In the eyes of outsiders, Chen Xuan was pretentious and probably couldn't get off the stage anymore, but this beautiful woman flying up to him made people's eyes light up, and at the same time, they were surprised in their hearts.

"Isn't this Huo Liu from the Huo family?"

"Maybe I was deceived by this liar Chen Xuan."

Huo Liu's posture was quite low, and she looked like a maid, which was really surprising. Chen Xuan held the volcanic stone in his hand, ignoring the noise of others around him.

Instead, he concentrated on the stone in his hand.


A wisp of fire burned in Chen Xuan's hand.

"Hmph, I want to see what tricks you can do and how long you can hold on!"

After getting the news, Liu Maosheng also came from the Liu family. Now that Chen Xuan has been forced to this position, it is time to meet Zhenzhang. Even Liu Maosheng invited the family's top masters and elders. , this king-level powerhouse is sitting here.

Even if Chen Xuan has great abilities, he must be surrendered obediently.

"If this son rebels before his death, he will have to rely on Mr. Dong Guo."

Liu Maosheng said to the old man beside him, and the old man also responded respectfully. This Liu Maosheng is one of the five major alchemy families. Naturally, he cannot offend him. It is a blessing to be friends with him. Mr. Dongguo is a king-level strongman. The person is also a casual cultivator. The so-called casual cultivator means that he has not joined any forces. ;

Such people are often quite ruthless and extremely talented. They can become king-level warriors without working for any force, which shows their talent and tenacity.

"Master Liu, don't worry, that little guy is in my hands and he won't be able to cause trouble."

Mr. Dongguo said confidently, with gleaming eyes. This time the Liu family invited him out, but they made a lot of promises. Being friends with the alchemist family has such benefits, including inexhaustible elixirs. , and occasionally there will be surprises.

After hearing Mr. Dongguo's words, Liu Maosheng nodded with satisfaction.

The Liu family spent such a high price to invite Mr. Dongguo here. They are not just for free. At this critical moment, they have to step up and play a role.

After saying that, they looked at the alchemy table again.

I saw Chen Xuan holding a wisp of flame in his left hand. The flame seemed to be too weak to be blown out by the wind, but it still stood firm in the wind.

Huo Liu stood respectfully behind Chen Xuan.

Bai Cen and others have also come and are watching Chen Xuan's every move from underneath.

Wei Ruoxue also squeezed to the front under You's protection.

"Master Chen Xuan."

Wei Ruoxue squeezed her hands nervously. Even Wei Ruoxue herself was not sure whether Chen Xuan could refine this elixir. After all, when she came here, she heard that what Chen Xuan wanted to refine was a top-level sixth-grade elixir. Such an elixir Any medicine is worth hundreds of millions or more!

Moreover, it is the Purple Divine Pill that the Alchemist Guild needs most. If it is refined, I believe that the Alchemist Guild will buy it no matter how much it costs.

Chen Xuan threw all the medicinal materials in a space ring into the sky.

There were thousands of medicinal herbs flying in the air, and everyone who saw this scene was shocked.

The people in this Medicine City all know some knowledge about alchemy. What is the use of these medicinal materials flying in the air? They can only make the medicinal properties dissipate faster.

Under the puzzled gazes of everyone, the flame held in Chen Xuan's hand turned into a giant python, which directly swallowed all the thousands of medicinal materials.


The elixir began to be slowly refined, and the fire snake coiled in the air, as if waiting to be hatched.

Through the transparent flame diaphragm, what everyone can see is that some medicinal materials are being refined one by one at different speeds in different areas.

The medicinal materials gradually melted into liquid medicine.

"There is such a way!"

"This is refining fire into spirit! The highest realm of controlling fire."

Some people who had read a few books exclaimed that Chen Xuan could truly show his strength with this move.

"Control fire into spirit! This guy is hiding deep enough!"

Lanshan was also shocked. He never expected that Chen Xuan could hide such a superb method. Huo Liu behind him was even more shocked.

And some other second-grade and third-grade alchemists were even less shocked.

"What! This is impossible!"

The only one who had doubts was Liu Maosheng.

Seeing this scene, I felt as sad as eating shit.

When the Liu family saw this scene, their hearts fell into the ice cellar. This kind of fire control method was only seen in the ancient books. It is estimated that even if Master Nalu wakes up, he may not be able to use it. Use this method.

"It's just a little bit of control. Although it condenses the form, it doesn't have the power of God. It's a bluff. In my opinion, it's true that this person has stronger mental power, but this alchemy technique may not be powerful."

Just when Liu Maosheng and others were in a low mood, Mr. Dong Guo next to him smiled slightly and said calmly, as if Chen Xuan's tricks had been seen through.

