Feeling the disgust on Zhao's face, Qian Jiu couldn't help it anymore.

"I am the eldest young master of the Qian family - Qian Jiu!"

"Oh..." After hearing this, Zhao showed a meaningful expression, "I don't know him."

"Old man, you..."

Qian Jiu pointed at Zhao angrily and was speechless. Zhao didn't expect this fool to have anything nice to say and started asking him directly.

"Have you ever seen two people about the same age as you, a boy and a girl? The boy is about this tall, the girl is about this tall..."

Zhao Xiangqian Jiu described Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting, hoping to get useful information from him. After listening, Qian Jiu rolled his eyes and felt that these two people seemed very familiar.

"Are they all in the spiritual death stage?"

"Yes, yes, do you know where they are?"

Qian Jiu was now sure that the old man in front of him was describing Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting, and he suddenly laughed proudly.

"Why are you laughing? Come on and tell me where they are."

Qian Jiu finally suppressed his smile, and now there was only a proud expression on his face.

"Old man, what is your relationship with them? I will take you to find them two."

"I can be considered their grandfather. Now that I'm done, please take me there quickly."

Zhao now wants to give Qian Jiu a good beating. He is so anxious now that he is still here asking himself these meaningless questions.

Moreover, Qian Jiu's triumphant look was really eye-catching.

"The two of them are in the forest now. They may have been destroyed by my grandfather, hahahahahaha!"

After that, Qian Jiu laughed wildly, and Zhao frowned, knowing that Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting were in trouble.

"You bastard, tell me clearly what's going on!"

Zhao released his aura, and Qian Jiu was immediately frightened when he felt his powerful aura. He put away his smile and told Zhao everything.

"First...you can let me go now."

This time it was Zhao's turn to laugh, and at the same time he grabbed Qianjiu with even greater strength.

"Someone dares to hurt my grandson. I can't threaten him with his grandson?"

After that, Zhao carried Qian Jiu, who was shouting, into the forest.

As soon as he entered the forest, he felt three auras, two of which he was very familiar with, Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting. These two auras were weakening, but the other aura was very strong.

Apparently the owners of the three auras were all in the same location, so Zhao sped up and headed there.

When Zhao arrived, Qian Yi was about to kill Chen Xuan. Zhao immediately became angry and threw Qian Jiu out with his right hand, hitting Qian Yi.

The sensitive Chen Xuan stood up immediately. He had noticed Zhao's aura since he entered the forest, so he did not struggle and allowed Qian Yi to attack himself and Sun Tingting.

Chen Xuan grabbed Sun Tingting, who was almost as weak as himself, and the two of them hid behind Zhao and panted heavily.

"Old man, you are finally... finally here. If you don't come, I will be crippled, you know!"

"Ha, then you shouldn't thank me, right?"

He thought he could hear Chen Xuan's gratitude, but he didn't expect that his first words were complaints. Zhao frowned and glanced at Chen Xuan coldly.

Chen Xuan naturally knew that if it weren't for Zhao, he and Sun Tingting would probably be crippled by Qian Yi or something else, so he quickly changed his tune.

"Yes, yes, thank you."

After hearing this, Zhao Cai nodded with satisfaction, and Sun Tingting also called "Grandpa Zhao" as a greeting.

"Who are you?!"

Qian Yi on the other side was no longer calm. He threw his grandson aside and looked at Zhao angrily. Zhao was naturally not happy to be yelled at like this. He frowned and released his powerful aura.

Qian Yi was completely frightened now. He took several steps back and almost fell into the lake.

"Can you let my grandfather and grandson live? He has already destroyed my son!"

"No, didn't you just want to destroy him?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao directly used his Qigong to push Qian Yi to the mountain behind. His head happened to hit a stone, and blood quickly dripped into Hu Zheng.

"Qian Jiu, why don't you get out of here quickly?"

This completely scared Qian Jiu out of his wits. What Chen Xuan didn't like to see the most was what he looked like, so he reminded him to run away quickly.

Seeing that Chen Xuan was willing to let Qian Jiu go, Zhao didn't say much. After watching Qian Jiu leave with his grandfather's body, he sat down opposite Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting.

