Moreover, this resignation was impeccable, and even if people wanted to reject him, they could not find any suitable reason. Bai Yiyan looked at Chen Xuan with a smile. In his opinion, Chen Xuan was not alive but had a good spiritual weapon. He might not be able to see through his plan.

After listening to Bai Yiyan's words, Chen Xuan also praised Bai Yiyan in his heart. His words were flawless and left no chance for people to take advantage of. The four dragons on the list were indeed difficult characters, Chen Xuan thought to himself.

However, Chen Xuan never did things that would seek the skin of a tiger. Bai Yiyan looked amiable now, but his character could be seen from the fact that he killed his junior brother without blinking an eye. Therefore, Bai Yiyan could only be used and absolutely could not cooperate. To leave your back to such a person was no different from suicide.

"Mr. Bai, no need. I saved you for my own benefit, so you don't have to be grateful to me. Besides, I, Chen Xuan, always like to be alone with my fellow disciples, so it's not suitable for me to be with you. I hope Mr. Bai will forgive me!" Although Chen Xuan's words were polite and looked like he was afraid of offending Bai Yiyan, the unquestionable tone made Bai Yiyan understand that Chen Xuan was definitely not an easy character to deal with.

"In that case, I won't force it. I, Bai, am a person who remembers favors. If Brother Chen needs me, I will go through fire and water without hesitation!" Bai Yiyan saw that there was no hope of forming an alliance, so Ze stopped pestering. Pegging would hurt the harmony, so he just made friends.

"Okay, if something happens, I will definitely not be polite to Mr. Bai. I guess Mr. Bai has other things to do, right?" Chen Xuan said. Chen Xuan knew that the grudge between Bai Yiyan and Jiang Yihan was irreconcilable, but if the two tigers fought, one of them would be injured, which was also the situation Chen Xuan wanted to see.

The current situation is that Chen Xuan, Bai Yiyan, and Jiang Yihan are in a three-way confrontation. No one dares to make a move easily. If one move is not right, it will be a disaster.

"Jiang Yihan, you seem to be injured!" Bai Yiyan stared at Jiang Yihan's right hand and asked in a strange tone.

"It's just an injury. It will recover in a moment. Thank you for your concern, Brother Bai!" Jiang Yihan's voice carried a hint of warning, meaning that if you, Bai Yiyan, dare to fight with me, then I will definitely not let you have an easy time.

"Jiang Yihan, I naturally don't doubt your recovery ability, but I think we should not continue to drag it here. Everyone is impatient to wait for the secret of Senluo Jiudian. Let's tell everyone quickly and go to Senluo Jiudian to get the treasure together!" Bai Yiyan said.

"Yes, yes, going to Senluo Jiudian to get the treasure is the real business. We don't want to see the intrigues of the four dragons on the list. Where is Senluo Jiudian!" A bearded man in a black robe said.

Jiang Yihan knew that there were two more competitors now. These two competitors were naturally Chen Xuan and Bai Yiyan. Thinking of this, he was furious. If it weren't for Chen Xuan, Bai Yiyan would have died under the swords of the crowd. How could there be such a situation? The current situation was no longer under his control. He couldn't go against the will of the crowd, so he could only say, "Since everyone wants to go to Senluo Jiudian to get the treasure, it's not difficult. Senluo Jiudian is not somewhere else. It's far away and close at hand!" Jiang Yihan's words made everyone look at each other and couldn't help but start to discuss. "Jiang Yihan, what do you mean by far away and close at hand?" Everyone looked around them. There was no trace of treasure. This was clearly an ordinary palace. "Hahaha, let me do it. Jiang Yihan, this ghost thing likes to keep people in suspense. Isn't it better to be direct about such a simple thing? Why do you have to do this?" Bai Yiyan took the right to speak back to his own hands, as if all this was in his plan, including the current right to speak back, which seemed to be carefully arranged. "Then you, why are you keeping us in suspense!" Someone shouted at Bai Yiyan. Bai Yiyan asked and glanced at the man, who shuddered.