Have that kind of confidence.


The art of control.

If the mental power is strong, such an effect can indeed be achieved. After hearing Mr. Dongguo's words, Liu Maosheng also reacted, but did not feel that there was anything wrong with the flame.

According to Mr. Dongguo, he is a king-level expert, and the latter is like this, so Chen Xuan must have done some tricks.

"If you guess wrong, it must be because of that stone!"

Mr. Dongguo's eyes were as sharp as a falcon, and he immediately saw the volcanic stone held in Chen Xuan's right hand.

Everyone else's attention was on the fire snake, but only a master with keen awareness like Mr. Dongguo could find out the cause instantly.

"This thing must be a treasure, and I must get it."

Mr. Dongguo thought in his mind, but he quickly suppressed this idea. If he revealed his intention before taking action, it would be too low-level. At least, Mr. Dongguo is also a top expert and will not reveal his feet on such a small matter. .

Chen Xuan had already refined all the medicinal materials in just a few quarters of an hour.

Among these medicinal materials, there was a thousand-bone red tassel flower, which was quite difficult to deal with. Chen Xuan spent a lot of effort to refine it.

"The power of this volcanic stone is indeed amazing." Chen Xuan thought to himself.

In the previous life, I wanted to find a suitable gemstone, and use its power to break through the limits and condense the god-level elixir, but in the end I failed. After all, this gemstone is also quite precious. Although the volcanic stone is only at the second level, but when I will The fire spirit that connects to the inner fire of Mingxuan infuses his Zheng

In this way, after years of practice, the volcanic stone can be evolved into the realm of third-level gems.

The medicinal materials were almost refined, and Chen Xuan gave a low drink.

"Fire Cauldron!"


The moment the fire snake entrenched itself, it directly condensed into a huge cauldron of flames that was hundreds of feet tall. The people under the stands took a few steps back, for fear that the flames would burn them.

Bai Cen stared at Chen Xuan's movements intently.

To find him under such circumstances is definitely not to cheer him up.

But it has a deeper meaning.

"It seems easy for Master Chen Xuan to activate the power of the volcanic stone, but if I go there, it will be like ten thousand mountains, too heavy to be shaken."

Bai Cen secretly thought that this was not just because of his strength, but because he had other insights.

Bai Cen could see that Chen Xuan's movements were easy, without even the slightest fluctuation of profound energy. With just a slight wave of his hand, the flames emitted, and the power contained in the stone was used by Chen Xuan.

"What a strong state."

With deep shock, Bai Cen also closed his eyes. Some things are invisible to the eyes and must be sensed with the heart.

The huge fire cauldron exuded divine energy, and some people felt a sense of surrender in their hearts. The power of this flame was too terrifying.

If this fire cauldron were to spread out, everyone in the entire square would probably be burned to death.

What follows is a long process.

Chen Xuan was concentrating on refining the elixir. It was difficult for the outside world to see clearly what was going on inside the fire cauldron. They could only feel that the temperature of the fire cauldron was getting higher and higher, and the temperature emanating from the surroundings was also quite strong.

"If this continues, sooner or later, this guy will refine it!"

Liu Maosheng was shocked, and after thinking of this, he began to become nervous.

At the same time, he was also thinking about countermeasures. If this guy really refined the elixir, he would definitely attack the Liu family, and the ancestor's foundation would be destroyed in his own hands.

Then the only way to save the Liu family is to prevent Chen Xuan from refining the elixir!

A flash of light flashed in his eyes. This was undoubtedly a dangerous thing, but Liu Maosheng had to do it and had to place a bet.

After a battle in his mind, Liu Maosheng finally took out a pill in his hand and came to Mr. Dongguo's side.

"Mr. Dongguo, please use the most covert method to catalyze the convulsant into the fire cauldron."

Then, a pill also fell into the hands of Mr. Dong Guo. As an old Jianghu, Mr. Dong Guo naturally knew what Liu Maosheng was going to do and took a deep look at Liu Maosheng.

Thinking about the volcanic stone that I am thinking about.

It's good now. The Liu family happened to be blamed for what he did.

At the same time, he also made the Liu family owe him a favor.

"Haha, Master Liu, I, Dong Guo Ling, risked my life for you." Mr. Dong Guo said calmly.

"After the matter is completed, the fifth-grade elixir, the Golden Fire Guiyuan Pill, is presented with both hands!"

A few simple words made Mr. Dongguo's eyes burst with murderous intent.

A burst of mysterious energy quietly poured into the Li Yao, and the elixir was like a dandelion, which turned into countless powders when blown by the wind.

Rush towards the fire cauldron!

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