"Hey Chen Xuan, look at the trouble you've caused! If I hadn't come today, would you both have died here?"

"He just wanted to destroy me, not kill me. And he didn't intend to hurt Sun Tingting."

After hearing this, Sun Tingting was not happy, because she felt that Chen Xuan seemed to have too much trouble for herself.

"You mean it's my own fault? I'm still thinking of helping you!"

After an unknown amount of time, Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting were awakened by sounds coming from afar.

"Chen Xuan, what happened to us?"

"The beast we encountered has left."

"Ah!" Sun Tingting suddenly said, "Our cultivation base, our cultivation base is gone!" "

When Chen Xuan heard this, he immediately looked at himself and found that his cultivation level during the integration period was now only at the True Yuan realm, but his cultivation level seemed to be tougher, as if his integration period had been compressed, and Chen Xuan could clearly feel it. My body is very strong, even stronger than when I was in the integration stage. And I seem to have gained the heart of gods and demons.

Chen Xuan told Sun Tingting the changes he discovered, "We don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing now, but we should not be able to find what the prince wants now."

While Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting were communicating, the chatter from outside also reached their ears: "Kunwu Secret Realm is about to open!" Suddenly the ground seemed to start to shake. This Aowu Forest was originally full of swamps, and most people would definitely die if they fell into them. Even practitioners did not dare to mess with them easily, so almost all the people who came here were growing on some trees in the swamp. However, But now something has changed. Maybe it was the changes caused by the dead bodies falling on the swamp. In short, now the entire Phantom Mist Swamp is like an earthquake. The whole earth is shaking more and more violently, and then, from the swamp, Some smoke rose up, and the smoke became more and more abundant. Those who smelled the smoke coughed violently.

Suddenly someone shouted, "This smoke is poisonous."

When everyone heard this shout, no matter whether it was true or false, they all began to hold their breath. Everyone present is at least a master of the True Yuan Realm, so holding one's breath for half an hour is not a difficult task for those present.

"Roar!" A loud roar sounded, and the swamp seemed to be boiling, with bubbles popping out. Suddenly, there was a violent roar, like a knife scratching an iron sheet, and the sound was very harsh. Such a sound Continuously, the sound became louder and louder, and finally a huge head with black horns rose up from the swamp. The head rose very slowly, but everyone was stunned, wanting to see what kind of monster this thing was. However, Chen Xuan, who had just woken up, did not care to look at this, because his heart of gods and demons had begun to sound a violent alarm, which meant that a catastrophe was coming. Chen Xuan knew that this monster was about to rise. Perhaps it was not something that the people present could handle, so Chen Xuanzheng and Sun Tingting quickly approached the entrance of the Kunwu Secret Realm. Once they entered the Kunwu Secret Realm, they would be able to avoid the monster's attack.

Although the monster rose slowly, gradually, the huge head finally rose up. That ferocious black head made a person as insignificant as an ant in front of his head. However, this was just a head. That's all, white smoke was spitting out from the nostrils and mouth of the head, and it was the white smoke that had just risen from the swamp.

After its head came out of the water, suddenly the monster's body seemed to go crazy. It even flew out of the swamp like a python, bringing with it a lot of swamp mud. It seemed like a mud rain was falling in the entire Phantom Mist Swamp. Everyone was covered in a splash!

While running, Sun Tingting looked back at the monster in the distance. When the monster's full appearance was revealed, Sun Tingting suddenly exclaimed, "Green Eyed Candle Dragon?"

Originally, the green-eyed candle dragon did not pay attention to Chen Xuan and the others, and Chen Xuan and others were approaching the entrance of Kunwu Secret Realm, but Sun Tingting's shout successfully attracted the green-eyed candle dragon's attention to them. Zhulong saw the direction in which Chen Xuan and the others were escaping, and then looked at the entrance to the Kunwu Secret Realm. He instantly knew Chen Xuan and the others' intentions, so the huge head, like a mountain, crashed towards Chen Xuan crazily. Seeing that something was wrong, he quickly hid aside.

