by him.

And there are not many people who can easily beat his brothers like Chen Xuan.

But after all, he is the big brother. If his brothers are bullied, he will naturally avenge them. Therefore, even if he didn't know whether Chen Xuan was strong or not, Qian Jiu rushed up without hesitation.

The reason why Chen Xuan was so confident was that he had heard from the old man Zhao that many rich young masters who rushed into the city were not very strong and liked to wander around.

It seems that Qian Jiu is one of them, so Chen Xuan naturally has no worries. Of course, it is not ruled out that Qian Jiu will be a little stronger, but no matter how strong he is, he can't be stronger than him in the middle stage of fusion, and he cooperated with Sun Tingting in the late stage of fusion.

However, Qian Jiu is actually a little stronger than his brothers. He fought with Chen Xuan for several moves before he was beaten by him. However, this is also the result of Chen Xuan's defense. If Chen Xuan is willing, it is not impossible to kill him in seconds.

"Why don't you consider taking your brothers to run away, and see that you can't beat me, right?"

Chen Xuan squatted down provocatively, looking at Qian Jiu who was knocked to the ground by him, and smiled.

"You are dreaming!"

Qian Jiu refused Chen Xuan without thinking, and stood up with great effort. He rushed up again without giving up, and was kicked on the knee by Chen Xuan.

To these rich young men who like to pretend, it is good to say that they are strong and unyielding, and it is bad to say that they don't know what is good for them. They know that they are not strong enough, and they are unwilling to turn back even if they hit the south wall.

Therefore, Chen Xuan dealt with him in the same way as he dealt with his brothers. After playing with them, he got impatient and knocked them out with a stronger move.

The time that Chen Xuan and Qian Jiu were fighting was enough for his brothers to wake up. When they woke up, they saw their elder brother lying on the ground. What a good experience it was.

"Are you all awake? If you wake up, just carry your elder brother away. It's very blocking the way here, you know."

The brothers were also smart people. They knew that Chen Xuan was not ordinary strong, so they carried Qian Jiu away. However, Li Wen still seemed to be unwilling to give up. He shouted to Chen Xuan before leaving.

"Just wait here, we will be back soon, just wait for me!"

This time it was Chen Xuan's turn to laugh. Of course he was willing to wait. Anyway, he had nothing to do now. It would be good if they could help him find a stronger opponent to practice with.

Maybe Sun Tingting could come to practice too.

With this mentality, Chen Xuan agreed to Li Wen.

"Okay! I'll wait here. If you don't come back, I'll come to your house to find you!"

After that, regardless of whether Li Wen heard it or not, Chen Xuan returned to the wonton shop leisurely and sat down. He wanted to take a rest and take a rest, so that he could deal with the strong men they invited.

Seeing that Chen Xuan seemed a little tired, the waiter immediately poured him a glass of water. Chen Xuan thanked him politely, but the waiter stopped him.

"Master, I should thank you. This time, it's all thanks to you. Otherwise, Qian Jiu would be so arrogant again."

"It's just a small favor. No need to thank me. I'll just borrow your place outside the store to practice. Is there any problem?"

Er also knew that Chen Xuan would deal with Li Wen and others who would come back in a while, so he naturally had no objection and was eager to see Qian Jiu, the annoying guy, get beaten.

"No problem, no problem, Master, do you want to eat something? I'll have someone prepare it for you?"

"No, no, I just want to drink some water."

Fearing that Er would cause trouble again, Chen Xuan immediately stopped him and asked him to sit down and rest for a while.

"Oh, I'm so arrogant with Qian Jiu. There will always be someone to teach them a lesson. As expected, you're here."

Er was very grateful for Chen Xuan's help, so he kept flattering him. Seeing Chen Xuan enjoying himself, Sun Tingting couldn't help but roll her eyes at him again.

"Come on, second brother, this guy is just looking for fun. Will he take the initiative to punish evil and promote good? I have known him for a while, I don't believe it."

"How can you do that? I am not just looking for fun, okay? If it is for fun, I will just go to the martial arts hall. Anyway, don't be ridiculous!"

Chen Xuan was not happy to be treated like this by Sun Tingting and immediately refuted her. Unexpectedly, Sun Tingting laughed, which made Chen Xuan a little confused.

"Okay, okay, you do whatever you want."

The two of them were bickering and playing like this. Chen Xuan suddenly seemed to remember something and asked the waiter.

"Um, do you know who they are going to find back?"

"Probably he's looking for Qianjiu's father, the head of the Qian family. When he comes later, I suggest they be more careful. Money is not as easy to deal with as Qianjiu."

After hearing Er's words, Chen Xuan looked thoughtful.

"Okay, I understand, thank you Er."

At the same time, Li Wen and others also returned to Qian's Mansion with Qian Jiu.

Qian Jiu also woke up along the way. Because Chen Xuan didn't exert much force, there were no other problems after they woke up.

But in order to get his father Qian Duo to show up, Qian Jiu still pretended to be very miserable and called his father everywhere in the house, even reaching his father's bedroom.

"Dad, someone bullied me, dad..."

At this moment, Qian Duo was very unhappy to be disturbed by Qian Jiu. He didn't want to pay attention to him, but his shouting was really annoying.

"What are you yelling about, you idiot? Your mother is resting, do you know that?"

Of course Qian Jiu knew, but he was a little anxious now, so he didn't care so much.

"Dad, someone bullies me, you must help me get justice!"

