Qian Duo approached Chen Xuan, wanting him to see the provocative smile on his face. Suddenly, Chen Xuan punched him, leaving him with no time to dodge.

He didn't know where the confidence came from having more money, so he just stood there and beat Chen Xuan, thinking that he was just a casual blow and could not cause any harm to himself.

Unexpectedly, Qian Duo, who took the punch forcefully, flew far away and hit the wall hard, barely making a hole. Then he opened his eyes wide and covered the place where Chen Xuan had just been hit, his face full of disbelief.

Although Qian Duo didn't have any skin injuries at this moment, he was actually bleeding profusely inside his body, so he was in great pain. He didn't take any protective measures when he hit the ground, and he just held his abdomen tightly.

This blow also took some strength from Chen Xuan, and he began to pant after he put down his hand.

Qian Jiu and others were even more frightened and rushed over to check Qian Duo's condition.

"Dad, are you okay, Dad!"

Qian Jiu and Li Wen hurriedly lifted Qian Duo up and quickly ran back to Qian's house.

"Dad, don't die!"

One is because they are afraid that something will happen if they have too much money, and the other is because they have been frightened by Chen Xuan.

At this time, Chen Xuan was also a little tired. He sat on a stool and rested for a while before regaining his breath. In fact, it's not a big problem, just like a person who has just finished a long-distance run, his breath is a little short.

Seeing that Chen Xuan returned to normal, Sun Tingting also breathed a sigh of relief and poured him a glass of water.

"You almost scared me to death. You looked like this and made me think something happened to you."

"Girl, it's not a big problem for this man. Do you want me to call a doctor?"

Chen Xuan smiled bitterly and shook his head in refusal.

"No, I'm fine. Just drink some water and you'll be fine."

The second asked many more questions, but Chen Xuan shook his head and refused one by one, which made him feel relieved.

"Two, let's go. Qian Jiu probably won't dare to mess with you again for a long time, so don't worry!"

"Thank you, Master!"

After leaving the wonton shop, Chen Xuan planned to walk back to the square according to his original route. Sun Tingting didn't know and asked him eagerly.

"Chen Xuan, where are we going now? What if Qian Duo finds his father?"

"Now go back to the square and wait for the old man. If his father comes to see us, we can just go up and deal with him together."

Sun Tingting was worried, but Chen Xuan was not worried at all and answered his questions in a relaxed tone.

Seeing his heartless look, Sun Tingting was so angry that she just followed him back to the square.

After arriving at the square, Chen Xuan found a place to wait for Zhao to appear, while Sun Tingting entered a weapons store and wandered around.

Looking at the other side, Qian Jiu started crying for his father and mother again, but this time he was calling his grandfather Qian Yi.

Qian Duo's father, Qian Yi, is still alive, but he passed the position of head of the family to Qian Duo because he needed to practice in seclusion, and he is now in a state where he will not go out of seclusion for any major events.

Qian Jiu felt that it was a big deal for his father to support him so heavily, so he asked someone to relieve Qian Yichu.

At first, Qian Yi was a little indifferent when he heard his servant Qian Jiu asked him to come out of seclusion. But when he heard the words Qian Duo was seriously injured, he couldn't hold back and quickly changed his clothes to find Qian Jiu.

After seeing his grandfather Qian Yi, Qian Jiu rushed towards him and burst into tears.

"Grandpa, someone, someone beat my dad seriously. But now the doctor is here, my dad's life can be saved, so grandpa, you and I should go and avenge my dad! Otherwise, he will run away."

Qian Yi originally planned to see Qian Duo first, but when he heard that Dr. Qian Jiu was still there and that the son was about to run away, he changed his primary target and decided to deal with the guy who beat his son as a heavy supporter first.

"Stop crying about your father and mother here, and take me there quickly!"

But Qian Yi still somewhat disliked this grandson who cried for father and mother at every turn, and frowned. Upon seeing this, Qian Jiu immediately wiped the tears from his face and took Qian Yi to find Chen Xuan.

Qian Jiu probably didn't have a bright mind, so he went to that wonton shop without thinking that Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting could not be waiting for them there.