Chen Xuan looked at the entrance to the Kunwu Secret Realm in front of him, and felt very unwilling to do so, so he said to Sun Tingting, "I will lure away the green-eyed Zhulong, and you quickly enter the Kunwu Secret Realm. Do you hear me? Don't worry about me. I will do it myself." There is a way to escape!"

However, Sun Tingting held Chen Xuan's hand and refused to agree. However, in such an emergency situation, Chen Xuan didn't care about Sun Tingting's explanation. He directly shook off Sun Tingting's hand, said obediently, and then rushed towards the green-eyed Zhulong without looking back. Sun Tingting tore behind him. A heartbreaking voice came. In Sun Tingting's opinion, Chen Xuan was seeking death.

Chen Xuan was still rushing towards Qingtong Zhulong. The Green Eyed Candle Dragon is a spiritual creature in the world, a monster that has been transformed into a dragon. Which one of them is not extremely powerful? Seeing that Chen Xuan, such a small human being, dared to rush towards it, it thought that this was Chen Xuan's contempt for it, so it roared and dropped its huge tail, and countless screams rang out. This flick of the tail It is unknown how many people have been killed.

Chen Xuanben only has the realm of true energy now. Chen Xuan naturally knows that he is definitely not the opponent of Qingtong Zhulong, even if he sacrifices the sword, he is far from it. However, Chen Xuan naturally has his own ideas. As Chen Xuan's body , and the huge head of the green-eyed candle dragon that hit Chen Xuan was getting closer and closer. Chen Xuan felt the pressure getting bigger and bigger, and in the end he even felt like he couldn't breathe.

Chen Xuan originally planned to use the law of space to instantly change the space when he was about to approach Qing Tongzhulong, teleport directly to the entrance of Kunwu Secret Realm and then enter, but now Chen Xuan has changed his plan because he feels that he is absolutely It is impossible to get close to the head of Qingtong Zhulong, because I am afraid that Chen Xuan has been oppressed to death by this huge oppression before he gets close to the head. Therefore, Chen Xuan always feels that when he reaches the point where he can bear it, At the limit, he suddenly used the law of space to change the spatial position and directly arrived at the entrance of Kunwu Secret Realm. Chen Xuan did not dare to hesitate, casually sacrificed a spiritual soldier, and directly entered Kunwu Secret Realm. However, Qingtong Zhulong did not expect that Chen Xuan actually had such a move. It didn't expect that such a weak human being could master the laws of space, so the tower didn't have to be knocked down at all, allowing Chen Xuan to escape.

How could this green-eyed Zhulong be willing to do so? His huge mouth suddenly spit out a hot fireball and hit it at the entrance of the Kunwu Secret Realm. However, the fireball only caused a ripple on the entrance of the secret realm and had no substance at all. The destruction was so great that the Green Eyed Candle Dragon directly hit the entrance of Kunwu Secret Realm with its head. Upon impact, the ground shook and the entrance of Kunwu Secret Realm still only had a ripple.

Qing Tong Zhu Long seemed to be very angry with Chen Xuan. He kept banging his head against the entrance of Kunwu Secret Realm, but it had no effect until it knew that Qing Tong Zhu Long's head was bleeding. The collision stopped, but when he turned back, all the hundreds of thousands of people present were running away.

The green-eyed Zhulong was teased by Chen Xuan just now, and he was very angry at humans. Now that he saw these weak humans running away, how could he give it a chance? He opened his bloody mouth, stretched his head to the left, and stretched his head to the right. In short, wherever the head reached Everywhere, flesh and blood were flying everywhere, it was too horrible to look at. The swamp was filled with broken arms. Seeing that they couldn't run away, some people simply turned around and used martial arts to hit the green-eyed candle dragon. If a person does this, then there will be Many people did this, and a spectacular scene took place. Hundreds of thousands of humans in the Reborn and True Yuan realms faced off against a green-eyed candle dragon. Full of martial arts skills flew everywhere. Although the green-eyed candle dragon was powerful, , but after all, it was attacked by hundreds of thousands of humans, no matter how thick-skinned and thick-skinned it was, it couldn't withstand it, and in the end it was beaten until it was dripping with blood.

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