Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 145 Counterattack to Kill Dong Guo Ling

The elixir in Elder Dongguo's hand is called the Xuhuo Dan.

This elixir can attract fire at a critical moment.

Thereby increasing the surrounding temperature and even the intensity of the flames, but obviously the power of this single virtual fire elixir was only mediocre. When the elixir melted and dispersed into the air, no strange phenomena appeared in the air.

But no one noticed the use of this elixir, because Dong Guo Ling's cultivation was strong, and most of everyone's attention was focused on Chen Xuan's elixir refining.

Except for one person.

That is Chen Xuan.

In fact, the elixir was almost refined and was about to take shape, but Chen Xuan was still unable to take the last step because he was waiting for Liu Maosheng to take action.

That Liu Maosheng wanted to deal with Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan was also ready to kill Liu Maosheng completely in one go.

So what if you are from one of the top five alchemy families? I can't kill your whole family in front of everyone, but I can use some means to kill you in public.

"You're smart, you found a scapegoat!"

Chen Xuan thought in his mind that when the air was filled with the virtual fire-inducing pill, Chen Xuan moved directly, and the wisp of flame seemed to become manic in an instant.


Dozens of flames flew out of the fire cauldron, turning into sharp arrows that roared out.

And the target pointed by the Rockets is none other than Dong Guo Ling!


Feeling the riot of flames, it was Lanshan who reacted. After all, he was a fifth-grade senior alchemist, so his sensitivity to the flames was quite high.

After reacting, Lanshan exclaimed: "Xuu Fire Pill!"

Chen Xuan had already taken the lead, and Huo Liu, who was standing behind Chen Xuan, also stepped forward quickly and rushed towards the direction where the flames roared away.


A flame wrapped around Huo Liu's hand Zheng

At this time, the virtual fire-inducing pill in Dong Guoling's hand was only half consumed. Even Dong Guoling himself did not expect that such a thing happened.

"Damn it, how could it be discovered!"

In an instant, everyone around Dong Guo Ling was completely wiped out, leaving only Dong Guo Ling alone, full of flying rockets aimed at him, plus Huo Liu following closely behind him.

And Arashiyama’s exclamation.

It also makes people know what happened here. It turned out that someone secretly used the virtual fire pill to make the flame unstable, thus achieving the effect of exploding the furnace!

"catch him!"

Lanshan shouted sharply, and some masters from the Protector Hall and the Medicine Sect Mansion who were hidden in the crowd started to move.

But Dong Guo Ling's eyes flashed with a hint of fierceness.

"Damn it, you're even more sinister than me!"

At this moment, Dong Guo Ling also knew that he had been tricked by Chen Xuan.

Immediately, he threw the remaining virtual fire pill out and exploded directly in the air. The powerful medicine was emitted, and even the flames of Huo Liu became a little unstable, but Chen Xuan's fire cauldron remained motionless.

It seems quite stable.

Dong Guoling raised his hand and released extremely powerful profound energy, turning into a lion and pounced towards the rocket.

Bang bang bang————

The mysterious lion extinguished the rocket.

But at this time, there had been obstacles. At this time, Dong Guo Ling was already surrounded by more than a dozen masters.

However, the people who came here were all at the spiritual level, but Dong Guo Ling was a genuine king-level powerhouse!

"There is actually a king-level master who intends to disrupt Master Chen Xuan's alchemy!"

Some people exclaimed that although Chen Xuan was old, he was very capable in his skills. At this time, he had been recognized by everyone and believed that Chen Xuan was a real master.

When the elixir is refined, you will be able to know whether it is true or false.

"court death!"

Huo Liu shouted low, and the Tongming Xuan Heart Fire also turned into a black flame phoenix and flew towards the lion. The surrounding masters of the Yaozong Mansion were already beaten after several encounters. Dong Guo Ling was forced to retreat.


The moment the war broke out, more than a dozen powerful auras were released, and the people around him were unable to avoid it. Some people even hit Chi Yu and were blasted to Lin Lin.


Dong Guoling knew that he had to leave. It was impossible to kill Chen Xuan. Even if he succeeded, the price paid would be his own life. Now that the masters of the Protector Hall and the king-level experts in Medicine Master City have not yet been dispatched, if If he takes action, he won't be able to escape even if he takes wings.


Huo Liu chased after him, and the black flame phoenix had already killed the mysterious lion who was unable to succeed. Chen Xuan helped him refine the spiritual fire, which was like a gift of renewal. Now that Chen Xuan was in danger, he naturally used all his strength to go.

"How dare you cause trouble in my Medicine Master City? You must die for me!"

Arashiyama was furious.

Chen Xuan's alchemy can be quite spectacular. If he succeeds, he will be a genuine sixth-grade alchemist, or even a seventh-grade alchemist.

But at this moment, they were attacked by the opponent. If the attack was successful, the Alchemist Guild would suffer huge losses.