After arriving at the wonton shop and not seeing Chen Xuan, Qian Jiu grabbed Er by the collar and questioned him, and Er directly revealed Chen Xuan's whereabouts. Although Er was grateful to Chen Xuan, in his eyes Chen Xuan was a very powerful being, so he planned to betray Chen Xuan in order to protect himself.

Fortunately, Qian Jiu was also in a hurry and did not destroy the wonton shop, otherwise Er and his boss would have no place to cry.

Following the direction pointed by Er, Qian Jiu guessed that Chen Xuan had gone to the square. He quickly quickened his pace and took Qian Yi to the square. He looked around but did not find Chen Xuan. This made him a little angry and wanted to go back to find that person. Two theories.

At this time, Qian Yi grabbed his grandson, pointed at a man and a woman in the weapons store, and asked Qian Jiu.

"Is it the two of them?"

Because during the process of coming, Qian Jiu told everything about what happened, including Qian Duo's attempt to tease Sun Tingting, so Qian Yi knew that what they were looking for was a man and a woman.

Besides, he could feel two relatively powerful auras there, so he looked over there.

"Yes, yes, it's the two of them, grandpa, let's go get revenge quickly!"

"Hmph, I'll just go and wait here for me."

Hearing what Qian Yi said, Qian Jiu also nodded happily. It would be best if he could stay away from their battlefield. He was not willing to wade into this muddy water. What if he got caught up in it?

What he didn't expect was that all three generations of his family would be trampled under their feet, including his grandfather Qian Yi.

At this moment, Chen Xuan was watching the clerk wiping his Kowloon gun, silently. Sun Tingting was a little tired and fell asleep leaning on his shoulder.

The two of you were alert together, because they both felt a powerful aura, and they couldn't tell which level the other person was at. This feeling was the most unsettling.

And the most important thing is that no one would release his aura to attract attention when walking on the street, and the owner of this aura seems to be here to fight.

It is very likely that they came to fight between Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting.

"No need to wipe it."

Chen Xuan took his Kowloon Battle Gun as a reflex, threw the money to the clerk, and quickly walked out of the door without waiting for him to change. Seeing this, Sun Tingting also took out her dagger and followed Chen Xuan out.

At the same time, the aura was getting stronger and stronger.

"Let's run into the forest. They are probably coming to fight us. It's easy to injure other people here."


The two of them worked together and ran into the nearby forest at a very fast speed. If they fought in the square, they would probably hurt innocent people.

"What should I do? The other party's aura seems a bit strong."

During this period, Sun Tingting asked Chen Xuan anxiously, but the other party only smiled and did not panic too much.

"What else can we do? Let's fight. If neither of us can fight, then let's accept our fate."

Sun Tingting opened her mouth to think about something, but there was still nothing. She didn't know why she was so nervous.

"We should have killed more money before, just as an exchange."

"You want him to hit us harder? And how are you sure he can kill us?"

It was only then that Sun Tingting noticed that she seemed a little negative and looked at Chen Xuan apologetically.

The two continued to walk through the forest. The trees here were densely packed and the branches of the trees were still very long. They cut off a lot of branches along the way and ran on the trees for a while.

"Okay, stop."

When the two of them ran near a lake, Chen Xuan stopped first. Sun Tingting couldn't stop the car, so she slipped and fell onto Chen Xuanhuai's side.

She stood up straight in embarrassment and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that there was nothing strange about Chen Xuan's expression. She held her short gun in her hand and played with it.

Chen Xuan looked at his Nine Dragons Battle Spear.

"It just so happens that I haven't met the right person for so long, and I haven't been embarrassed to take out my treasure."

"It turns out they are just two yellow mouths."

Suddenly, an old voice sounded in the ears of the two of them. They knew that their opponent was coming, and they watched the surroundings vigilantly, back to back.

"Who among you two killed my son!"

There was obvious anger in that voice, but Chen Xuan was not afraid at all, and the word "I" came out easily.

After that, Chen Xuan took a step forward and was some distance away from Sun Tingting. When Sun Tingting looked at him with some confusion, a figure suddenly appeared and punched Chen Xuan in front of him.

Chen Xuan immediately raised the Nine-Dragon Battle Spear to block, but was still thrown far away by the figure.

