A dignified sixth-grade alchemist.

He is also the elder of the Yunteng Empire's Immortal Pill Sect.

Because of his noble status, even when walking in the imperial capital, everyone he meets must stop and call him "Master".

When raising a glass at the dinner table, no one dares not to stand up.

Such a distinguished person, a person with strength and status, was slapped several times by Que Zhong, knocking Lin to the ground.

Everyone present could not react to this scene.

Even Lanshan didn't expect Chen Xuan's method to be so direct. Although Lu Mensheng came with bad intentions, the other party had not really broken his skin after all. He had not reached the last step, and there was no need to take action directly. In this case, then It doesn't make sense.

But looking at Chen Xuan's appearance, he didn't seem to care at all.

As if he was a fine person, he waved his hand and walked towards Lanshan.

"Isn't it a meeting? When will that alchemist come?"

Chen Xuan asked casually, and then looked at the people around him in surprise.

"These people shouldn't be here to welcome me."

Chen Xuan's words directly shocked Na Lanshan.

That person has been slapped into a human shape by you, and now you come to ask where the alchemist is, what kind of thing is this?

"They were watching what I was doing, and it wasn't me who made the first move. This guy blocked my way."

Chen Xuan said very innocently.

Liu Jun on the side could no longer bear it.

"Chen Xuan, how dare you hurt Master Lu Mensheng? Do you want to destroy our Alchemist Guild? I think you are clearly a cancer in the Alchemist Guild!"

Liu Jun's words made the people around him come to their senses. Oh my god, that sixth-grade alchemist was beaten badly. If Na Lu Mensheng wakes up, he will definitely anger the entire alchemist. guild.

"What? You useless guy is the sixth-grade alchemist? You must have been deceived, right?" Chen Xuan pretended to be surprised, as if he really didn't know that Lu Mensheng in front of him was the sixth-grade alchemist.

"How dare you doubt Master Lu Mensheng, Chen Xuan, you'd better surrender now, otherwise Master Lu Mensheng will definitely hold you accountable when he wakes up!" Liu Jun roared.

The alchemists who were watching around were also panicking. If this sixth-grade alchemist was held accountable, the entire Alchemist Guild would be affected, because there is only one sixth-grade alchemist in the Alchemist Guild, the president. And the current president is still in seclusion.

The empire might be furious because of this sixth-grade alchemist.

A pharmacist's guild would probably be angry at least half of the time.

Thinking of this, some alchemists couldn't help but start to hate Chen Xuan. It was this damn son who offended the Nalu disciples. Now, for you to show off your power, the entire Medicine Master City will suffer!

The energy of a sixth-grade alchemist is so great!

"Haha, you are making noise, I will cut you too."

Chen Xuan was too lazy to argue with Liu Jun and said directly. Liu Jun's face suddenly turned livid with anger.

"Dad, don't have a direct conflict with him for the time being."

Liu Feng hurried up the mountain to stop his father, and looked at Chen Xuan with hatred. This arrogant person will be stepped on by the Liu family for a while, and when the time comes, I will let you taste the taste of being slapped. .

Liu Jun swallowed his anger and stopped talking. Although the rest of the people were angry, they did not dare to do anything more due to the power of Chen Xuan. Even Liu Jun dared to beat him, and the Lu disciple was beaten badly. If it really happened He started to take action, fearing that no one would dare to fight back.

But some people who don't know are also guessing about Chen Xuan's identity.

When they learned that this person was Chen Xuan, they all showed surprised expressions.

"Ah, he is Chen Xuan? Beishui City Chen Xuan, that alchemist who is so arrogant!?"

"I also heard that Beishui City was able to challenge the Chamber of Commerce head-on. The two sides competed with each other to open the elixir auction. In the end, Beishui City won a great victory. According to the day of the auction, the elixir king Yufan even came to the scene in person to watch Chen Xuanzhi from a distance. Spiritual Fire, shook his head and sighed three times, and finally turned around and left!"

"I heard that Chen Xuan also killed hundreds of the New Wild King's Huya Army, but later when the New Wild King Murong Jinyu arrived, he could only shake hands with Chen Xuan and make peace. This is the first time I have heard of such legendary things."

"I also heard that a king-level aura was born in the direction of Beishui City some time ago. It seems to be a guardian beast of Beishui City! It's quite scary."

"The magic blacksmith who has never escaped from the world has been invited out by Chen Xuan...can't he be awesome?"

"I didn't expect that this Chen Xuan would be so young."

No matter what Chen Xuan does, it is enough to make him famous and admirable. Now, in front of the Alchemist Guild, in front of hundreds of alchemists, he slapped Lu Mensheng, the sixth-grade alchemy master, and scolded him. Those are garbage blocking the road.