No matter who ordered this person, there is only one way to die!

Soon, the auras of the three king-level experts erupted in the distance.

The Northwest Wolf King leads the way.

As a director of the Dharma Protector Hall, he appears to be quite timely and accurate in his actions.


Huo Liu relied on his own spiritual fire to forcefully entangle himself with Dong Guo Ling, but his strength was still much inferior.

Finally, the flame offensive was broken by the opponent.

The flames disappeared in an instant, and Huo Liu was pushed back several hundred meters and crashed into a house.


Seeing the masters of the Guardian Hall headed by the Northwest Wolf King, Dong Guo Ling also secretly resented him. It was all his fault that woman, who tried his best to stop him.

If this were not the case, he would have left long ago.

The strength of the Northwest Wolf King is not inferior to his own, and the other two are even more powerful. The longer he delays, the more disadvantageous he will be.

"Dong Guo Ling, you are so brave, suffer death!"

The Northwest Wolf King roared angrily.

The huge momentum came over, and the people around them exclaimed that the power of the Medicine Master Guild was so strong.

In the eyes of ordinary people, a king-level powerhouse is already close to a god-like existence.

Even the spirit-level powerhouses are already Gods of War, not to mention the emergence of this even more powerful king-level powerhouse.

"Thousand-mile Divine Traveling Talisman!"

Dong Guo Ling gritted his teeth and put a charm on his body. This charm was something that Ahu had paid a huge price for, and it was the only one he had.

It is a first-level talisman, a magical talisman.

Can increase one's speed to 200% and maintain it for thirty seconds.

"Stop him from using the charm!"

Upon seeing this, the Northwest Wolf King slashed hard with the long knife in his hand. A cruel aura erupted from the scimitar, but Dong Guo Ling sneered.

"If you want to catch up with me, you must have a magical talisman."

After laughing, Dong Guoling stepped forward and rushed up, as if he had wings. His body didn't have any weight, and he rushed up so lightly.

The Northwest Wolf King's sword energy left a gully several feet deep on the ground.

If this hit Rao, it would directly become a ball of meat paste.

"Bye now!"

Dongguo Ling rushed up and was already hundreds of meters away in the blink of an eye. It would be difficult to pursue him at this time unless there were other masters ambushing him here.

The Northwest Wolf King gritted his teeth secretly, but the next moment, his eyes were full of horror.

"what's the situation."

Dongguo Ling paused, feeling that the surrounding temperature had become quite intense.

You can even see that the things around you have turned red.


Everyone looked in the direction of Dong Guo Ling with shocked eyes.

A huge fire cauldron covered Dongguo Ling and was falling rapidly.


Dongguo Ling was directly trapped in the fire cauldron.

"It's just time to refine the elixir, but it's just a little short of heat!"

Chen Xuan was sitting on the alchemy table a hundred meters away, with the old god there.

"Blow it up!"

Within the fire cauldron, there was a muffled sound, and then the fire rushed up. In the light, a flame was flying towards Chen Xuan quickly.

And the fire cauldron also turned into nothingness with the explosion.

Everyone thought that the fire cauldron had exploded directly, but the thing in the flames gradually revealed its true form.

It's a pill!

An elixir that exudes a strong fragrance!

Everyone was excited.

The elixir refined from the fire cauldron must be extremely precious.

In fact, it is very likely that it is the dense purple divine pill.

"What a terrifying Master Chen Xuan."

"It's so powerful that it actually uses the blood of a king-level expert to fuel the flames and achieve the final elixir-forming effect!"

The experienced alchemist discovered this and was filled with shock.

"Master Chen Xuan is extraordinary. This is someone who can force Shangguan Hong away. How can it be so simple?"

The Northwest Wolf King was equally shocked when he saw this scene.

Dong Guo Ling's strength was quite strong, and he had already reached the sixth level of King Level. Even if he wanted to kill him, it would still take a lot of effort.

Although there is a huge difference between the king-level realms, if one party insists on leaving, it will be difficult to stop them. What's more, Dong Guo Ling directly used the magic talisman, which shows his decisive attitude.

But last time Chen Xuan forced Shangguan Hong back.

This time, Dong Guoling, who had used the magic talisman, was suppressed and killed.

This strength.

Even in Medicine Master City, not many people can take it out, which is really scary.

The death of a king-level powerhouse brought great shock to everyone.

However, when they saw the luster slowly emitting from the elixir in Chen Xuan's hand, everyone suddenly fell into madness.

"It's true, a sixth-grade elixir! This is a sixth-grade elixir!"

"Such a fragrance even causes the air to refract! Only sixth-grade elixirs can do this."

"The Enveloping Purple Divine Pill! It's really the Enveloping Purple Divine Pill! Master Chen Xuan is worthy of being a sixth-grade alchemist!"

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

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