"Haha, then I'll tell you, do you know why this Senluo Nine Palaces is called Senluo Nine Palaces? In fact, there are indeed nine Senluo Palaces in Kunwu Secret Realm. The eight stone doors in this hall we see now lead to a Senluo Palace respectively, and the treasures in these Senluo Palaces are not outstanding. The one we are looking for now is the ninth palace of Senluo Nine Palaces!" Bai Yiyan said.

Bai Yiyan paused here, and everyone started to discuss again. It turned out that the eight doors led to a Senluo Palace respectively. No wonder everyone was rushing to go in, but Bai Yiyan also said that the treasures in these eight Senluo Palaces were just ordinary treasures, nothing special. They naturally wanted the treasures of the ninth Senluo Palace brother, but where is the ninth Senluo Palace? This is a mystery. There are only eight passages here, where did the ninth Senluo Palace come from? Could it be that Bai Yiyan and Jiang Yihan teamed up to deceive everyone, but with their identities and strengths, it seems unnecessary.

"Okay, everyone don't ask, I'll do it!" Bai Yiyan deliberately created this atmosphere. Seeing that someone wanted to ask him, he said, "The entrance to the ninth Senluo Palace is at your feet. Everyone step back and make room for the middle one!"

When everyone heard that the entrance to the ninth palace was at their feet, they all stepped back, and immediately made a large space in the middle.

"Everyone, look, the dragon in the middle, the dragon's eye is bigger than the one in the middle.

"Where is the entrance here?" Everyone complained.

Is the general dragon bigger than zero? "Bai Yiyan asked.

"Well, Mr. Bai's move is indeed true, but even so, it can't get in!" one of them said.

"Hahaha, this brother is really laughing. When did I let people in here? This is for us to transfer vitality into it. As long as the amount of vitality is enough, then the gate of the Nine Palaces of Senluo will naturally open. This requires everyone to work together. Opening this door requires huge energy. Even if Jiang Yihan and I use all our energy, it is not enough to be one ten thousandth of his energy. Everyone must work together, and there can be no speculation. Only when one person is not united can the energy that was previously input be lost! Let’s start sending energy to this dragon’s eye together. If the energy is enough, the ninth gate will naturally appear. "Bai. Easy flue.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing whether Bai Yiyan's words were true or false. If they were true, then why didn't he take action together? If it is false, then everyone will know it once he tries it. Then the lie will be self-defeating, so why bother!

"Don't worry, everyone. I, Chen Xuan, and Jiang Yihan must not take action, because after the door appears, we will still need the strength of the three of us. After all, the three of us are the strongest among everyone, and Nasen Luo It's not something that just one person can control, so I'm doing this for everyone's benefit, so you can just lose your energy with peace of mind!" Bai Yiyan stepped aside and stood beside Chen Xuan and Jiang Yihan.

Everyone hesitated for a moment, and then one person began to send vitality into the dragon's eye. As long as one person started, the others put down their worries, and everyone began to send vitality into the dragon's eye in an orderly manner. For a moment, The entire space was filled with colorful energy, and the entire space exuded huge energy fluctuations.

"Chen Xuan, Bai Yiyan's and I's men have all gone to convey vitality. Although your men are few, they are no exception, right?" Jiang Yihan looked at Sun Tingting beside Chen Xuan and said.

After listening to Jiang Yihan's words, Chen Xuan's expressionless face suddenly turned grim. Chen Xuan's slender fingers on his left hand were raised slightly, pointing at Jiang Yihan's face, and he only uttered a few words: "If you don't want to die, just stop..." talk"!

Jiang Yihan's face was ashen. Who dared to talk to him like this? Even Bai Yiyan, Qiu Rushuang and the others wouldn't dare. However, the sword in Chen Xuan's hand was really a sharp weapon. He was not paying attention just now, and he His arm was almost cut off. If Chen Xuan let the sword do whatever he wanted, wouldn't he be in trouble? Although if he let the sword fight freely, Bai Yiyan would definitely not let go of this opportunity, but Jiang Yihan was not willing to Use your own life to bet. If you do this, if you are attacked by Tailing Sword Mountain, will Bai Yiyan let him go after killing Chen Xuan? ? Obviously impossible.