This is another thing that many people admire but dare not do.

It's really surprising that all the good things here have been taken up by Chen Xuan.

What kind of guy is this?

As for the affairs of the Chen family in Lingshan, they have been blocked by the Chen family, and very few people can know about it.

Very little is known about what is going on outside Stonehenge, otherwise the reputation of the Chen family will suffer a greater impact.

These people knew what Chen Xuan had done in North Water City, but they didn't know that Chen Xuan had also done something shocking in Yaoshi City. He kidnapped Shangguan Ninghun, the young head of the Shangguan family, and did it in front of Shangguan Hong. In the face of it, the latter's cultivation was directly abolished.

Even more so, Shangguan Hong was scolded.

The first time he came to Yaoshi City, he slapped his grandson Liu Feng in front of Liu Maosheng, the head of the Liu family.

If these things were dug out, it would have a huge impact on the people of Pharmacy City, but Chen Xuan didn't. Chen Xuan chose to keep a low profile. These things will be in the past.

Chen Xuan walked into the Alchemist Guild, and Huo Liu, who had a hot figure, followed Chen Xuan swaying.

But the queen-like aura on her body made the alchemists around her stunned. Huo Liu seemed to be a little different now, but there was something different. He didn't come up for a while, and the overwhelming aura all over his body seemed to Just one look is enough to scare people out of their wits!

"This person pretended to be Master Lu Mensheng, and escorted him away while the rest of the meeting took place in the conference room."

Lanshan also made a decision immediately. As long as Chen Xuan refined the dense purple divine elixir, he could directly break through to the level of a sixth-level alchemist. By then, he would not care whether you were a Lu disciple or not.

After Yan Hai received the order, he directly led people to imprison the unconscious Lu Mensheng, and he would not stop doing it, and he would just do it to the end!

"Vice President Lanshan, do you know what you are doing!"

Liu Jun wanted to stop him, but his arms couldn't twist his thighs. After all, Lanshan was the vice-president and had a golden tongue.

This poor Lu Mensheng originally wanted to be stronger and show off his power, but he was suppressed before he could reveal his identity to Chen Xuan. It was really unjust.

But Chen Xuan doesn't care about these things, so it doesn't matter that Master Lu is a sixth-grade alchemist. Even if a seventh-grade alchemist comes, he has to get out of the way obediently. Who asked you to block my way?

This is what Chen Xuan naturally thinks in his mind.

Arriving at the conference room, Chen Xuan chose a seat and sat down. Huo Liu obediently sat next to Chen Xuan like a personal maid, with a pair of tender eyes.

Chen Xuan helped him refine the spiritual fire. Now the Tongmingxuan Heart Fire has been completely refined in his body, and he doesn't even have any worries. The Tongmingxuan Heart Fire can only be mastered. In Huo Liu's opinion, , this is almost the gift of reinvention, and after all this trouble, even his own profound strength cultivation has also improved, directly reaching the peak of the spiritual level, and mastering powerful power.

It almost took my life to a higher level.

And all of this was given by Chen Xuan.

Even if Chen Xuan and the entire Alchemist Guild are enemies, I believe Huo Liu will stand firmly by Chen Xuan's side.

Soon, some guild elders filed in, and the managers and deacons of each department took their seats one after another. However, there was an empty stool in the high seat. This belonged to the disciple Nalu, but now he was beaten unconscious by Chen Xuan. , I guess I won’t wake up for a while.

Liu Jun sat opposite Chen Xuan.

This time, the elder members of the elders' group did not come, but some young people came. After all, if the elders' group turns it on, it will only turn it on when there is a crucial decision. Under normal circumstances, it will not be used. The board of elders is used to restrict institutions such as the vice president, but under normal circumstances, it is simply dispensable.

An old man also came to the Dharma Protector Hall, it was the Northwest Wolf King.

Strictly speaking, this Dharma Protector Hall is also a department of the Alchemist Guild.

But Yaozongfu is not.

The last person to walk in was Arashiyama, who sat at the highest position.

Looking around at everyone, I found that most of them had curiosity and awe for Chen Xuan in their eyes, and they were slightly surprised in their hearts. How charming is this Chen Xuan? Is he really getting old? Are you so timid, or should you act arrogantly like Chen Xuan? Only in this way can you convince the public?

Without thinking too much, he coughed twice.

"Ahem, this time, the fake Lu Mensheng incident has passed. As for the real Master Lu Mensheng, I will contact Vice President Fang Ziwu for further investigation. In addition, I will introduce to you at this meeting It’s the specially appointed teacher this time, Master Chen Xuan.”

Then he looked at Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan also rolled his eyes and snorted lightly.


Turn a blind eye to the gazes cast by everyone!

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