Obviously, Chen Xuan had no intention of getting up. In the end, Lanshan also took the lead in applauding to express his welcome.

After that, he briefly explained many matters that will be carried out in the new talent class.

These are just like books to Chen Xuanlai, and he has no interest in listening to them.

The original purpose of this trip was to teach that Lu Mensheng a lesson and support Lanshan, but who knew that he would be beaten badly by him at the door. Now he seemed a little bored, but Liu Jun did not let him go. Attack Chen Xuan at any opportunity.

When Lanshan's story was almost finished, Liu Jun raised his hand to speak.

"Vice President, according to past practice, new specially appointed teachers need to conduct an open class for guidance. Only in this way can our guild integrate with the specially appointed teachers to jointly guide students and create a good learning environment. "

The surrounding senior managers also nodded.

"Yes, this is indeed the custom."

"Yes, although there are relatively few specially appointed teachers in recent years, there have been several. They all need to be tested first to see if they have the ability."

Public lectures.

In fact, it is when an alchemist shows his strength. If you come to the Alchemist Guild and accept such a high honor as a special teacher, which is equivalent to a special teacher, then you naturally have to show the corresponding strength. Only then can you tell the difference, otherwise how can others believe you?

No matter how loud your reputation is in the outside world, it's not as real as showing it directly here.

There are quite a few experts here!


Lanshan was also a little hesitant. Chen Xuan had a special status. Even Lanshan did not dare to say that Chen Xuan would listen to him. However, at the critical moment, Lanshan also believed that Chen Xuan would not let go.

It is indeed not an easy task for Chen Xuan to make alchemy in public. What if Chen Xuan is not happy with it? Why should Chen Xuan, a dignified sixth-grade alchemist, make alchemy for you in front of you?

Although this is a convention, to a large extent it is just a hint and does not really require you to show it.

After all, he also respects alchemists quite a bit.

Seeing the embarrassed look on Lanshan's face, Liu Jun sneered in his heart.

"You can't laugh now. This Chen Xuan acts arrogantly, for fear that others will not know that he has support, but in fact it is just a bluff. If he really had the ability, why would he wait until now? Maybe he is in Xuanli Cultivation He is somewhat outstanding, but he is definitely not an alchemy master!”

After all, Liu Jun is also a fourth-grade junior alchemist, so he still has a good eye for it.

Chen Xuan didn't look like someone who could make alchemy, and he didn't smell much of herbal medicine. He just had the temperament of those ruffians, which made people really angry. In addition, Chen Xuan had such a strong strength, and It is not good to resist the latter head-on.

So this time we must let Chen Xuan reveal his true colors!

Thinking of this, Liu Jun and Liu Feng looked at each other, giving people the feeling of being in commotion.

"Master Chen Xuan, what do you think?" Lanshan asked bravely. Even Lanshan didn't feel confident. After all, Lanshan had never really seen Chen Xuan making alchemy, or he was the only one who had full confidence in Chen Xuan. Yes, it should be this Huo Liu.

After seeing the latter's powerful strength, he surrendered the spiritual fire with just a few movements. Doesn't such terrifying cultivation prove that he is a powerful alchemist?

No matter what it is, Chen Xuan must be a man of real ability.

"Have you prepared all the medicinal ingredients I asked you to prepare?"

Chen Xuan stretched lazily, as if he had just woken up from a big dream. He seemed to have difficulty raising his eyelids, and looked at Lan Shandao feebly.

Medicinal materials?

Lanshan's heart skipped a beat, what kind of elixir are you preparing?

But soon Lanshan remembered that Chen Xuan had mentioned the matter of the Enmeshed Purple Divine Pill before.

This medicinal material has always been kept in the pharmacy of the Pharmacist Guild, and can be picked up and prepared at any time.

Naturally, medicinal materials are not a problem.

However, the Enveloping Purple Divine Pill is a sixth-grade elixir, and it is also a sixth-grade high-grade elixir. There are very few people who can refine it. Looking at the entire Fengyun Continent, there are only a few people who can master such alchemy technology.

If Chen Xuan made such a promise in public, it would not be just Chen Xuan who would be embarrassed if he couldn't refine it.

In fact, the Liu family will even hold the medicinal materials accountable.

"Haha, if Master Chen Xuan wants to make an elixir, our Alchemist Guild can get it no matter what the medicinal materials are. Just make whatever elixir you want, and I'll send someone to get it right away!"

Liu Jun was afraid that Chen Xuan would regret it, so he said directly.

Seeing this, Chen Xuan also laughed strangely.

"Okay, Yin Yun Purple Divine Pill, you prepare the medicinal materials for me, and I will start the elixir immediately!"

As soon as Chen Xuan said this, all the senior officials of the Alchemist Guild in the room exclaimed in surprise.

"What! You actually want to refine this dense purple divine pill!"

"That's the sixth-grade top elixir!"