Jiang Yihan rubbed his nose and didn't dare to continue talking, while Bai Yiyan sneered from the side. He was very happy to see Jiang Yihan eating up. At the same time, he secretly cursed Jiang Yihan for being brainless. These two people couldn't be more different at first glance. Chen Xuan's servant, if he said such stupid words, he would be asking for trouble.

Just then, there was a loud bang! The entire hall shook, as if it would collapse at any time. With a loud noise, an ancient stone door slowly rose from the ground, and the ancient and vicissitudes of life rushed towards the face.

Seeing this situation, everyone quickly stopped and retreated.

"You two, use our strongest attack to attack this stone gate!" Bai Yiyan looked at the dusty and primitive stone gate. He was not stunned and shouted directly to Chen Xuan and Bai Yiyan. After hearing this, Chen Xuan A little surprised, he secretly thought that Bai Yiyan was really powerful. This kind of grand, simple stone gate with its own attraction did not attract him. He could still keep calm for the first time, but Chen Xuan and Jiang Yihan were both the same. People with excellent character, when they heard Bai Yiyan's shout, the two of them attacked the stone gate without hesitation.

However, with just one wave of attacks, the stone gate slowly opened as if encountering a nemesis. The stone door that had been covered in dust for many years had an endless creaking sound when it was opened. Just when the stone door had just opened to allow a person to enter, a person suddenly couldn't wait and walked through the stone door with a whooshing sound. Chen Xuan saw that the faces of the two people beside him were all expressions. He smiled and seemed to have no intention of moving, so he stood still and did not move. He knew that these two people should be more familiar with the situation inside than anyone else, so they must have their own reasons for not moving.

Just when everyone started to squeeze into the stone gate, screams suddenly came from the stone gate, as if they had encountered something extremely terrifying. Chen Xuan observed the expressions of the two people, and they still remained Smiling and calm.

The screams coming from the door made the people who had just rushed to the door pause for a moment. However, driven by the huge interests, they no longer cared about it. They only paused for a moment, but the flow of people continued to flow in the door. Go.

Everyone was still rushing towards the door, no one hesitated, but at this time, Jiang Yihan and Bai Yiyan suddenly moved. The two of them were extremely fast. Chen Xuan had just reacted and they had already rushed there. In front of the ancient stone gate, he disappeared into the crowd. Chen Xuan did not dare to hesitate and chased after him with Sun Tingting. Sun Tingting looked at the sword in Chen Xuan's hand and always wanted to ask Chen Xuan what the origin of this sword was. Such power made both Bai Yiyan and Jiang Yihan so afraid.

The two of them chased Bai Yiyan and Jiang Yihan all the way. As soon as Chen and Xuan entered the stone gate, a strong smell of blood hit their nostrils. Behind the stone gate was a long and narrow passage filled with corpses. Chen Xuan and Chen almost walked on the corpses. The corpses were already piled on the ground. , paved a road of corpses!

When Chen Xuan saw this scene, he couldn't help but sigh, "The world only knows that there are many opportunities in the Kunwu Secret Realm, but they don't know how much life they have to pay!"

Sun Tingting shook her head slightly, not commenting on the law. They chose this path themselves. No one can blame them. Even if they die, they can't blame others. This is the world, so who can blame them?

The old and simple atmosphere in the passage had been completely covered up by the smell of blood. Chen Xuan could still vaguely see the two figures of Bai Yiyan and Jiang Yihan, but in the blink of an eye, the two figures had completely disappeared.

Chen Xuan had no choice but to open the Second Martial Arts Shrine, hoping to use his powerful spiritual consciousness to capture the whereabouts of Er Rao. Unexpectedly, there seemed to be an insurmountable barrier in front of him, and Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness completely failed at that place.

Chen Xuan was a little unwilling to give in. He tried several times while chasing, but it was still difficult to penetrate the barrier.

"You three, get out of my way!" Naturally, Chen Xuan was not the only one in the passage. There were many people around Chen Xuan, but at this time, a voice suddenly came from behind Chen Xuan. These people had just Entering from the entrance of Kunwu Secret Realm, as soon as I entered, I saw many people squeezing in desperately in this simple stone door.

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