Qian Duo didn't have any hope for his son who only knew how to play around, but he thought he was better than his son because Qian Jiu couldn't even play with women.

"What's the matter? Aren't you always a dick? What's wrong? You were bullied today."

"There is no way, that guy is too strong, look at him beating me like this."

Qian Duo looked at Qian Jiu carefully. He had many injuries on his body and looked very miserable. Although he doesn't think much of this son, no matter what, as long as he is his son, he will be beaten and lose his face.

Therefore, Qian Duo still planned to teach Qian Jiu a lesson to the person who beat him.

"Who the hell bullied you again? Take me with you. I'll teach that idiot a lesson."

"Thank you dad, thank you dad!"

Along the way, Qian Jiu also told Qian Duo who was passing by, but he added fuel to the fire and changed the taste.

"...I was eating wontons when the man suddenly overturned the table. I went to seek justice for my boss, but he refused to accept it. Then we started fighting, but he was too strong..."

"Okay, okay, I know you are too weak and have been bullied. No need to stop. Just watch how your father fights you back!"

Seeing Qian Duo's confident look, Qian Jiu was also very happy. He never thought that even his father, Chen Xuan, might not take him seriously.

Soon, Qian Jiu, Qian Duo and Li Wen came to the wonton shop before again. Seeing Chen Xuan still sitting there, Li Wen was very satisfied with his keeping his promise.

"That boy in front, come out quickly! Come out and challenge my father!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Chen Xuan walked out lazily, mumbling something.

“You’ll know without having to decide!”

His words caused Sun Tingting to burst into laughter.

The two of them listened to Ling Er's previous advice and should be more careful with the money, so Sun Tingting also came out and planned to fight against Chen Xuan.

"Dad, look, it's this boy!"

Qian Jiu pointed at Chen Xuan and shouted excitedly, while Qian Duo asked him to shut up impatiently, seeming to be looking at Chen Xuan across from him carefully.

"Dad, what are you looking at?"

Just as he was wondering, following Qian Duo's gaze, Qian Jiu realized that he was looking at Sun Tingting. Only then did Qian Jiu notice that the woman who was smiling behind Chen Xuan seemed to be somewhat pretty.

"Son, give me your woman, and I can consider letting you go."

"Old man, just dream. How could I give up my woman to you?"

The first time he saw Qian Duo, Chen Xuan knew that he was probably a lecher. He was not surprised when he heard this, but suddenly he was stunned, "Woman, where can I find a woman?"

Behind Chen Xuan, Sun Tingting, who was a little shy at first, became furious after hearing this and slapped Chen Xuan on the head.

"Why are you talking so much to him? Just go straight to it. I'm really tired of hearing what you say!"

Chen Xuan was a little confused by Sun Tingting's slap, but he didn't have much to say. After all, he originally wanted to find someone to fight with and practice, not just talk to someone.

When Qian Duo saw this, he guessed that the relationship between the two was probably not that kind of relationship, "If not, it would be best..."

Sun Tingting also heard his words and had goosebumps all her life. Even if she was with Chen Xuan, she would not let this disgusting old man touch her.

So Sun Tingting urged Chen Xuan again, asking him to give him some color and give him money to see more.

When Chen Xuan and Qian Duo fought, Chen Xuan was somewhat surprised. Qian Duo was indeed a little stronger than his good-for-nothing son Qian Jiu, but...

But it's still a little worse than him.

Because having more money means being stronger, Chen Xuan didn't have too many reservations and used his normal strength as soon as he started. Not too strong, nor as weak as against his enemy Qian Jiu.

The lustful Qian Duo was not attentive during the fight and would glance at Sun Tingting from time to time, which disgusted the latter and made Chen Xuan look down on him even more. So Chen Xuan found an opportunity to hit Qian Duo to the ground, and then stepped on his back.

"You still can't watch it?"

Seeing this, Sun Tingting walked up to him in two or three steps and asked him in an almost provocative tone. Qian Duo was naturally dissatisfied and gave Sun Tingting a positive answer, then tried hard to break free.

However, Chen Xuan was not a vegetarian, and with just a little force, he was perfectly aligned with the ground, making him fit snugly.

"I'll ask you again, don't you want to watch it yet?"

This time it was Chen Xuan who was asking. Every time he uttered a syllable, the strength in his legs increased. In this case, even if he had more money to be brave, he would not dare to speak harshly.

"Don't watch it, don't watch it, Master... I don't dare to watch it, Master, just let me go."

After being discouraged, Qian Duo called Chen Xuan several times, and Chen Xuan finally became a little happy and took his feet off him. Sun Tingting also returned to her original position.

It seems that with a lot of money and little ability, he was easily solved by himself. Just as Chen Xuan was thinking this, Qian Duo suddenly turned over and kicked Chen Xuan in the face.

Chen Xuan didn't react and couldn't dodge, so he had to raise his arm to catch his move and stepped back a few centimeters.

"Stinky guy, you think I can be defeated so easily by you, huh?"

Seeing the amount of money he was proud of, Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and began to accumulate strength in the hand he kicked down.

Chen Xuan put his hand behind his back. In Qian Duo's opinion, it was because of the pain that Chen Xuan did not dare to take out his hand. Little did he know that this guy was actually accumulating strength.

A few drops of sweat slid across Chen Xuan's face and dripped on the ground. Qian Duo and others thought he was nervous and scared, but only Sun Tingting could see that he was accumulating strength.

"Son, why are you silent? What's wrong? Are you scared?"

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