"Our Alchemist Guild's ability to establish its current status is inseparable from this dense purple divine pill!"

"This Chen Xuan is too arrogant!"

There are praises and criticisms. Some people think that Chen Xuan is bragging. After all, this is a top-level sixth-grade elixir. Can you, a mere idiot, refine it?

Even if Lanshan is protecting you, you can't possibly play tricks on so many senior members of the Alchemist Guild.

These people may be relatively ordinary in the Alchemist Guild, but in other places, they are big shots who can shake their heads just by stamping their feet.

Each status is extremely noble, but when put together, it is difficult to compare.

When Chen Xuan came up with the name of this Purple Divine Pill, it directly determined the consequences. If it couldn't be refined, one can imagine how tragic the end would be.

"Okay, come here, prepare three ingredients for the Purple Divine Pill for me. All consumption will be covered by my Liu family!"

The medicinal materials of the Alchemist Guild are not privately owned by the Liu family. If they want to use them, they need to exchange them with contribution points or other items of equal value. Liu Jun obviously wants to bring the matter to a dead end and forces Chen Xuan to reveal his true colors.

"Let's see how long you can keep pretending!"

Liu Jun thought that Chen Xuan was pretending to be calm now, so he sneered again and again. If he had real ability, then Lanshan wouldn't be so shocked. If he was a fifth-grade elixir, Liu Jun would still have reservations, but now he is directly The top-level sixth-grade elixir is even more difficult to refine to a certain extent than some simple seventh-grade elixirs.

"You are so brave, I will kill you without a burial place! Now, you are dead." Liu Feng was also cursing in his heart. The revenge of Chen Xuan's slap is still fresh in his memory, and this Guys, you have to do the math carefully. When Chen Xuan falls from the altar, it will be his time to do the math!

Chen Xuan didn't bother to pay attention to the faces of the Liu family and his son. Such people were not worth worrying about.

Anyway, if you want to help Nalanshan refine the elixir, you might as well do it now.

However, one thing is still needed to refine this dense purple divine elixir.

"Huo Liu, come here."

Chen Xuan waved, and Huo Liu came over.

"Go to my house and bring Bai Cen and the stone with you."


Huo Liu didn't hesitate at all, nodded and stood up to leave.

When Liu Jun saw this scene opposite, he was also surprised and suspicious. Huo Liu was usually an extremely arrogant Flame Queen. Why did she seem to be so respectful in front of Chen Xuan? How many medicines did this guy sell in his gourd?

No matter what means you have, your true colors must be revealed today!

If there were fangs, Liu Jun would have exposed his cold fangs at this moment.

No matter what tricks this girl from the Huo family is up to behind the scenes, Chen Xuan is dead now.

Lanshan came to Chen Xuan expressionlessly.

"How sure are you?"

"What confidence?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Oh, it's already this time, and you're still trying to be brave. Of course you're confident in making alchemy."

"Oh, not much, just 100%."

Chen Xuan smiled slightly. At this moment, Lan Shan looked surprised, as if he had just met Chen Xuan. The refining of this Enveloping Purple God Pill was more difficult than the Blood Soul Pill.

Even if the Pill King Yu Fan comes, he still can't refine this dense purple divine pill.

Because Yu Fan is only at the sixth-grade intermediate level.

There is still a long way to go before reaching the sixth level of advanced level.

Everyone moved to the Alchemist Square. It seemed that intentionally or unintentionally, this time the demonstration stage was directly set up in the Alchemist Square, in order to ruin Chen Xuan's reputation in front of everyone in the Alchemist City!

Chen Xuan meditated on the stage, waiting for the medicinal materials and volcanic stones to be delivered.

Not long after, the people from the Liu family brought over three-thirds of the medicinal materials for the Purple Divine Pill and placed them in three space rings. The medicinal materials in each space ring alone were worth more than ten million. Gold coins and so many medicinal materials, even if they were given directly to Chen Xuan, the Liu family would not feel distressed at all, because the Liu family was too rich.

"Master Chen Xuan, the medicinal materials have been prepared. When will you start refining the elixir? We are all waiting to see."

Thousands of people from the Alchemist Guild gathered here, and even some people nearby rushed to tell each other. Some residents living in Pharmacist City and some first- and second-level alchemists heard that Master Chen Xuan was going to start an alchemy furnace and swarmed over.

"It's none of your business when I make elixirs."

Chen Xuan cursed, and Liu Jun suddenly turned red. He could not stand on either side, and in the end he could only wave his sleeves.

"Hmph, let's see how arrogant you can be."

Gradually, tens of thousands of people, and even from a distance, nearly 100,000 people gathered around, a black mass of heads, but Chen Xuan showed no sign of making alchemy, as if he was stalling for time.

Some people in the crowd began to become impatient.

The final discussion was also quite noisy.

Finally, three figures quickly approached from the distance, and a woman in a red dress flew to the stage and presented a stone in her hand.

"Master Chen Xuan."

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