While he was attacking, Sun Tingting immediately picked up her dagger and ran behind him. She wanted to catch him and cut him twice, but the cut hit the air.

Then Sun Tingting heard the air flow behind her speeding up, and immediately threw herself forward, sitting on the lawn, and dodged the blow.

"I know that your abilities must be more than this. I am Qian Yi, the rich father, and I am here to avenge my son, so I will not go back without maiming you. Don't be secretive. Come and fight me with your true strength."

Qian Yi looked at the two people sitting on the lawn and urged them to use their true strength quickly. After all, he didn't have so much time to play with them.

Sun Tingting stood up suddenly, looked at Qian Yi across the way and frowned, saying, "This is our strength, what do you want from us? If you want to kill me, come quickly!"

She blocked Chen Xuan behind her tightly, which only increased Qian Yi's suspicion of Chen Xuan. Sure enough, as soon as Sun Tingting finished speaking, the Kowloon war gun pierced between Qian Yi's eyes, but Qian Yi easily caught him and threw him to the ground.

"I really don't understand why today's children like to sneak attacks. If this is the case, then I will cooperate with you."

Then, Qian Yi disappeared, and then quickly appeared behind Sun Tingting, wanting to knock her out with a knife, but he forgot about Chen Xuan behind him, and he stepped on the head hard.

Taking advantage of Qian Yi's surprise, Sun Tingting turned around and used both hands. She cut Qian Yi's clothes with her dagger and ran away in a hurry.

After the clothes were scratched, Qian Yi didn't think much, he just tore the clothes off and threw them on the ground.

"It's really hard to fight with clothes on."

Taking this opportunity, Chen Xuan retrieved the Kowloon War Gun that Qian Yi had just caught and thrown on the ground, and rushed forward to fight Qian Yi head-on. Sun Tingting also found an opportunity, grabbed her dagger and participated in their fight.

During the brawl, the two used more strength and speed than usual, but they were only slightly better than Qian Yi. Instead, they received several punches from Qian Yi.

However, both of them refused to give up and fought Qian Yi at an even faster speed. Even though this would consume their energy faster, there was no other way.

Finally, two fists were unable to defeat four hands. Qian Yi was injured by two people at the same time, and his movements were a little slower. Chen Xuan took the opportunity to kick Qian Yi hard on the head, but Qian Yi did not move at all.

Instead, Chen Xuan was grabbed by Qian Yi's feet and thrown to the ground. Sun Tingting was pushed to the lake by Qian Yi's breath and fell into the lake.

"Children are so easy to deceive. Do you think I'm really someone you can deal with?"

Qian Yi stepped on Chen Xuan's head and headed towards the grass r /\u003e

"Chen Xuan!"

Sun Tingting, who fell into the lake, immediately struggled back to the shore, and was pushed back into the lake by Qian Yi using Qigong. After repeated attempts, Sun Tingting finally lost her strength.

Qian Yi no longer paid attention to her by the lake and began to think about how to destroy Chen Xuan.

"You seem to have injured my son internally. What do you think I should do to you?"

Hearing his words, Chen Xuan felt a chill go down his spine and tightened his grip on his tooth crown. Sun Tingting somehow gained strength and rushed directly to the shore. She concentrated all her energy on her right fist and punched Qian Yi until he vomited blood.

However, this did not cause much harm to Qian Yi. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, picked up Sun Tingting, and punched her harder just like she did just now.

Looking at the mouthful of bright red blood she spit out, Sun Tingting felt that she couldn't move at the moment and allowed Qian Yi to throw her out.

"Cough, cough!"

Looking at the old man Zhao, when he arrived at the square, he did not find Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting. Instead, he saw Qian Jiu sitting there waiting for Qian Yi to come out.

"Hey, that guy over there."

"you call me?"

Perhaps it was because Qian Jiu didn't do much else besides wandering the streets, so he didn't even recognize Zhao, a famous figure.

"Old man, do you know who I am?"

Seeing Qian Jiu being so arrogant, Zhao was a little puzzled, wondering whose eldest son this was.

"I don't know. I call you son just because I don't know. Are you stupid?"

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